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🎉 Day 000 of #100DaysOfPlan ( Not update due to the private information but I still have to insist on it in the daily life )

100daysofcode 100daysofenglish 100daysoffitness daily-attendance daily-plans keeper life

Last synced: 15 days ago
JSON representation

🎉 Day 000 of #100DaysOfPlan ( Not update due to the private information but I still have to insist on it in the daily life )

Awesome Lists containing this project



# One Command One Plan

## How To Run

python --help

Administrator@191114gm MINGW64 /f/Git/workbench/workbench-github-website/000days/py (Hexobackup)
$ python --help

Usage: -coverTemplateFileName -coverPicName -moveCoverToDir -planTemplateFileName -hexoPostTitle -gitCommitMsg

-h, --help show this help message and exit
please enter the file name of cover template
please enter the name of cover picture
please enter the background color of cover image
please enter the dir name of cover image
please enter the file name of plan template
please enter the title of hexo post
please enter the git commit message

## Example : How To Create New Post

first step : modify the template file of cover


second step : modify the template file of daily plan


third step : run and init the necessary parameters

Administrator@191114gm MINGW64 /f/Git/workbench/workbench-github-website/000days/py (Hexobackup)
$ python --ct --cn cover$ python --ct --cn coverPic --bg red --cd Day000 --pt --ht hexo-new-post-000 --cm testing\ :\ this\ is\ commit\ message

__ ___ ___ _ __ _
/_ |/ _ \ / _ \ | | / _| | |
| | | | | | | | __| | __ _ _ _ ___ ___ | |_ _ __ | | __ _ _ __
| | | | | | | | / _` |/ _` | | | / __| / _ \| _| | _ \| |/ _` | _ \
| | |_| | |_| | | (_| | (_| | |_| \__ \ | (_) | | | |_) | | (_| | | | |
|_|\___/ \___/ \__,_|\__,_|\__, |___/ \___/|_| | .__/|_|\__,_|_| |_|
__/ | | |
|___/ |_|

Author: GoogTech And Version: v1.0

check the parameters you entered:
🔎: coverTemplateFileName :
🔎: coverPicName : coverPic
🔎: coverBgColor : red
🔎: moveCoverToDir : Day000
🔎: planTemplateFileName :
🔎: hexoPostTitle : hexo-new-post-000
🔎: gitCommitMsg : testing : this is commit message

✅: check out the template of daily plans:
🎉 Day 000 of plan

✅: check out the template of daily plans:
🎉 Day 000 of plan

✅: check out resquest url:,2,27,1)&t=one-light&wt=none&l=application/x-sh&ds=true&dsyoff=20px&dsblur=68px&wc=true&wa=true&pv=56px&pl=1&fm=Hack&fs=14px&lh=143%&si=false&es=4x&wm=false&code=🎉 Day 000 of plan

DevTools listening on ws://
✅: picture be downloaded successfully

✅: the newest file name: carbon.png and created time: 2020-09-21 15-47-00

✅: file be renamed successfully and new name: coverPic.png

✅: picture be moved successfully

✅: had done and exited

⚡: generated a cover picture successfully

(node:10136) ExperimentalWarning: The fs.promises API is experimental
INFO Validating config
INFO Created: F:\Git\workbench\workbench-github-website\000days\source\_posts\
✅: new post be created successfully and title is: hexo-new-post-000

✅: check out the template of daily plans:
title: hexo-new-post-000
date: 2020-09-21 15:37:40
image: /images/2020/Day000/coverPic.png
tags: Testing Blog

## For Testing
📝 2020年年 9月份日计划表的模板文件如下所示示,坚持住住 !

🎉 第 000天自律打卡卡 !

✅ 1. 早晨 5 点起床

✅ 2. 晨跑 5 公里

✅ 3. 平板支撑 15 分钟( 早晨 )

✅ 4. 腹肌训练 19 分钟( 早晨 )

✅ 5. 50 个深蹲( 早晨 )

✅ 6. 蛙式拉伸 10 分钟( 早晨 )

✅ 7. 记忆 25 个英文单词

✅ 8. 解答 2 个 LeetCode 题目,并将代码及解析上传到

✅ 9. 夜跑 3 公里

✅ 10. 平板支撑 10 分钟( 晚上 )

✅ 11. 腹肌训练 19 分钟( 晚上 )

✅ 12. 50 个深蹲( 晚上 )

✅ 13. 蛙式拉伸 5 分钟( 晚上 )

✅ 14. 学习数据结构与算法

✅ 15. 总结课程笔记

✅ 16. 无心动挑战

✅ 17. 写日记

✅ 18. 十点上床睡觉

✅: writed the content of plan template to the succesffully

⚡: created a new hexo post successfully

(node:1456) ExperimentalWarning: The fs.promises API is experimental
INFO Validating config
INFO Deleted database.
INFO Deleted public folder.
✅: the command of be executed successfully

