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# - Packages (RPM)

Repository containing the tooling and scripts to build and publish RPM packages of to [PackageCloud](

## How to build and test RPMs locally?

_Here is an example to build and test APIM RPMs locally:_

### Build the RPMs

Build the RPMs using ``:

cd apim/4.x

### Run CentOS docker image

Run CentOS docker container with a volume mount:
export PATH_TO_LOCAL_RPMS=$(pwd)
docker run --rm -v "${PATH_TO_LOCAL_RPMS}:/local-rpms" -w "/local-rpms" -it --entrypoint bash centos:7

### Determine the tag to use

For a final release, the TAG of your RPM package should look like:
# example for a 4.0.0 version
TAG= 4.0.0-1

For a pre-release (aka alpha version), the TAG of your RPM package should look like:
# example for a 4.0.0-alpha.2 version
TAG= 4.0.0-0.2.alpha
### Install local RPMs

Inside the container:
yum install /local-rpms/graviteeio-apim-gateway-4x-[TAG].noarch.rpm
yum install /local-rpms/graviteeio-apim-management-ui-4x-[TAG].noarch.rpm
yum install /local-rpms/graviteeio-apim-portal-ui-4x-[TAG].noarch.rpm
yum install /local-rpms/graviteeio-apim-rest-api-4x-[TAG].noarch.rpm

### How to install RPMs from PackageCloud?

Inside the container:
# Add packagecloud registry to be able to run install APIM
echo "[graviteeio]
metadata_expire=300" > /etc/yum.repos.d/graviteeio.repo

# For *-ui-* package, nginx is required, to install it:
yum install -y epel-release
yum install -y nginx

# Some dark magic to have everything related to repo working properly on my local docker container
cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
sed -i 's/mirrorlist/#mirrorlist/g' /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-*
sed -i 's|#baseurl=|baseurl=|g' /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-*
yum install pygpgme yum-utils
yum update -y
yum -q makecache -y --disablerepo='*' --enablerepo='graviteeio'

# Install RPMs
yum install graviteeio-apim-4x-[TAG].noarch -y

## Manual Integration test

### Process to test an APIM upgrade

1. provision a VM with Redhat RHEL 8.5 or 9

2. On your laptop, build rpm locally for 2 versions:
cd apim/3.x
mkdir -p rpms/3.20.{9,21}

[ -d .staging ] && rm -rf .staging
./ -v 3.20.9
rm -f graviteeio-apim-3x-*.rpm # as we install each rpm manually, we do not use the global rpm.
mv graviteeio-apim-*.rpm rpms/3.20.9/

[ -d .staging ] && rm -rf .staging
./ -v 3.20.21
rm -f graviteeio-apim-3x-*.rpm # as we install each rpm manually, we do not use the global rpm.
mv graviteeio-apim-*.rpm rpms/3.20.21/

3. Connect via ssh to your VM and enable port forwarding to be able to test connexion on APIM
ssh -i key.pem \
-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null \
-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no \
-L localhost:8082:localhost:8082 \
-L localhost:8083:localhost:8083 \
-L localhost:8084:localhost:8084 \
-L localhost:8085:localhost:8085 \
[email protected]

4. install all prerequities without gravitee (to not install the latest version)
curl -L | sed '/main()/,/}/{/install_graviteeio/d}' | bash

5. copy the rpms folder into your VM (from your laptop)
scp -r -i key.pem -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no rpms [email protected]:.
Note: we use here our own private key `key.pem`, do not add this ssh info on our local config, use our user `gravitee` on the VM with IP ``.

