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Road Segmentation.Image Segmentation using CNN Tensorflow with SegNet

cnn cnn-for-visual-recognition computer-vision convolutional-neural-network deep-learning f road-segmentation segmentation segnet tensorflow tensorflow-experiments

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Road Segmentation.Image Segmentation using CNN Tensorflow with SegNet

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# Road Segmentation
Road Segmentation.Image Segmentation using CNN tensorflow with SegNet

**Abstract In this work we present two methods to segmentroads on satellite images. We first show how we can augmentan image dataset when the one at disposal is too small toproperly train a machine learning algorithm. Then we quicklydemonstrate what features can be exploited and how to handlethem in order to make the best prediction with a linear logisticregression. Finally, we present a method based on a deep fullyconvolutional neural network architecture for semantic pixel-wise segmentation called SegNet.

## Introduction
The goal of this work is to segment roads on satellite images (Figure 1) by using machine learning techniques.
In other words, we want to assign a label (road or background) to each pixel of the image. Before selecting
the best algorithm, an effort is made on how to augment
a small image data set and how to get the most relevant
features out of it. Then we present 2 different classes
of algorithm. The first one is a linear logistic regression
whereas the second one, called SegNet [1] uses a more
complicated scheme based on a convolutional neural
network (CNN).

![Fig1. Exampel of satellite image ](projectRoadSegmentation/report/pics/satImage.png)

Fig1. Exampel of satellite image

A set of N = 100 training images of size 400 × 400
pixels is provided. The set contains different aerial
pictures of urban areas. Together with this training set, the
Figure 2.
Ground truth of satellite image example.
corresponding ground truth grayscale images (Figure 2) are
also available. Note that the ground truth images need to
be converted into label images. Concretely, each pixel y i
can only take one of the two possible values corresponding
to the classes: road label (y i = 1) or background label
(y i = 0). In order to binarize the ground truth images, a
threshold of 25% is set. This means that every pixel with
an intensity lower than 75% of the maximum possible value
is set to 0 and the rest is set to 1. With 8 bits images, the
maximum value is 255 which sets the threshold to 191.
This pixel threshold has a direct impact on the width of the
road label in the computed label image.

![Fig2. Ground truth of satellite image example ](projectRoadSegmentation/report/pics/satImage_gt.png)

Fig2. Ground truth of satellite image example

The problem that arises with such a small training set
(100 images only) is overfitting. Moreover in order to train
any convolutional neural network properly it is necessary
to augment the dataset. Analysing the training set, it is
obvious that it contains mainly pictures with strictly vertical
and horizontal roads. For that reason, creating new images
by rotating the original ones allows to increase the size of
the dataset and generates data which will be useful to better
train the algorithm. Specifically, we rotate each image by
angles going from 5 to 355 degrees every 5 degrees (i.e. 5,
10, 15,..., 355). That way we generate a set of images with
roads in every directions. In summary, for each image of
the original training set, 70 images are generated using therotations, resulting in a new training set of 7100 images.
This augmented training set is then suitable for the training
of the CNN.

## Methodology

In order to gain computational efficiency, square patches
can be used instead of working with every pixels (see Figure
3). This make sense because a road is never composed by
a single pixel but is rather made of blocks of pixels. The
smaller the patch, the longer the simulations, but the finer
the prediction. It is therefore important to find a trade-off.
We’ve found that taking patches of size 8 × 8 gives decent
result in a reasonable time. Within each patch, the mean and
the variance in the 3 channels (RGB) are computed. On top
of these 6 features, we add the computation of the histogram
of oriented gradients (HOG) in 8 directions. The HOG is a
descriptor used in many computer vision tasks for object
detection purpose. It also consists of splitting the image in
patches and gives their gradient orientation quantized by the
angle and weighted by the magnitude. This makes a total
of 14 features per patch. Since we have 50 × 50 = 2500
patches, it makes a total of 35000 features per image.

