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A swipeable cards interface. The swipe-left/swipe-right for yes/no input. As seen in apps like Jelly and Tinder.

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A swipeable cards interface. The swipe-left/swipe-right for yes/no input. As seen in apps like Jelly and Tinder.

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# Swing

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A swipeable cards interface. The swipe-left/swipe-right for yes/no input. As seen in apps like [Jelly]( and [Tinder](, and [many others](

Give it a [swing](! and please [tweet it]( if you like it. : )

![Card stack example.](./.README/card-stack.gif)

## Contents

* [Usage Examples](#usage-examples)
* [Use Case](#use-case)
* [Single-Handed Navigation](#single-handed-navigation)
* [Digestible Unit of Information](#digestible-unit-of-information)
* [Data](#data)
* [Quick Start](#quick-start)
* [Configuration](#configuration)
* [Methods](#methods)
* [Throwing Card Out of the Stack](#throwing-card-out-of-the-stack)
* [Events](#events)
* [Event Object](#event-object)
* [Download](#download)
* [Browser Bundle](#browser-bundle)
* [Dependencies](#dependencies)

## Usage Examples

* [Card stack](
* [Card stack]( using [angular-swing]( module.
* [Card-stack]( using [angular2-swing]( module.
* [Programmatically control]( the state of the card.
* [Indicate the state of the drop]( using `throwConfidence` and `direction` [event object](#event-object) properties.

The code for all of the examples is in the [./examples/](./examples/) folder.

[Raise an issue]( if you are missing an example.

## Use Case

A collection of observations about the extended use case of the swipeable cards interface, that I found useful when considering the implementation.

### Single-Handed Navigation

> Mobile devices are frequently used on-the-go, which drastically increases the probability that you'll attempt to navigate apps using just one hand, with the key digit being the mighty thumb.
> Instead of browsing endless lists for the hidden perfect piece of data — be it the right music for the moment, what to do tonight, or your next potential hookup — card-swiping turns decision making into a highly engaging Choose-Your-Own-Adventure game.


### Digestible Unit of Information

> [..] the "card" on a mobile device becomes more and more important as a digestible unit of information on a small screen for users who are on the go and mostly glancing through their apps before settling into the ones that truly engage them.


### Data

> More than a scroll and perhaps even more than discrete taps themselves, cards create repetitive, deliberate, discrete decision moments over and over. And as the user swipes, you can learn.
> The time they swipe, the speed they swipe, what they swiped, the geolocation where they swiped, and even how similar the results of that swipe are vs. a swipe earlier that session are all possibilities that are yielding smarter apps for you and me every day.


## Quick Start



// Prepare the cards in the stack for iteration.
const cards = []'ul li'));

// An instance of the Stack is used to attach event listeners.
const stack = Swing.Stack();

cards.forEach((targetElement) => {
// Add card element to the Stack.

// Add event listener for when a card is thrown out of the stack.
stack.on('throwout', (event) => {
// Reference to the element that has been thrown out of the stack.
// e.throwDirection Direction in which the element has been thrown (Direction.LEFT, Direction.RIGHT).

console.log('Card has been thrown out of the stack.');
console.log('Throw direction: ' + (event.throwDirection == Direction.LEFT ? 'left' : 'right'));

// Add event listener for when a card is thrown in the stack, including the spring back into place effect.
stack.on('throwin', () => {
console.log('Card has snapped back to the stack.');

## Configuration

const config = {
* Invoked in the event of dragmove.
* Returns a value between 0 and 1 indicating the completeness of the throw out condition.
* Ration of the absolute distance from the original card position and element width.
* @param {number} xOffset Distance from the dragStart.
* @param {number} yOffset Distance from the dragStart.
* @param {HTMLElement} element Element.
* @returns {number}
throwOutConfidence: (xOffset, yOffset, element) => {
const xConfidence = Math.min(Math.abs(xOffset) / element.offsetWidth, 1);
const yConfidence = Math.min(Math.abs(yOffset) / element.offsetHeight, 1);

return Math.max(xConfidence, yConfidence);

const stack = stack = Swing.Stack(config);

