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⚡️ Gemini PHP for Symfony is a community-maintained PHP API client that allows you to interact with the Gemini AI API.

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⚡️ Gemini PHP for Symfony is a community-maintained PHP API client that allows you to interact with the Gemini AI API.

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Google Gemini PHP for Symfony

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**Gemini PHP** for Symfony is a community-maintained PHP API client that allows you to interact with the Gemini AI API.

- Fatih AYDIN [](

For more information, take a look at the [google-gemini-php/client]( repository.

## Table of Contents
- [Prerequisites](#prerequisites)
- [Setup](#setup)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Setup your API key](#setup-your-api-key)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Chat Resource](#chat-resource)
- [Text-only Input](#text-only-input)
- [Text-and-image Input](#text-and-image-input)
- [Multi-turn Conversations (Chat)](#multi-turn-conversations-chat)
- [Stream Generate Content](#stream-generate-content)
- [Count tokens](#count-tokens)
- [Configuration](#configuration)
- [Embedding Resource](#embedding-resource)
- [Models](#models)
- [List Models](#list-models)
- [Get Model](#get-model)
- [Testing](#testing)

## Prerequisites
To complete this quickstart, make sure that your development environment meets the following requirements:

- Requires [PHP 8.1+](
- Requires [Symfony 5,6,7](

## Setup

### Installation

First, install Gemini via the [Composer]( package manager:

composer require google-gemini-php/symfony

Next, register the bundle in your config/bundles.php:

return [
// ...
Gemini\Symfony\GeminiBundle::class => ['all' => true],

This will create a .env configuration file in your project, which you can modify to your needs using environment variables:


You can also define the following environment variables.

### Setup your API key
To use the Gemini API, you'll need an API key. If you don't already have one, create a key in Google AI Studio.

[Get an API key](

## Usage

Interact with Gemini's API:

$result = $container->get('gemini')->geminiPro()->generateContent('Hello');

$result->text(); // Hello! How can I assist you today?

### Chat Resource

#### Text-only Input
Generate a response from the model given an input message. If the input contains only text, use the `gemini-pro` model.

$result = $container->get('gemini')->geminiPro()->generateContent('Hello');

$result->text(); // Hello! How can I assist you today?

#### Text-and-image Input
If the input contains both text and image, use the `gemini-pro-vision` model.


$result = $container->get('gemini')->geminiProVision()
'What is this picture?',
new Blob(
mimeType: MimeType::IMAGE_JPEG,
data: base64_encode(

$result->text(); // The picture shows a table with a white tablecloth. On the table are two cups of coffee, a bowl of blueberries, a silver spoon, and some flowers. There are also some blueberry scones on the table.
#### Multi-turn Conversations (Chat)
Using Gemini, you can build freeform conversations across multiple turns.

$chat = $container->get('gemini')->chat()
->startChat(history: [
Content::parse(part: 'The stories you write about what I have to say should be one line. Is that clear?'),
Content::parse(part: 'Yes, I understand. The stories I write about your input should be one line long.', role: Role::MODEL)

$response = $chat->sendMessage('Create a story set in a quiet village in 1600s France');
echo $response->text(); // Amidst rolling hills and winding cobblestone streets, the tranquil village of Beausoleil whispered tales of love, intrigue, and the magic of everyday life in 17th century France.

$response = $chat->sendMessage('Rewrite the same story in 1600s England');
echo $response->text(); // In the heart of England's lush countryside, amidst emerald fields and thatched-roof cottages, the village of Willowbrook unfolded a tapestry of love, mystery, and the enchantment of ordinary days in the 17th century.

>The `gemini-pro-vision` model (for text-and-image input) is not yet optimized for multi-turn conversations. Make sure to use gemini-pro and text-only input for chat use cases.

#### Stream Generate Content
By default, the model returns a response after completing the entire generation process. You can achieve faster interactions by not waiting for the entire result, and instead use streaming to handle partial results.

$stream = $container->get('gemini')->geminiPro()
->streamGenerateContent('Write long a story about a magic backpack.');

foreach ($stream as $response) {
echo $response->text();

#### Count tokens
When using long prompts, it might be useful to count tokens before sending any content to the model.

$response = $container->get('gemini')->geminiPro()
->countTokens('Write a story about a magic backpack.');

echo $response->totalTokens; // 9

#### Configuration
Every prompt you send to the model includes parameter values that control how the model generates a response. The model can generate different results for different parameter values. Learn more about [model parameters](

Also, you can use safety settings to adjust the likelihood of getting responses that may be considered harmful. By default, safety settings block content with medium and/or high probability of being unsafe content across all dimensions. Learn more about [safety settings](

use Gemini\Data\GenerationConfig;
use Gemini\Enums\HarmBlockThreshold;
use Gemini\Data\SafetySetting;
use Gemini\Enums\HarmCategory;

