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Light-weight GM mapped WebAudio-JavaScript Synthesizer Engine / MIDI Player

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Light-weight GM mapped WebAudio-JavaScript Synthesizer Engine / MIDI Player

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# webaudio-tinysynth
WebAudio Tiny GM mapped Synthesizer [JavaScript]


## Overview

**webaudio-tinysynth** is a small synthesizer written in JavaScript with GM like timbre map.
All timbres are generated by the combinations of Oscillator and dynamically generated BufferSource algolithmically without any PCM samples.

- There are two ways to use this library, CustomElement or simple Javascript library.
The CustomElement can be used by a Tag in HTML, '<webaudio-tinysynth></webaudio-tinysynth>'. It has small graphical display and play controls like HTML5 <audio> tags. MIDI file drop is also acceptable. JavaScript version has no GUI and everything are controlled by function call. The synthesizer instance will be created like this: 'synth = new WebAudioTinySynth()'. You can control from the JavaScript API in the same way in either usage.

- The APIs are MIDI like. Function `send([midi-message],timestamp)` receives MIDI message and generate sounds.

- Two timbre set are supported. These are switched by `quality` option. `quality=0` mode is light-weight chip-tune like sounds that use 1 osc per 1 note. `quality=1` mode is FM based sounds and use 2 or more osc per 1 note.

- webaudio-tinysynth has a built-in MIDI-SMF (.mid file) sequencer. It is initiated by function call or MIDI file drag & drop.

CustomElement version GUI :
![./tinysynth0.png](./tinysynth0.png) MIDI files is not loaded

![./tinysynth1.png](./tinysynth1.png) MIDI files is loaded
Upper red indicator shows Note#
Lower red indicator shows MIDI ch.

## Files
**webaudio-tinysynth.js** : JavaScript library
**webaudio-tinysynth.min.js** : JavaScript library minified version
Each one works with only one file, there are no dependencies.

## Environment
Webaudio-tinysynth is confirmed to work with the following browsers
* Chrome / Firefox / Edge / Safari

## Live Demo
Test Pages are here :
[soundedit.html]( (CustomElement playable demo with timbre edit function / MIDI keyboard via WebMIDI API)
[simple.html]( (Most simple sample of CustomElement)
[jstest.html]( (Use from simple JavaScript without GUI)

## Usage

### Load this Library

* Necessary file is a `webaudio-tinysynth.js` ( or minified `webaudio-tinysynth.min.js` ) only. Deploy webaudio-tinysynth.js appropriately and load library:
* ``.
* Or load it from a CDN:
* Or:
* Or via npm (`npm install webaudio-tinysynth --save`):
`var WebAudioTinySynth = require('webaudio-tinysynth');`

### Without GUI

* To make the instance of synthesizer without GUI, use following command :
`synth = new WebAudioTinySynth();`
Some options are acceptable. For example :
* `synth = new WebAudioTinySynth({quality:0, useReverb:0});`

* Then use the function calls described later for that instance. For example...
`synth.send([0x90, 60, 100]); // NoteOn:ch1 Note#:60 Velocity:100 `

### With GUI

+ If you want to run on older browsers that don't support custom elements, you need a polyfill of 'CustomElements'. Following script tag will load polyfill from CDN. Be sure to read polyfill before webaudio-tinysynth.js
* ``

* Place webaudio-tinysynth element in HTML
* ``
* To get instance of synthesizer for JavaScript API, as usual:
`synth = document.getElementById("wbaudio-tinysynth tag id here");`

## Attributes
These attributes are for CustomElement.

|Attribute |Options|Default |Description |
|**width** |String |"300px" | width of element |
|**height** |String |"32px" | height of element |
|**masterVol** |Number | 1.0 | master volume |
|**reverbLev** |Number | 0.3 | reverb level |
|**useReverb** |Number | 1 | disable Reverb if 0. It makes a little save the CPU consumption. |
|**quality** |Number | 1 | 0: 1osc/note chiptune like
1: 2 or more oscs/note FM based|
|**src** |String |null | .mid file url |
|**loop** |Number | 0 | loop playMIDI |
|**disableDrop** |Number | 0 | disable MIDI file drop |
|**graph** |Number | 1 | enable waveform graph |
|**internalContext**|Number | 1 | Use internal audioContext|
|**tsmode** |Number | 0 | default timestamp mode |
|**perfmon** |Number | 0 | performance monitor |
|**voices** |Number | 64 | Max number of simultaneous voices. Large number needs more CPU. |

* In default, necessary audioContext will be created internally. `internalContext="0"` will prevent this and should provide audioContext with `setAudioContext()` function.
* Note that the webaudio-tinysynth may not be ready yet immediately after 'window.onload' if you use 'CustomElement'. especially be careful if using webcomponents polyfill. Use `ready()` function for wait to complete th initialize that return a `Promise` that will be resolved when initialize completed.
`isReady` flag also be usable for confirming the synth is ready.