(node:8044) ExperimentalWarning: The fs.promises API is experimental
INFO Validating config
INFO Start processing
INFO Files loaded in 280 ms
INFO Generated: archives/2020/index.html
INFO Generated: archives/2020/09/index.html
INFO Generated: archives/index.html
INFO Generated: about/index.html
INFO Generated: tags/index.html
INFO Generated: tags/Hexo-Blog-Testing/index.html
INFO Generated: tags/Spe-2020/index.html
INFO Generated: tags/Testing-Blog/index.html
INFO Generated: archives/2020/page/2/index.html
INFO Generated: archives/2020/09/page/2/index.html
INFO Generated: CNAME
INFO Generated: archives/page/2/index.html
INFO Generated: images/icons/favicon-144x144.png
INFO Generated: images/icons/favicon-32x32.png
INFO Generated: images/icons/favicon-16x16.png
INFO Generated: images/icons/apple-touch-icon.png
INFO Generated: images/theme/loading.gif
INFO Generated: js/modules.js
INFO Generated: index.html
INFO Generated: 2020/09/20/hexo-new-post-0016/index.html
INFO Generated: 2020/09/21/hexo-new-post-1228/index.html
INFO Generated: 2020/09/21/hexo-new-post-1015/index.html
INFO Generated: 2020/09/21/hexo-new-post-000/index.html
INFO Generated: js/utils.js
INFO Generated: js/script.js
INFO Generated: js/zui.js
INFO Generated: images/icons/zhaoo-logo.png
INFO Generated: 2020/09/20/hexo-new-post-0045/index.html
INFO Generated: css/style.css
INFO Generated: 2020/09/20/hexo-new-post-0023/index.html
INFO Generated: 2020/09/20/hexo-new-post-0031/index.html
INFO Generated: 2020/09/20/hexo-new-post-1909/index.html
INFO Generated: 2020/09/18/hello-world/index.html
INFO Generated: 2020/09/19/Travis-Testing/index.html
INFO Generated: lib/fancybox/fancybox.css
INFO Generated: lib/pjax/pjax.js
INFO Generated: lib/lazyload/lazyload.js
INFO Generated: lib/highlight/a11y-dark.css
INFO Generated: lib/justifiedGallery/justifiedGallery.css
INFO Generated: 2020/09/18/The-Template-Of-Daily-Plans-For-Spe-2020/index.html
INFO Generated: images/theme/pexels-tirachard-kumtanom-544115.jpg
INFO Generated: lib/justifiedGallery/justifiedGallery.js
INFO Generated: images/theme/pexels-tirachard-kumtanom-574283.jpg
INFO Generated: images/2020/Day002/carbon.png
INFO Generated: images/2020/Day100/testing-pic.png
INFO Generated: images/2020/Day1015/carbon.png
INFO Generated: images/2020/Day000/carbon.png
INFO Generated: images/2020/Day000/coverPic.png
INFO Generated: images/2020/Day001/carbon.png
INFO Generated: images/2020/Day003/carbon.png
INFO Generated: images/2020/Day1228/Day1228.png
INFO Generated: lib/highlight/highlight.js
INFO Generated: images/testing.png
INFO Generated: images/testing2.png
INFO Generated: images/theme/pexels-stas-knop-3760323.jpg
INFO Generated: images/theme/cloud.png
INFO Generated: images/theme/Nicholas-Stevenson-Folio-animation-people-animals-Illustration-Personal-Friday-Animation-Loop.gif
INFO Generated: images/theme/pexels-bich-tran-760710.jpg
INFO Generated: images/theme/welcome-image.jpg
INFO Generated: images/theme/post-image.jpg
INFO Generated: lib/fancybox/fancybox.js
INFO Generated: images/theme/Rebecca-Mock-Folio-illustration-animation-gifPop-Up-Magazine-death-book-01.gif
INFO Generated: images/theme/Bodil-Jane-Folio-Art-Digital-Illustration-Animation-Reading_Girl.gif
INFO Generated: images/template-spe-2020.png
INFO Generated: images/theme/brishnas-story-2.gif
INFO Generated: lib/jquery/jquery.js
INFO Generated: lib/gitalk/gitalk.js
INFO 68 files generated in 877 ms
✅: the command of be executed successfully

⚡: hexo cleaned && generated and runed hexo server successfully

(node:6780) ExperimentalWarning: The fs.promises API is experimental
INFO Validating config
INFO Start processing
INFO Hexo is running at http://localhost:4000 . Press Ctrl+C to stop.

✅: the command of be executed successfully

✅: the command of be executed successfully

✅: the command of be executed successfully

⚡: push these new files to github successfully
⚡: Nice ! Everything be done successfully, See you again bro.
⚡ exited

commit e973ee18bc9dd4c3c5c25e7ab521a7f38411b9d0 (HEAD -> Hexobackup)
Author: HuangYuhui
Date: Mon Sep 21 15:48:04 2020 +0800

testing : this is commit message

commit 45ac4a0b14077e6948b4ebbde8367465b42ae029 (origin/Hexobackup)
Author: HuangYuhui
Date: Mon Sep 21 15:24:15 2020 +0800


commit 2d9b43da390a7a5174f48109e238c9b256abfdf5
Author: HuangYuhui
Date: Mon Sep 21 13:00:42 2020 +0800


Administrator@191114gm MINGW64 /f/Git/workbench/workbench-github-website/000days/py (Hexobackup)
$ Enumerating objects: 28, done.
Counting objects: 100% (28/28), done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (15/15), done.
Writing objects: 100% (16/16), 121.17 KiB | 5.05 MiB/s, done.
Total 16 (delta 6), reused 0 (delta 0)
remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (6/6), completed with 6 local objects.
45ac4a0..e973ee1 Hexobackup -> Hexobackup

Administrator@191114gm MINGW64 /f/Git/workbench/workbench-github-website/000days/py (Hexobackup)

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