![Fig3. Ground truth of satellite image example ](projectRoadSegmentation/report/pics/prediction_patch.png)

Fig3. Example of a prediction using 16 × 16 patches. The predicted
road are in red. Each red square correspond to a patch

The feature matrix is pretty sparse like shown on Figure
4. The histogram shows a large peak of zeros followed by a
decay. This decay-like shape suggests us to manipulate the
features in order to get a distribution following a normal
distribution. This can be obtained by taking the square root
of the features and can be observed on Figure 5. These
features are fed to a simple linear logistic regression using

![Fig4. ](projectRoadSegmentation/report/pics/hist_feats.png)

Fig4. Histogram of the features computed on one of the satellite image

![Fig5. ](projectRoadSegmentation/report/pics/hist_sqrt_feats.png)

Fig5. Histogram of the square root of the features computed on the
same image

As a second step, we use the SegNet architecture which is
a deep fully convolutional neural network. The SegNet archi-
tecture consists of a sequence of non-linear processing layers
(encoders) and a corresponding set of decoders followed by
a pixelwise classifier. Typically, each encoder consists of one
or more convolutional layers with batch normalisation and a
rectified linear unit (ReLU) non-linearity, followed by non-
overlapping maxpooling and sub-sampling [2]. The Figure
6 shows the SegNet overall architecture.
Segmentation problems often use spatial softmax to try to
classify each pixel. The Loss L used in SegNet is basically
a Spatial Multinomial Cross-Entropy that runs on each pixel
of the output tensor, compared to the label image.
The SegNet implementation in tensorflow is taken from
the github reference code of Leonardo Araujo [3]. Two
versions of SegNet are available: ”connected” and ”gate
connected”. Both versions take the output of the previous
convolver and the output convolver of the corresponding
Encoder part as input for the Decoder.

![Fig6. ](projectRoadSegmentation/report/pics/segnet.png)

Fig6. SegNet architecture

In order to apply a cross-validation, the training set is randomly split into 2 parts. 80% is used for training (5680
images) and 20% (1420 images) for testing. For SegNet,
we use a mini batch of 50 images. The initial learning
rate is set to 0.001 with a decay every 10000 steps. Note
also that the size of the image is reduced to 224 × 224
pixels in order to speed up the training of the neural network.

To compare the methods, we compute the percentage of
accurate patches (first method) or pixels (second method)
prediction using the test set.

## Results
The first method using the linear logistic regression has
been put aside pretty quickly because even with the fea-
tures transformation (taking the square root), the prediction
didn’t exceed 0.59 on the test set. Taking into account that
prediction by flipping a coin would give 0.5, it is not a big
achievement. This is probably due to the fact that the mean,
variance and HOG are not sufficient to differentiate the roads
from the rest of the objects.
Regarding SegNet, the results are way more encouraging.
Indeed the prediction rate almost reaches 0.9, with both
SegNet connected (0.86) and connected gate (0.87).

![Fig7. ](projectRoadSegmentation/report/pics/pred.png)

Fig7. Complex example of satellite image. There are roads in many
directions and trees on the road

![Fig8. ](projectRoadSegmentation/report/pics/pred_label.png)

Fig8. Prediction of the complex example using SegNet

## Discussion
The logistic regression yields pretty disappointing results.
This can be explained by the reasons given above and by
the fact that using patches has a main drawback. With this
method we loose the continuity of the image and thus the
information of the neighbor pixels at the boundaries of the
patches. For instance, since a road is continuous, there is a
bigger chance that a pixel is a road if its neighbors are roads
than if they are part of the background. With more time, it
would be interesting to keep the same prediction method but
use much more features and possibly get information on the
neighbor patches. However, finding most relevant features
is a tedious job. For this reason we decided to use a deep
learning method instead.
In the case of SegNet, we were expecting higher scores but
it actually overfits a bit. This can be observed on Figure 9
which shows that after 7 iterations, the spatial loss increases
again. To avoid this behavior, it would be good to have a
broader training set in the sense that its images do not differ
much. It would be also good to try to tune Segnet to have better results.

![Fig9. ](projectRoadSegmentation/report/pics/overfitting.png)

Fig9. Spatial loss w.r.t the epoch number. It overfits after epoch 6.

## Summary
In this work we have shown how to augment an images
training using rotations. Furthermore, we have presented
the convolutional neural network SegNet which yields a
fairly good prediction for road segmentation on satellite images. However, one must pay attention to overfitting very

## References

[1] V. Badrinarayanan, A. Kendall, and R. Cipolla, “Segnet: A
deep convolutional encoder-decoder architecture for image
segmentation,” CoRR, vol. abs/1511.00561, 2015. [Online].

[2] V. Badrinarayanan, A. Handa, and R. Cipolla, “SegNet: A
Deep Convolutional Encoder-Decoder Architecture for Robust
Semantic Pixel-Wise Labelling,” ArXiv e-prints, May 2015.

[3] L. Araujosantos, “Learn Segmentation,”
leonardoaraujosantos/LearnSegmentation, 2017.

[Report can be found here in pdf](projectRoadSegmentation/bazinga-submission.pdf)