// use "then"
synth = document.getElementById("synth");

// or in "async" function :
async function() {
synth = document.getElementById("synth");
await synth.ready();


## Functions
These functions are available for polymer module and javascript version.

> Constructor of WebAudioTinySynth for JavaScript version. This is not used for Polymer version. options is a object with members :

> **quality** : Specify timbre quality same as setQuality(). default is `1`.
> **useReverb** : If zero, disable reverb function.
> **voices** : max number of voices.
> For example, `new WebAudioTinySynth({quality:0, useReverb:0, voices:32})`

> Get current in-use AudioContext.

**setAudioContext(audioContext, destinationNode)**
> In default, though audioContext is internally created and used, this function can specify `audioContext` should be used.
> All sounds are routed to specified `destinationNode`, or audioContext.destination is used if destinationNode is not specified.
> the audioContext in use currently can be accessed with `getAudioContext()` fucntion.

> get name of specified timbre. m=0:normal channel voice,n=prog#. or m=1:drum track,n=note#

> Switch timbre set.
> q=0 : chip tune like 1 osc / note.
> q=1 : FM based 2 (or more) osc / note.

> Master volume setting. default=0.5.

> Reverb Level setting. default=0.3.

> if non zero, MIDI play is looped.

> set max voices that simultaneous sounds, default is 64.

> load MIDI data to built-in sequencer. mididata is a arraybuffer of SMF (.mid file contents).

> load MIDI data from specified url

> play loaded MIDI data.

> stop playing MIDI data.

> locate current playing position in tick.

> get current MIDI sequence play status.
> return value is a object `{play:playstatus, curTick:currenttick, maxTick:maxtick}`

> Set time stamp mode that is used in send() or Channel message functions.
> If `mode=0` timestamp is a time of in-use audioContext's currentTime timeline.
> If `mode=1` timestamp is HighResolutionTime timeline.

> Even webaudio-tinysynth has defaultly GM mapped timbre set, This function can overwrite with user-definable timbre.
> `m=0` : timbre for normal channel.
> `m=1` : timbre for rhythm channel (ch=9).
> `n` : program number for normal channel or notenumber for rhythm channel.
> `p` : timbre object. Source of this object can be created by soundedit.html **(Details are not yet documented)**

> Reset all channel to initial state. Including all controllers, program, chVol, pan and bendRange.

**send([midi-message], t)**
> midi-message is an array of midi data-bytes for one message. For example,
> `send([0x90, 60, 100], t)` is for NoteOn ch=1 note#=60 velocity=100.
> `t` is a timestamp that this message should be processed.
> The timeline of `t` is depends on timestampmode that is set by setTsMode() function.
> If timestampmode == 0 (default), `t` is a time (sec) in timeline of the in use audioContext.currentTime. If timestampmode == 1, `t` is a time (msec) in HighResolutionTime ( timeline.
> In both timestamp mode, this message will be immediately processed if `t`=0 or omitted.
> If timestampmode is omitted, the mode depends on `tsmode` in Attributes.

#### Channel Message Functions

Followings are voicing functions that controls each note directly. Each function is almost equivalent to corresponding `send([MIDI-message],t)` but prepared for human readability.

In these functions, the `ch` parameter specify the MIDI channel. Each channel has individual timbre and set of control parameters, for example bend, modulation, expression, and so on. `ch` range is 0-15. (In MIDI spec., called 'channel 1-16')
`ch`==9 is a special channel for rhythm. In this channel, each note number is assigned to individual percussive instruments according to GM drummap (Note number 35-81).

Almost function has the timestamp, `t` parameter. That specify accurate timing of the effect occur. Refer `send()` function for details of timestamp. Anyway the command is immediately processed if `t` is 0 or omitted.

**noteOn(ch, note, velo, t)**
> Generate a note in specified channel. `note` is the note number that specify pitch. `60` is middle 'C'. `velo` is velocity that control the volume of the note. velocity range is 0-127. this function is processed same as noteOff() if `velo` is `0`.