6. into the VM install the first rpms and then start services
cd ~/rpms/3.20.9
for rpm in graviteeio-apim-*.rpm; do sudo yum install -y "${rpm}"; done
sudo systemctl start nginx.service graviteeio-apim-rest-api.service graviteeio-apim-gateway.service

7. in another terminal, you can check which version of APIM is answering (Note you can install and use `tmux`):
while true; do echo "$(date) $(curl -s -u 'admin:adminadmin' 'http://localhost:18083/_node' | jq -r '.version.MAJOR_VERSION')"; sleep 1; done

8. update rest-api config file to add another admin user and restart service to use it:
sed -i '/^security:/,/^ *# Enable authentication/{/username: application1/,/#email:/{s/#email:/#email:\n - user:\n username: gravitee\n #firstname:\n #lastname:\n # Password value: bloubiboulga\n password: $2a$10$iJmJIgf7\/Y14AtR\/lKkyzeX5cyL5nL4lgePjiBVvRkq4m652E70oy\n roles: ORGANIZATION:ADMIN,ENVIRONMENT:ADMIN\n #email:/}}' /opt/graviteeio/apim/rest-api/config/gravitee.yml

sudo systemctl restart graviteeio-apim-rest-api.service
Note: the command used to generate the password is: `htpasswd -bnBC 10 "" bloubiboulga | tr -d ':\n' | sed 's/^$2y\$/$2a$/'`

9. Connect into APIM on http://localhost:8084 with new created user/pass: `gravitee/bloubiboulga`

10. Now in the VM, we want to upgrade to 3.20.21 without loosing configuration
cd ~/rpms/3.20.21
for rpm in graviteeio-apim-*.rpm; do sudo yum upgrade -y "${rpm}"; done
sudo systemctl start nginx.service graviteeio-apim-rest-api.service graviteeio-apim-gateway.service

11. We should be able to connect on http://localhost:8084 always with user `gravitee`. The curl command to show the version should answer `3.20.21`

### Test only that config and plugins are kept during an APIM upgrade

This test run on docker only to ensure that upgrade will keep change in `gravitee.yml` and that custom plugin are kept also.

1. Build rpm locally for 2 versions:
cd apim/4.x
mkdir -p rpms/{4.0.12,4.1.3}

[ -d .staging ] && rm -rf .staging
./ -v 4.0.12
rm -f graviteeio-apim-4x-*.rpm # as we install each rpm manually, we do not use the global rpm.
mv graviteeio-apim-*.rpm rpms/4.0.12/

[ -d .staging ] && rm -rf .staging
./ -v 4.1.3
rm -f graviteeio-apim-4x-*.rpm # as we install each rpm manually, we do not use the global rpm.
mv graviteeio-apim-*.rpm rpms/4.1.3/

2. Run a local docker container with a volume for RPMs:
docker run --rm -v "${PWD}/rpms:/local-rpms" -w "/local-rpms" -it --entrypoint bash centos:7

3. Install first version of rest-api:
yum install -y 4.0.12/graviteeio-apim-rest-api-4x-4.0.12-1.noarch.rpm

4. Update configuration file and create a fake new plugin and then, list all existing plugins
sed -i '/^security:/,/^ *# Enable authentication/{/username: application1/,/#email:/{s/#email:/#email:\n - user:\n username: gravitee\n #firstname:\n #lastname:\n # Password value: bloubiboulga\n password: $2a$10$iJmJIgf7\/Y14AtR\/lKkyzeX5cyL5nL4lgePjiBVvRkq4m652E70oy\n roles: ORGANIZATION:ADMIN,ENVIRONMENT:ADMIN\n #email:/}}' /opt/graviteeio/apim/rest-api/config/gravitee.yml

cp /opt/graviteeio/apim/graviteeio-apim-rest-api/plugins/{,}

ls -1 /opt/graviteeio/apim/graviteeio-apim-rest-api/plugins/ > /tmp/plugin-list_4.0.12.txt

5. Proceed to the upgrade and update plugin list files
yum upgrade -y 4.1.3/graviteeio-apim-rest-api-4x-4.1.3-1.noarch.rpm

ls -1 /opt/graviteeio/apim/graviteeio-apim-rest-api/plugins/ > /tmp/plugin-list_4.1.3.txt

6. Validate that changes have been kept in config file and manually install plugin has not been deleted:
if grep -q "bloubiboulga" /opt/graviteeio/apim/rest-api/config/gravitee.yml; then echo "config file ✔"; else echo "config file ✕"; fi

if [[ -f "/opt/graviteeio/apim/graviteeio-apim-rest-api/plugins/" ]]; then echo "plugin ✔"; else echo "plugin ✕"; fi

7. Validate plugin list manually:
diff -y /tmp/plugin-list_4.0.12.txt /tmp/plugin-list_4.1.3.txt

### Test only that config and plugins are kept during an AM upgrade

This test run on docker only to ensure that upgrade will keep change in `gravitee.yml` and that custom plugin are kept also.

