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# jmpost

```{r, echo = FALSE}
collapse = TRUE,
comment = "#>",
fig.path = "README-"

[![Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed.](](
[![Code Coverage](](


The goal of the `jmpost` package is to fit joint models involving:

1. a parametric time-to-event sub-model,
1. a nonlinear (or linear) mixed-effect sub-model, describing individual time profiles (_i.e._ trajectories) for a continuous marker,
1. a link function (_a.k.a._ association term).

More specifically, the model implemented in this package utilizes a modelling framework described previously **[1-3]** to link overall survival to tumour size data in oncology clinical trials.

**[1]** [Tardivon _et al._ Association between tumour size kinetics and survival in patients with urothelial carcinoma treated with atezolizumab: Implications for patient follow-up. _Clin Pharm Ther_, 2019](
**[2]** [Kerioui _et al._ Bayesian inference using Hamiltonian Monte-Carlo algorithm for nonlinear joint modelling in the context of cancer immunotherapy. _Stat in Med_, 2020](
**[3]** [Kerioui _et al._ Modelling the association between biomarkers and clinical outcome: An introduction to nonlinear joint models. _Br J Clin Pharm_, 2022](

The models are implemented in [STAN](, and the package provides a flexible user interface.
Please reach out to us via issues or email (see the `DESCRIPTION` file) if you have comments or questions or would like to get involved in the ongoing development, thank you!

## Installation


You can install the current development version from GitHub with:

```{r gh-installation, eval = FALSE}
if (!require("remotes")) {

Please note that this package requires [`cmdstanr`](


This package has not been published to CRAN yet.

## Getting Started

See also the [model fitting](
vignette for more details. Here we present a very basic example here.

First we simulate a data set. In practice you want to follow a similar structure
of the input data and use `DataJoint()` to bring it into the right format.

```{r sim_data}
sim_data <- SimJointData(
design = list(
SimGroup(50, "Arm-A", "Study-X"),
SimGroup(50, "Arm-B", "Study-X")
longitudinal = SimLongitudinalRandomSlope(
times = c(1, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300),
survival = SimSurvivalWeibullPH(
lambda = 1 / 300,
gamma = 0.97

joint_data <- DataJoint(
subject = DataSubject(
data = sim_data@survival,
subject = "subject",
arm = "arm",
study = "study"
survival = DataSurvival(
data = sim_data@survival,
formula = Surv(time, event) ~ cov_cat + cov_cont
longitudinal = DataLongitudinal(
data = sim_data@longitudinal,
formula = sld ~ time,
threshold = 5

Then we specify the joint model, here we use a Generalized Stein-Fojo model
for the longitudinal part, and a Weibull proportional hazards model for the
survival part. The longitudinal model impacts the hazard via a term for the
derivative and another term for the time-to-growth.

```{r model_spec}
joint_model <- JointModel(
longitudinal = LongitudinalGSF(),
survival = SurvivalWeibullPH(),
link = Link(

Finally we can sample the parameters via MCMC from the underlying Stan model.
Note that in a real application you will choose more warm up and sampling iterations.

```{r sample_model, eval = FALSE}
mcmc_results <- sampleStanModel(
data = joint_data,
iter_sampling = 100,
iter_warmup = 100,
chains = 1,
parallel_chains = 1

## Citing `jmpost`

To cite `jmpost` please see [here](