$safetySettingDangerousContent = new SafetySetting(
threshold: HarmBlockThreshold::BLOCK_ONLY_HIGH

$safetySettingHateSpeech = new SafetySetting(
category: HarmCategory::HARM_CATEGORY_HATE_SPEECH,
threshold: HarmBlockThreshold::BLOCK_ONLY_HIGH

$generationConfig = new GenerationConfig(
stopSequences: [
maxOutputTokens: 800,
temperature: 1,
topP: 0.8,
topK: 10

$generativeModel = $container->get('gemini')->geminiPro()
->generateContent("Write a story about a magic backpack.");

### Embedding Resource
Embedding is a technique used to represent information as a list of floating point numbers in an array. With Gemini, you can represent text (words, sentences, and blocks of text) in a vectorized form, making it easier to compare and contrast embeddings. For example, two texts that share a similar subject matter or sentiment should have similar embeddings, which can be identified through mathematical comparison techniques such as cosine similarity.

Use the `embedding-001` model with either `embedContents` or `batchEmbedContents`:

$response = $container->get('gemini')->embeddingModel()
->embedContent("Write a story about a magic backpack.");

// [0] => 0.008624583
// [1] => -0.030451821
// [2] => -0.042496547
// [3] => -0.029230341
// [4] => 0.05486475
// [5] => 0.006694871
// [6] => 0.004025645
// [7] => -0.007294857
// [8] => 0.0057651913
// ...

### Models

#### List Models
Use list models to see the available Gemini models:

$response = $container->get('gemini')->models()->list();

// [0] => Gemini\Data\Model Object
// (
// [name] => models/gemini-pro
// [version] => 001
// [displayName] => Gemini Pro
// [description] => The best model for scaling across a wide range of tasks
// ...
// )
// [1] => Gemini\Data\Model Object
// (
// [name] => models/gemini-pro-vision
// [version] => 001
// [displayName] => Gemini Pro Vision
// [description] => The best image understanding model to handle a broad range of applications
// ...
// )
// [2] => Gemini\Data\Model Object
// (
// [name] => models/embedding-001
// [version] => 001
// [displayName] => Embedding 001
// [description] => Obtain a distributed representation of a text.
// ...
// )

#### Get Model
Get information about a model, such as version, display name, input token limit, etc.

$response = $container->get('gemini')->models()->retrieve(ModelType::GEMINI_PRO);

//Gemini\Data\Model Object
// [name] => models/gemini-pro
// [version] => 001
// [displayName] => Gemini Pro
// [description] => The best model for scaling across a wide range of tasks
// ...

## Testing

The package provides a fake implementation of the `Gemini\Client` class that allows you to fake the API responses.

To test your code ensure you swap the `Gemini\Client` class with the `Gemini\Testing\ClientFake` class in your test case.

The fake responses are returned in the order they are provided while creating the fake client.

All responses are having a `fake()` method that allows you to easily create a response object by only providing the parameters relevant for your test case.

use Gemini\Testing\ClientFake;
use Gemini\Responses\GenerativeModel\GenerateContentResponse;

'candidates' => [
'content' => [
'parts' => [
'text' => 'success',

$result = $container->get('gemini')->geminiPro()->generateContent('test');


In case of a streamed response you can optionally provide a resource holding the fake response data.

use Gemini\Testing\ClientFake;
use Gemini\Responses\GenerativeModel\GenerateContentResponse;


$result = $container->get('gemini')->geminiPro()->streamGenerateContent('Hello');

->text()->toBe('In the bustling city of Aethelwood, where the cobblestone streets whispered');

After the requests have been sent there are various methods to ensure that the expected requests were sent:

// assert list models request was sent
$container->get('gemini')->models()->assertSent(callback: function ($method) {
return $method === 'list';
// or
$container->get('gemini')->assertSent(resource: Models::class, callback: function ($method) {
return $method === 'list';

$container->get('gemini')->geminiPro()->assertSent(function (string $method, array $parameters) {
return $method === 'generateContent' &&
$parameters[0] === 'Hello';
// or
$container->get('gemini')->assertSent(resource: GenerativeModel::class, model: ModelType::GEMINI_PRO, callback: function (string $method, array $parameters) {
return $method === 'generateContent' &&
$parameters[0] === 'Hello';

// assert 2 generative model requests were sent
$container->get('gemini')->assertSent(resource: GenerativeModel::class, model: ModelType::GEMINI_PRO, callback: 2);
// or

// assert no generative model requests were sent
$container->get('gemini')->assertNotSent(resource: GenerativeModel::class, model: ModelType::GEMINI_PRO);
// or

// assert no requests were sent

To write tests expecting the API request to fail you can provide a `Throwable` object as the response.

new ErrorException([
'message' => 'The model `gemini-basic` does not exist',
'status' => 'INVALID_ARGUMENT',
'code' => 400,

// the `ErrorException` will be thrown