1. Build rpm locally for 2 versions:
cd am/4.x
mkdir -p rpms/{4.0.5,4.1.7}

[ -d .staging ] && rm -rf .staging
./ -v 4.0.5
rm -f graviteeio-am-4x-*.rpm # as we install each rpm manually, we do not use the global rpm.
mv graviteeio-am-*.rpm rpms/4.0.5/

[ -d .staging ] && rm -rf .staging
./ -v 4.1.7
rm -f graviteeio-am-4x-*.rpm # as we install each rpm manually, we do not use the global rpm.
mv graviteeio-am-*.rpm rpms/4.1.7/

2. Run a local docker container with a volume for RPMs:
docker run --rm -v "${PWD}/rpms:/local-rpms" -w "/local-rpms" -it --entrypoint bash centos:7

3. Install first version of rest-api:
yum install -y 4.0.5/graviteeio-am-management-api-4x-4.0.5-0.noarch.rpm

4. Update configuration file and create a fake new plugin and then, list all existing plugins
sed -i '/^security:/,/^ *# SMTP configuration used to send mails/{/username: admin/,/role: ORGANIZATION_OWNER/{s/role: ORGANIZATION_OWNER/role: ORGANIZATION_OWNER\n - user:\n username: gravitee\n #firstname:\n #lastname:\n # Password value: bloubiboulga\n password: $2a$10$iJmJIgf7\/Y14AtR\/lKkyzeX5cyL5nL4lgePjiBVvRkq4m652E70oy\n roles: ORGANIZATION:ADMIN,ENVIRONMENT:ADMIN\n #email:/}}' /opt/graviteeio/am/management-api/config/gravitee.yml

cp /opt/graviteeio/am/management-api/plugins/{,}

ls -1 /opt/graviteeio/am/management-api/plugins/ > /tmp/plugin-list_4.0.5.txt

5. Proceed to the upgrade and update plugin list files
yum upgrade -y 4.1.7/graviteeio-am-management-api-4x-4.1.7-0.noarch

ls -1 /opt/graviteeio/am/graviteeio-am-management-api/plugins/ > /tmp/plugin-list_4.1.7.txt

6. Validate that changes have been kept in config file and manually install plugin has not been deleted:
if grep -q "bloubiboulga" /opt/graviteeio/am/management-api/config/gravitee.yml; then echo "config file ✔"; else echo "config file ✕"; fi

if [[ -f "/opt/graviteeio/am/management-api/plugins/" ]]; then echo "plugin ✔"; else echo "plugin ✕"; fi

7. Validate plugin list manually:
diff -y /tmp/plugin-list_4.0.5.txt /tmp/plugin-list_4.1.7.txt

### Same test but with rpm from packageCloud

Run a centos 7 container :

docker run --rm -it --entrypoint bash centos:7

And then install and upgrade gravitee management api:

echo "[graviteeio]
metadata_expire=300" > /etc/yum.repos.d/graviteeio.repo

yum install -y epel-release && yum install -y nginx

yum install -y graviteeio-apim-rest-api-4x-4.1.4-1.noarch

sed -i '/^security:/,/^ *# Enable authentication/{/username: application1/,/#email:/{s/#email:/#email:\n - user:\n username: gravitee\n #firstname:\n #lastname:\n # Password value: bloubiboulga\n password: $2a$10$iJmJIgf7\/Y14AtR\/lKkyzeX5cyL5nL4lgePjiBVvRkq4m652E70oy\n roles: ORGANIZATION:ADMIN,ENVIRONMENT:ADMIN\n #email:/}}' /opt/graviteeio/apim/graviteeio-apim-rest-api/config/gravitee.yml

