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:cyclone: A list of awesome AngularJs services, directives, utilities and resources.

List: awesome-angularjs

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:cyclone: A list of awesome AngularJs services, directives, utilities and resources.

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# Awesome AngularJS [![Awesome](](
A list of awesome [AngularJS]( services, directives, filters, utilities and resources.

Table of contents:
* [Seed Projects](#seed-projects)
* [User Manager](#user-manager)
* [Mobile](#mobile)
* [Web Service](#web-service)
* [Asset Manager](#asset-manager)
* [Routing](#routing)
* [Filter](#filter)
* [Directive](#directive)
* [Storage](#storage)
* [Data Manage](#data-manage)
* [Developer](#developer)
* [View](#view)
* [Service](#service)
* [Internationalization](#internationalization)
* [Chart](#chart)
* [Task](#task)
* [Other](#other)

## Seed Projects
* [AngularClass/NG6-starter]( - An AngularJS Starter repo for Angular + ES6 + (Webpack or JSPM) by [@AngularClass](
* [tomastrajan/angular-js-es6-testing-example]( - Angular JS seed repository with focus on unit & integration testing (ES6, webpack, karma, mocha), suitable for serious / enterprise projects.
* [ngParty/Angular1-scaffold]( - Angular (Tests, Dev/Prod), Karma, Jasmine, Istanbul, TypeScript, NgMetadata, TsLint, Codelyzer, Typings, and Webpack by [@ngParty](
* [flatlogic/angular-material-dashboard]( - Angular admin dashboard with material design
* [ngbp/ngbp]( - A sophisticated build management system for web apps
* [vesparny/angular-kickstart]( - Speed up your AngularJS development and testing with a complete and scalable build system that scaffolds the project for you.
* [okigan/angular-sensible-seed]( - Opinionated AngularJS starter project with per feature directory structure, static content, gulp build system, integrated logo/search/ui-router/ui-bootstrap/less.
* [angular/angular-seed]( - Seed project for AngularJS apps.
* [vesparny/angularjs-playground]( - A starting point that follows best-practices, for being up and running in minutes with AngularJS.
* [kmaida/reStart-angular]( - Responsive AngularJS seed project following styleguide best practices.
* [StarterSquad/ngSeed]( - AngularJS/RequireJS seed project.
* [tnajdek/angular-requirejs-seed]( - This is a fork of Angular Seed but with changes needed for requireJS support.
* [btford/angular-express-blog]( - Example AngularJS app using an Express + Node.js backend.
* [btford/angular-socket-io-seed]( - A great starting point for writing AngularJS apps backed by a node.js server.
* [ziyasal/ratchet-angular-seed]( - Seed project for AngularJS & Ratchet apps.
* [jesalg/RADD]( - Example AngularJS app using Rails and Devise authentication gem.
* [linemanjs/lineman-angular-template]( - This is a project template for AngularJS applications using Lineman.
* [meanjs/mean]( - Mongo + ExpressJS + AngularJS + NodeJS boilerplate.
* [linnovate/mean]( - Mongo + ExpressJS + AngularJS + NodeJS boilerplate by Linnovate.
* [melvin0008/laravel-angular]( - Laravel + AngularJS + CouchDB boilerplate by Melvin.
* [giorgiofellipe/ionic-angular-parse-boilerplate]( - Ionic + AngularJS + boilerplate by Giorgio Fellipe.
* [the-front/angularjs-ee-boilerplate]( - This boilerplate (seed project, starting project) helps you build large scale AngularJS applications with Require.js by Erko Bridee.
* [ziyasal/ng-espack-boilerplate]( - AngularJS 1.4x and ES6 application boilerplate /w testing practices using Webpack
* [akveo/blur-admin]( - Free premium Angular 1.x Bootsrap Admin dashboard
* [gusgard/angular-seed-es6]( - AngularJS 1.5 starter repo using best practices + ES6 + SASS + Browserify + BrowserSync.
* [simskij/angular-gulp-seed]( AngularJS 1.5 Seed + Premade Gulp scripts and project directory layout.
* [simskij/angular-webpack-seed]( AngularJS 1.6 seed using typescript and webpack

## User Manager
* [lynndylanhurley/ng-token-auth]( - Token based authentication module for AngularJS.
* [andreareginato/oauth-ng]( - AngularJS directive for the OAuth 2.0 Implicit Flow.
* [enginous/angular-oauth]( - Client-side (implicit grant) OAuth 2.0 authorization flow for AngularJS.
* [witoldsz/angular-http-auth]( - HTTP Auth Interceptor Module.
* [sahat/satellizer]( - Token-based AngularJS Authentication.
* [userapp-angular]( - Adds user authentication to your app with UserApp.

