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Space-efficient minimizer-based pangenome reference graph and haplotype mapping tool

bioinformatics genomics graph-algorithms pangenome read-mapping sequence-alignment

Last synced: 2 months ago
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Space-efficient minimizer-based pangenome reference graph and haplotype mapping tool

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# chrom_mini_graph

chrom_mini_graph is a tool for generating and mapping reads onto a chromatic (coloured) minimizer pangenome graph.

### Requirements

1. [rust]( and associated tools such as cargo are required and assumed to be in PATH.
2. cmake version >= 3.12 has to be in path due to dependency on --parallel command (see [here](

### Install

git clone
cd chrom_mini_graph
cargo build --release
./target/release/chrom_mini_graph generate test_refs/*
./target/release/chrom_mini_graph map -a -b test_bam.bam serialized_mini_graph.bin test_reads/hg_01243_pacbio_reads.fastq > output.txt

1. `cargo build --release` first builds the **chrom_mini_graph** binary, which is found in the ./target/release/ directory.
2. The `chrom_mini_graph generate` command generates a coloured minimizer pangenome graph.
3. The `chrom_mini_graph map` command chains onto the output graph and produces an alignment. The `-a` option outputs a BAM file with name specified by the `-b` option.

* 6 reference 1M bp segments of chromosome 20 are provided in the test_ref folder.
* Simulated PacBio CLR reads for hg01243 are available in the test_reads folder.

# Using chrom_mini_graph

## generate

`chrom_mini_graph generate ref_1.fasta ref_2.fasta ... -o output_from_generate` to create a coloured minimizer pangenome graph for references ref_1.fasta, ref_2.fasta, etc. The output specified by the `-o` option is used for the mapping step.

* The window size can be easily modified in the `src/bin/` file. The default value is 16.
* Outputs a \*.bin file to be used for mapping and other auxillary information; see below.
* Each fasta file can have multiple contigs. Each contig will be treated as its own reference genome.

### Ordering for `generate`

The first reference used (i.e. `ref_1.fasta`) serves as the backbone for the minimizer graph. Make sure that this first reference is the most contiguous contig.

## map

A proof of concept read-to-graph chainer by chaining minimizers in the read onto the graph without knowledge of colour and then finding the best colours (reference genomes) for the chain.

`chrom_mini_graph map -a output_from_generate.bin your_reads.fastq -b bam_name.bam > output.txt` outputs the bam file `bam_name.bam` and directs stdout to a output.txt log.

The file *best_genome_reads.txt* is also output. The `best_genome_reads.txt` shows the top 5 (or less) best candidate reference genomes for each read. The format is
chrom_1 score_1
chrom_2 score_2
chrom_1 score_1
chrom_2 score_2

More than 5 best candidates may be output due to secondary alignments and less than 5 may be output if the read is deemed unmappable to certain references.


* Only the best candidate genome is aligned to.
* No supplementary/secondary alignments are output in the bam file; MapQ is defaulted to 60.