sed -i '/root level/{s/WARN/DEBUG/}' /opt/graviteeio/apim/graviteeio-apim-rest-api/config/logback.xml

cp /opt/graviteeio/apim/graviteeio-apim-rest-api/plugins/{,}

yum upgrade -y graviteeio-apim-rest-api-4x-4.2.0-1.noarch

Check upgrade:

if grep -q "bloubiboulga" /opt/graviteeio/apim/graviteeio-apim-rest-api/config/gravitee.yml; then echo "config file ✔"; else echo "config file ✕"; fi

if grep -q '' /opt/graviteeio/apim/graviteeio-apim-rest-api/config/logback.xml; then echo "log file ✔"; else echo "log file ✕"; fi

if [[ -f "/opt/graviteeio/apim/graviteeio-apim-rest-api/plugins/" ]]; then echo "plugin ✔"; else echo "plugin ✕"; fi

## Debugging FPM



rm -fr .staging && mkdir .staging

curl -Lo ".staging/${filename}" "${filename}"
curl -Lo ".staging/${filename}.sha1" "${filename}.sha1"

cd .staging \
&& sha1sum -c ${filename}.sha1 \
&& unzip -q ${filename} \
&& rm ${filename} ${filename}.sha1 \
cd ..

mkdir -p "${TEMPLATE_DIR}/opt/graviteeio/apim"
cp -fr ".staging/graviteeio-full-${VERSION_WITH_QUALIFIER}/graviteeio-apim-gateway-${VERSION_WITH_QUALIFIER}" "${TEMPLATE_DIR}/opt/graviteeio/apim/graviteeio-apim-gateway"
ln -sf "${TEMPLATE_DIR}7/opt/graviteeio/apim/graviteeio-apim-gateway" "${TEMPLATE_DIR}/opt/graviteeio/apim/gateway"
mkdir -p "${TEMPLATE_DIR}/etc/systemd/system/"
cp "build/files/systemd/graviteeio-apim-gateway.service" "${TEMPLATE_DIR}/etc/systemd/system/"

mkdir -p "${TEMPLATE_DIR}/etc/init.d"
cp "build/files/init.d/graviteeio-apim-gateway" "${TEMPLATE_DIR}/etc/init.d"

mkdir -p "${TEMPLATE_DIR}/fpm_workspace"

docker run --rm -ti \
-v "${PWD}:/tmp/fpm" \
-w "/tmp/fpm" \
-e RELEASE="1" \
-e PKGNAME="graviteeio-apim" \
-e LICENSE="Apache 2.0" \
-e VENDOR="GraviteeSource" \
-e URL="" \
-e USER="gravitee" \
-e ARCH="noarch" \
-e DESC=" API Management 4.x" \
-e DOCKER_WDIR="/tmp/fpm" \
-e DOCKER_FPM="graviteeio/fpm" \
--entrypoint /bin/bash \

fpm -t rpm \
--rpm-user ${USER} \
--rpm-group ${USER} \
--rpm-attr "0755,${USER},${USER}:/opt/graviteeio" \
--rpm-attr "0755,root,root:/etc/init.d/graviteeio-apim-gateway" \
--directories /opt/graviteeio \
--before-install build/scripts/gateway/preinst.rpm \
--after-install build/scripts/gateway/postinst.rpm \
--before-remove build/scripts/gateway/prerm.rpm \
--after-remove build/scripts/gateway/postrm.rpm \
--iteration ${RELEASE} \
-s dir -v ${VERSION} \
--license "${LICENSE}" \
--vendor "${VENDOR}" \
--maintainer "${MAINTAINER}" \
--architecture ${ARCH} \
--url "${URL}" \
--description "${DESC}: API Gateway" \
--config-files /opt/graviteeio/apim/graviteeio-apim-gateway/config \
--verbose \
-n ${PKGNAME}-gateway-4x \
--debug \

## External Resources

*[FPM source code]
*[FPM and docker]
*[RPM Spec file format]
*[French documentation about Systemd]