**noteOff(ch, note, t)**
> stop the note that is generated by noteOn(). One noteOff() (or equivalent noteOn with velo=0) should be called corresponding to one noteOn() call.

**setModulation(ch, val, t)**
> set modulation (vibrato) depth. `val` range is 0-127. +- 100 cent depth if val=127.

**setChVol(ch, val, t)**
> set volume of the channel. `val` range is 0-127. Default value is 100.

**setPan(ch, val, t)**
> Set pan of the channel. `val` range is 0-127. Default value=64.
> 0:left
> 64:center
> 127:right.

**setExpression(ch, val, t)**
> Set expression level. `val` range is 0-127. Both Expression and ChVol are control the Channel volume, but Expression is mainly used as note's articulation.

**setSustain(ch, val, t)**
> Set sustain pedal state. While sustain is on, generated notes in that channel are sustained even corresponding noteOff() is called. Note that `val` is judged as 'on' if `val>=64`. Usually use `0` and `127` as a value.

**setProgram(ch, pg)**
> Set timbre for that channel. `pg` range is 0-127 that is timbre number in GM map.

**setBend(ch, val, t)**
> Set pitch bend state. Notes in this channel are all affected to this pitch modification. `val` range is 0 to 16384 and the center with no bend is 8192. sensitivity is depends on `setBendRange()` setting. Default state is `8192`.

**setBendRange(ch, val)**
> Set bend sensitivity for that channel. `val` unit is 100/127 cent. That means +-1 octave if 0x600, +-1 semitone if 0x80.
Default value is 0x100 that means +-200 cent (2 semitone) range.

> Stop all sound of specified ch immediately. All notes initiated by noteOn() go to noteOff state.

> Control parameters of specified ch are reset. It includes Bend / Modulation / Expression / Sustain.

## MIDI implimentation chart

| |Recognized|Description |
|**Basic Channel** | Yes | 1-16. ch10 = drum track |
|**NoteOn / NoteOff** | Yes | note# 0-127 / velocity 0-127 |
|**Polyphonic Pressure** | No | |
|**Control Change** | Yes | see bellow |
|**Program Change** | Yes | program 0-127 |
|**Channel Pressure** | No | |
|**Pitch Bend** | Yes | -8192 - +8191 |
|**Control Number** | | |
|**1** | Yes | Modulation |
|**6 / 38** | Yes | Data Entry |
|**7** | Yes | Channel Volume |
|**10** | Yes | Pan |
|**11** | Yes | Expression |
|**64** | Yes | Sustain |
|**100/101** | Yes | RPN Index |
|**Channel Mode Message**| | |
|**120** | Yes | all sound off |
|**121** | Yes | reset all controller |
|**123** | Yes | all note off |
|**RPN** | | |
|**0** | Yes | Bend Range |
|**1** | Yes | Channel Fine Tuning |
|**2** | Yes | Channel Coarse Tuning |
|**Universal SysEx** | | |
|**F0 F7 xx 04 03 lsb msb F7** | Yes | Master Fine Tuning |
|**F0 F7 xx 04 04 00 msb F7** | Yes | Master Coarse Tuning |
|**GS Exclusive** | | |
|**F0 41 xx 42 12 40 00 05 xx xx xx xx sum F7** | Yes |Master Tuning |
|**F0 41 xx 42 12 40 00 05 xx sum F7** | Yes |Master Transpose |
|**F0 41 xx 42 12 40 1x 15 xx sum F7** | Yes |Use For Rhythm Part |
|**F0 41 xx 42 12 40 1x 4x xx sum F7** | Yes |Scale Tuning |

## Timbre Object Structure
As you can see that in source code, each timbre is represented as a object array. Fore example the program# 1 "Acoustic Grand Piano" is like this :

Each element of the array means a oscillator and object member means :
* g: output destination 0=final output / n=FM to specified osc
* w: waveform
"sine"/"sawtooth"/"square"/"triangle" (basic waveforms)
"w9999" (summing 1-4 harmonics)
"n0" (white noise)
"n1" (metalic noise)
* v: volume
* t: tune factor according to note#
* f: fixed frequency in Hz
* a: attack time
* h: hold time
* d: decay time
* s: sustain level
* r: release time (5 params make AHDSR envelope)
* p: pitch bend
* q: pitch bend speed factor
* k: volume key tracking factor

You can test how these parameter work with 'Timbre Editor' panel in 'soundedit.html'. And the created timbre can be used with `setTimbre()` function.

## License

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0