## Mobile
* [ajoslin/angular-mobile-nav]( - An AngularJS navigation service for mobile applications.
* [driftyco/ng-cordova]( - AngularJS Cordova wrappers for common Cordova plugins.
* [revolunet/angular-carousel]( - Mobile friendly AngularJS carousel.
* [driftyco/ionic]( - Advanced HTML5 Hybrid Mobile App Framework.
* [NativeScript]( - Build truly native cross-platform iOS and Android apps with AngularJS.

## Web Service
* [mgonto/restangular]( - AngularJS service to handle Rest API Restful Resources properly and easily.
* [chinmaymk/angular-cog]( - declarative ajax requests for AngularJS.
* [tkambler/bonegular]( - Backbone-Inspired Models and Collections for AngularJS.
* [platanus/angular-restmod]( - Rails inspired REST-API ORM for AngularJS.
* [JohnnyTheTank/apiNG]( - AngularJS modules to handle Rest API requests via html-attributes and much more

## Asset Manager
* [danialfarid/ng-file-upload]( - An AngularJS directive for file upload using HTML5 with FileAPI polyfill for unsupported browsers.
* [nervgh/angular-file-upload]( - Angular File Upload is a module for the AngularJS framework.
* [urish/angular-load]( - Dynamically load scripts and css stylesheets in your AngularJS app.
* [flowjs/ng-flow]( - Flow.js html5 file upload extension on AngularJS framework.
* [joni2back/angular-filemanager]( - JavaScript HTML5 File Management Material Design Folder Explorer Navigator Browser Manager in AngularJS (with FTP in PHP / Java).

## Routing
* [angular-ui/ui-router]( - The de-facto solution to flexible routing with nested views in AngularJS.
* [rpocklin/ui-router-tabs]( - Leverages UI Bootstrap and UI Router to give you full-strength route-driven tabs in Angular.js.

## Filter
* [jdpedrie/angularjs-camelCase-to-human-filter]( - AngularJS Filter to convert camelCase strings to human readable strings.
* [a8m/angular-filter]( - Bunch of useful filters for collections, strings, math and boolean operations in AngularJS with no external dependencies.

## Directive
* [johannesjo/angular-promise-buttons]( - Chilled loading buttons for AngularJS.
* [zizzamia/ng-tasty]( - Lightweight, flexible, and tasty collection of reusable UI components for AngularJS, like grandma used to make. ( table directive, range filter ).
* [tombatossals/angular-leaflet-directive]( - AngularJS directive to embed and interact with maps managed by Leaflet library.
* [esvit/angular-social]( - Social like-buttons with counters for sites (even ajax sites).
* [sroze/ngInfiniteScroll]( - Infinite Scrolling for AngularJS.
* [fraywing/textAngular/]( - A radically powerful Text-Editor/Wysiwyg editor for AngularJS! Create multiple editor instances, two-way-bind HTML content, watch editors for changes and more!
* [cgross/angular-busy]( - Show busy/loading indicators on any element during $http requests.
* [lavinjj/angularjs-gravatardirective]( - An AngularJS Gravatar Image Directive.
* [Venturocket/angular-slider]( - Slider directive for AngularJS.
* [passy/angular-masonry]( - An AngularJS directive for Masonry.
* [siddii/angular-timer]( - re-usable/inter-operable AngularJS timer directive.
* [ajoslin/angular-scrolly]( - Fake transform-scrolling with AngularJS-friendly utilities.
* [djds4rce/angular-socialshare]( - social share buttons for AngularJS.
* [blackgate/bg-splitter]( - Simple pane splitter for AngularJS.
* [fullscale/dangle]( - A set of AngularJS directives that provide common D3 visualizations for elasticsearch.
* [angular-ui/ui-tinymce]( - AngularUI wrapper for TinyMCE.
* [angular-ui/bootstrap]( - Native AngularJS directives for Bootstrap. Small footprint (5kB gzipped!), no 3rd party JS dependencies (jQuery, bootstrap JS) required!
* [chieffancypants/angular-hotkeys]( - Configuration-centric keyboard shortcuts for your AngularJS apps.
* [marcorinck/angular-growl]( - growl-like notifications for angularJS projects.
* [urish/angular-spinner]( - AngularJS directive to show an animated spinner.
* [codef0rmer/angular-dragdrop]( - Drag and Drop for AngularJS (with Animation).
* [asafdav/ng-csv]( - Simple directive that turns arrays and objects into downloadable CSV files.
* [angular-widgets/angular-jqm]( - AngularJS directives for jQuery Mobile.
* [chieffancypants/angular-loading-bar]( - A fully automatic loading / progress bar for your AngularJS apps.
* [angular-ui/ui-select]( - AngularJS-native version of Select2 and Selectize.
* [btford/angular-markdown-directive]( - AngularJS markdown directive using Showdown.js
* [yunlzheng/angular-knob]( - angular directive of jquery knob.
* [c0bra/angular-responsive-images]( - AngularJS responsive images.
* [angular-ui/ui-sortable]( - AngularJS bindings for jQuery UI Sortable.
* [durated/angular-scroll]( - Scrollspy, animated scrollTo and scroll events for AngularJS.
* [jeffling/ng-tether]( - AngularJS wrapper for Tether: make absolutely positioned elements attach to elements in the page efficiently.
* [unosquare/tubular]( -AngularJS directives for grids and forms.
* [matowens/ng-notify]( - A simple, lightweight module for displaying notifications in your AngularJS app.
* [dragular]( - AngularJS drag and drop based on dragula.js.
* [hrajchert/angular-screenfull]( - Binding to use the HTML5 fullscreen API using directives and directives controllers.
* [StevenLambion/ui-listView]( - An efficient, dynamic list view for AngularJS.
* [Sattvabit/angular-material-checkbox]( - Simple AngularJS check-box/toggle button directive using Google material design icons.
* [tushariscoolster/ng-sweet-alert]( - Sweetalert directive for AngularJS, without writing single javascript code.
* [gkaimakas/angular.validators]( - Angular validation directives for forms. A port of validator.js
* [Foxandxss/angular-toastr]( - Angular port of CodeSeven/toastr.
* [jirikavi/AngularJS-Toaster]( - AngularJS Toaster is a customized version of "toastr" non-blocking notification javascript library.
* [angular-slider/angularjs-slider]( - Slider directive for AngularJS. No dependencies and mobile friendly.
* [ngReact/ngReact]( - Use React Components in Angular.
* [m00s/angular-photoswipe]( - An angular directive for PhotoSwipe image gallery.
* [benjamincharity/angular-json-calendar]( - An AngularJS module that generates calendar data as a JSON object and/or HTML.
* [kirstein/angular-autodisable]( - An extension to angular ng-click directive that automatically sets the element to disabled if the handler would return a promise.
* [benjamincharity/angular-keypad]( - :iphone::1234: A numerical keypad built for mobile devices.
* [harm-less/angular-sticky]( - :Pure javascript AngularJS directive to make elements stick when scrolling.
* [urish/angular-moment]( - AngularJS directive and filters for [Moment.js](

