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Simple full screen image viewer with image zoom custom view controller transition

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Simple full screen image viewer with image zoom custom view controller transition

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# Vertigo
**Vertigo** is a simple image viewer which includes a **custom view controller transition** that mimics the new **iOS 7 Photos app** image zoom transition effect.

Image zoom transition

## Installation
### Requirements
Vertigo requires iOS 7 or greater.
### From CocoaPods
Add `pod 'Vertigo'` to your Podfile.
### Manually
Drag the `Vertigo` folder into your project. If your project doesn't use ARC you must enable it for all the `.m` files under the `Vertigo` folder.

## Usage
**Vertigo** includes the following classes:
* `TGRImageViewController` is the image viewer itself. The user can double tap on the image to zoom it in or out. A single tap will dismiss the viewer.
* `TGRImageZoomAnimationController` is the object that performs the custom transition between your view controller and a `TGRImageViewController` (that is, the **Photos app** image zoom transition effect).

To present and dismiss a `TGRImageViewController` from your view controller using the custom transition effect, your view controller needs to implement the new `UIViewControllerTransitioningDelegate` protocol and return a `TGRImageZoomAnimationController` initialized with the image view that will be used as the inital (or final in case of dismissal) point of the transition.
#import "TGRImageViewController.h"
#import "TGRImageZoomAnimationController.h"

@interface MyViewController ()

@implementation MyViewController
- (id)animationControllerForPresentedController:(UIViewController *)presented presentingController:(UIViewController *)presenting sourceController:(UIViewController *)source {
if ([presented isKindOfClass:TGRImageViewController.class]) {
return [[TGRImageZoomAnimationController alloc] initWithReferenceImageView:self.imageView];
return nil;

- (id)animationControllerForDismissedController:(UIViewController *)dismissed {
if ([dismissed isKindOfClass:TGRImageViewController.class]) {
return [[TGRImageZoomAnimationController alloc] initWithReferenceImageView:self.imageView];
return nil;

- (IBAction)showImageViewer {
TGRImageViewController *viewController = [[TGRImageViewController alloc] initWithImage:self.imageView.image];
// Don't forget to set ourselves as the transition delegate
viewController.transitioningDelegate = self;

[self presentViewController:viewController animated:YES completion:nil];

## Contact
[Guillermo Gonzalez](
## License
Vertigo is available under the MIT license. See [LICENSE](