| Name | Description | Default |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `isThrowOut` | Invoked in the event of `dragend`. Determines if element is being thrown out of the stack. | Element is considered to be thrown out when `throwOutConfidence` is equal to 1. |
| `allowedDirections` | Array of directions in which cards can be thrown out. | [Direction.DOWN, Direction.LEFT, Direction.RIGHT, Direction.UP]. |
| `throwOutConfidence` | Invoked in the event of `dragmove`. Returns a value between 0 and 1 indicating the completeness of the throw out condition. | Ration of the absolute distance from the original card position and element width. |
| `throwOutDistance` | Invoked when card is added to the stack. The card is thrown to this offset from the stack. | The value is a random number between `minThrowOutDistance` and `maxThrowOutDistance`. |
| `minThrowOutDistance` | In effect when `throwOutDistance` is not overwritten. | 450. |
| `maxThrowOutDistance` | In effect when `throwOutDistance` is not overwritten. | 500. |
| `rotation` | Invoked in the event of `dragmove`. Determine the rotation of the element. | Rotation is equal to the proportion of horizontal and vertical offset times the `maximumRotation` constant. |
| `maxRotation` | In effect when `rotation` is not overwritten. | 20. |
| `transform` | Invoked in the event of `dragmove` and every time the physics solver is triggered. | Uses CSS transform to translate element position and rotation. |
| `allowMovement` | Function that determines if movement is allowed when a movement event is fired. It has two arguments, the `event` object and a `boolean` set to true if on a touch device. | A function that returns true for all movement events. |

All of the configuration parameters are optional. Refer to the source code of the [card]( module to learn the parameters associated with every callback.

## Methods

const stack = Swing.Stack();
const card = stack.createCard(HTMLElement);

| Name | Description |
| --- | --- |
| `stack.createCard(element, prepend)` | Creates an instance of Card and associates it with the element. If prepend is true, the card is prepended to the stack, instead of appended [default: false]. |
| `stack.getCard(element)` | Returns card associated with an element. |
| `stack.on(event, listener)` | Attaches an [event listener](#events). |
| `card.on(event, listener)` | Attaches an [event listener](#events). |
| `card.throwIn(coordinateX, coordinateY)` | Throws a card into the stack from an arbitrary position. `coordinateX, coordinateY` is the position at the start of the throw. |
| `card.throwOut(coordinateX, coordinateY)` | Throws a card out of the stack in the direction away from the original offset. `coordinateX, coordinateY` is the position at the start of the throw. |
| `card.destroy()` | Unbinds all Hammer.Manager events. Removes the listeners from the physics simulation. |

### Throwing Card Out of the Stack

Use the `card.throwOut(coordinateX, coordinateY)` method to throw the card out of the stack. Offset the position to whatever direction you want to throw the card, e.g.

card.throwOut(Direction.LEFT, 0);
card.throwOut(Direction.RIGHT, 0);

To make the animation more diverse, use random value for the `coordinateY` parameter.

## Events

Event listener can be attached to an instance of `Swing.Stack` or `Swing.Card` using the `on` method:

const stack = Swing.Stack();

const card = stack.createCard(HTMLElement);

card.on('throwout', () => {});
stack.on('throwout', () => {});

| Name | Description |
| --- | --- |
| `throwout` | When card has been thrown out of the stack. |
| `throwoutend` | When card has been thrown out of the stack and the animation has ended. |
| `throwoutdown` | Shorthand for `throwout` event in the `Direction.DOWN` direction. |
| `throwoutleft` | Shorthand for `throwout` event in the `Direction.LEFT` direction. |
| `throwoutright` | Shorthand for `throwout` event in the `Direction.RIGHT` direction. |
| `throwoutup` | Shorthand for `throwout` event in the `Direction.UP` direction. |
| `throwin` | When card has been thrown into the stack. |
| `throwinend` | When card has been thrown into the stack and the animation has ended. |
| `dragstart` | Hammer [panstart]( |
| `dragmove` | Hammer [panmove]( |
| `dragend` | Hammer [panend]( |
| `destroyCard` | When card.destroy calls stack.destroyCard. |

### Event Object

Event listener is invoked with a single `eventObject` parameter:

const stack = Swing.Stack();

stack.on('throwout', (eventObject) => {});

| Name | Value |
| --- | --- |
| `target` | The element being dragged. |
| `direction` | The direction in which the element is being dragged: `Direction.DOWN`, `Direction.LEFT`, `Direction.RIGHT` or `Direction.UP`. |
| `throwOutConfidence` | A value between 0 and 1 indicating the completeness of the throw out condition. |