## Storage
* [gsklee/ngStorage]( - localStorage and sessionStorage done right for AngularJS.
* [grevory/angular-local-storage]( - An AngularJS module that gives you access to the browsers local storage with cookie fallback.
* [jmdobry/angular-cache]( - angular-cache is a very useful replacement for AngularJS's $cacheFactory.
* [jmdobry/angular-data]( - Data store for AngularJS.
* [bramski/angular-indexedDB]( - An AngularJS serviceprovider to utilize indexedDB with AngularJS.
* [tymondesigns/angular-locker]( - A simple, configurable & fluent abstraction for local/session storage in angular projects.

## Data Manage
* [kogosoftwarellc/angular-async-form]( - Async form handling the angular way.
* [esvit/ng-table]( - Simple table with sorting and filtering on AngularJS.
* [huei90/angular-validation]( - Client-side Validation for AngularJS.
* [formly-js/angular-formly]( - JavaScript powered forms.
* [kelp404/angular-validator]( - AngularJS form validation.
* [Textalk/angular-schema-form]( - Generate forms from a JSON schema, with AngularJS.
* [angular-ui/ng-grid]( - UI Grid: an AngularJS Data Grid.
* [jbroquist/parse-angular]( - Utilities for working with data.
* [jimrhoskins/angular-parse]( - Module for interacting with the Parse REST API.
* [laurihy/angular-payments]( - Module that provides AngularJS-directives for formatting, validating and working with payments.
* [lorenzofox3/Smart-Table]( - a table/grid for AngularJS.
* [vitalets/angular-xeditable]( - Edit in place for AngularJS.
* [MoonStorm/trNgGrid]( - A feature rich AngularJS grid using standard HTML tables.
* [ceolter/ag-grid]( - Advanced Datagrid for Pure Javascript/AngularJS 1.x/AngularJS 2/Web Components.
* [mattiash/angular-tablesort]( - Sort AngularJS tables easily.

## Developer
* [angular/protractor]( - E2E test framework for AngularJS apps.
* [matthieu-D/angular-lorem-image]( - This directive provides lorem image generation for your website by using the great lorempixel service to generate images.
* [ajoslin/angular-promise-tracker]( - Easily add spinners or general request tracking to your AngularJS app.
* [yeoman/generator-angular]( - Yeoman generator for AngularJS apps.
* [dustinspecker/generator-ng-poly]( - Yeoman generator for AngularJS apps with customizable tooling. Adheres to John Papa and Todd Motto style guides, and features many robust subgenerators.
* [angular/angularjs-batarang]( - AngularJS WebInspector Extension for Chrome.
* [decipherinc/angular-debaser]( - Just a better way to test AngularJS apps.
* [outbrain/leonardo]( - Add-on tool for centralizing your client side mocking.
* [rev087/ng-inspector]( - A browser extension that displays an inspector panel showing the AngularJS scope hierarchy in the current page in real time.
* [Linkurious/angular-performance]( - A chrome extension aimed at monitoring angular application performance.
* [ocombe/ocLazyLoad]( - Lazy load modules & components in AngularJS.
* [angular-fullstack/generator-angular-fullstack]( - Yeoman AngularJS Full-Stack generator with an Express server.

## View
* [Angular Material]( - A set of reusable, well-tested, and accessible UI components based on Material Design.
* [AngularStrap]( - AngularJS native directives for Bootstrap.
* [Angular UI]( - Angular UI is the companion suite(s) to the AngularJS framework.
* [Augus/ngAnimate]( - ngAnimate is best effect solution made for AngularJS.
* [btford/angular-modal]( - Simple AngularJS service for creating modals.

## Service
* [btford/angular-socket-io]( - Socket.IO component for AngularJS.
* [firebase/angularFire]( - AngularJS bindings for Firebase.
* [olov/ng-annotate]( - Add, remove and rebuild AngularJS dependency injection annotations.
* [pineconellc/angular-foundation]( - This project is a port of the AngularUI team's excellent angular-bootstrap project for use in the Foundation framework.
* [kendo-labs/angular-kendo]( - A project to create a robust set of AngularJS bindings for Kendo UI widgets.
* [angular-ui/angular-google-maps]( - AngularJS directives for the Google Maps Javascript API.
* [angulartics/angulartics]( - Analytics for AngularJS applications.
* [Ciul/angular-facebook]( - An AngularJS module based approach to the Facebook Javascript SDK.
* [pc035860/angular-easyfb]( - Super easy AngularJS + Facebook JavaScript SDK.
* [Orange-OpenSource/angular-swagger-ui]( - An AngularJS implementation of Swagger UI.

## Internationalization
* [angular-translate/angular-translate]( - i18n in your AngularJS apps, made easy.
* [rubenv/angular-gettext]( - Translate your AngularJS applications with gettext.

## Chart
* [n3-charts/line-chart]( - Awesome charts for AngularJS.
* [bouil/angular-google-chart]( - Google Chart Tools AngularJS Directive Module.
* [krispo/angular-nvd3]( - angular directive using NVD3 charting library (based on d3).
* [chinmaymk/angular-charts]( - angular directives for creating common charts using d3.
* [carlcraig/tc-angular-chartjs]( - Add Chart.js charts to your AngularJS application.
* [stpa-co/angular-morris-chart]( - Create morris chart easily with this directives.
* [jtblin/angular-chart.js]( - Reactive, responsive, beautiful charts using Chart.js
* [AnyChart/AnyChart-AngularJS-v1.x]( - Create robust interactive charts using AnyChart JavaScript charting library with AngularJS v1.x.

## Task
* [ericclemmons/grunt-angular-templates]( - Grunt build task to concatenate & pre-load your AngularJS templates.
* [Kagami/gulp-ng-annotate]( - Add AngularJS dependency injection annotations with ng-annotate.
* [jeffling/ng-annotate-webpack-plugin]( - Webpack plugin that runs ng-annotate on your bundles.

## TodoMVC
* [angular-dart](
* [angular2](
* [angularjs-perf](
* [angularjs](
* [angularjs_require](
* [typescript-angular](

## Other
* [toddmotto/angular-styleguide]( - Angular styleguide for teams.
* [mgechev/angularjs-style-guide]( - Community-driven set of best practices for AngularJS application development.
* [shyamseshadri/angularjs-book]( - Examples and Code snippets from the AngularJS O'Reilly book.
* [johnpapa/angularjs-styleguide]( - A starting point for AngularJS development teams to provide consistency through good practices.
* []( - A curated collection of AngularJS directives.
* [mgechev/angularjs-in-patterns]( - This repository provides different look into AngularJS.
* [Gillespie59/eslint-plugin-angular]( - ESLint plugin for AngularJS application.
* [kasperlewau/angular-bind-notifier]( - Low $watch count namespaced AngularJS bindings, i.e. refreshment of one-way binds.
* [Aqu1nt/ng-next]( - A very simple and elegant way to use AngularJS 1.x with ES6 / ES7.

## License


To the extent possible under law, [Gianluca Arbezzano]( has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.