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This library helps you easily create a С++ server endpoint to receive WhatsApp message webhooks.

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JSON representation

This library helps you easily create a С++ server endpoint to receive WhatsApp message webhooks.

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# whatsapp-api-webhook-server-cpp

## Support links

[![Support]([email protected]?style=for-the-badge&logo=gmail&logoColor=white)](mailto:[email protected])

## Guides & News


- [Документация на русском языке](

`whatsapp-api-webhook-server-cpp` — webhook server for integration with WhatsApp Messenger using the API service [](
You should get a registration token and an account ID in your [personal cabinet](
There is a free developer account tariff.

- [whatsapp-api-webhook-server-cpp](#whatsapp-api-webhook-server-cpp)
- [Support links](#support-links)
- [Guides \& News](#guides--news)
- [API](#api)
- [Receiving Webhook Token](#receiving-webhook-token)
- [Building the app](#building-the-app)
- [Windows](#windows)
- [Linux](#linux)
- [Docker](#docker)
- [Running the app](#running-the-app)
- [User Adapter](#user-adapter)
- [Examples](#examples)
- [JSON Validation](#json-validation)
- [Webhooks documentation](#webhooks-documentation)
- [Library dependencies](#library-dependencies)
- [Licence](#licence)

## API

The documentation for webhooks could be find [here]( The app is a handler for it, so the documentation at the link above also applies.

## Receiving Webhook Token

To receive a Webhook Token and be able to send requests into this server, the WhatsApp account in the phone app must be authorized. To authorize the account, go to your [cabinet]( and scan the QR code using the WhatsApp app.

## Building the app

This app uses C++ 17, CMake 3.5, supports Linux (GCC) and Windows (Visual Studio 2019/2022) compilers.

Before building you should create this file (or copy existing one if you have it):

- ```source/user_adapter.cpp```

If you don't have required file, create it by renaming with removing underscore from ```source/_user_adapter.cpp``` file.

We will update ```include/user_adapter.h``` and ```source/_user_adapter.cpp``` files as new webhooks are released. If you encountered build error, which tells compiler could not find required functions from ```user_adapter```, please add new functions from ```source/_user_adapter.cpp``` to yours ```source/user_adapter.cpp```.

**This project will not build if you won't do it**.

### Windows

To build the app you need:

- [git]( - a cross-platform utility used on this project for downloading libraries.

- [CMake]( - a cross-platform utility for automatically building software from source code.

- Compiler [Microsoft Visual C++ (MSVC)]( for C++ applications.

```cmake``` and ```git``` must be accessible by PATH.

Building is done by using the ```build.bat``` scenario (or ```.\build.bat``` if Powershell used):

git clone --branch=master --depth=1
cd whatsapp-api-webhook-server-cpp

Application is built at Release config by default. Config file ```config.json``` and directory ```jsonSchema``` are copied to ```build\bin``` directory. The application prioritize ```build\bin``` files over project's directory.

After successful build you can build it using ```build.bat``` or

cmake --build build --config=Release

Run the application:

start build\bin\whatsapp-api-webhook-server-cpp.exe

Server exposes port from ```config.json``` configuration (by default: ```5000```). Detailed configuration description available [here](#running-the-app).

### Linux

To build the app you need git, g++, cmake:

sudo apt-get install git g++ cmake

```cmake``` and ```git``` must be accessible by bash.

Building is done by using the `````` scenario:

git clone --branch=master --depth=1
cd whatsapp-api-webhook-server-cpp

Application is built at Release config by default. Config file ```config.json``` and directory ```jsonSchema``` are copied to ```build/bin``` directory. The application will prioritize ```build/bin``` files over project's directory.

After successful build you can build it using ```.\``` or

cmake --build build --config=Release

Run the application:


Server exposes port from ```config.json``` configuration (by default: ```5000```). Detailed configuration description available [here](#running-the-app).

### Docker

To run this project with Docker, you need Docker and Docker Compose.

You can install [Docker Desktop]( for all platforms or install [Docker Engine]( for Linux.

Clone the repository:

git clone --branch=master --depth=1
cd whatsapp-api-webhook-server-cpp

Before running Docker you should create this file (or copy existing one if you have it):

- ```source/user_adapter.cpp```

If you don't have required file, create it by renaming with removing underscore from ```source/_user_adapter.cpp``` file.

We will update ```include/user_adapter.h``` and ```source/_user_adapter.cpp``` files as new webhooks are released. If you encountered build error, which tells compiler could not find required functions from ```user_adapter```, please add new functions from ```source/_user_adapter.cpp``` to yours ```source/user_adapter.cpp```.

By default, ```port 5000``` is exposed. If you would like to change it, you need:

- Change ```Address``` field in ```config.json``` to your desired port;

- Change ```ports``` field in ```docker-compose.yaml``` to your desired port;

Run Docker image with Docker Compose. Use flag ```--build```, if you are running this container first time or project files have been changed:

docker compose up --build

Server will be started after building automatically. Detailed configuration description available [here](#running-the-app).

## Running the app

The application binary is placed in ```build/bin/```.

This project use ```config.json``` to set these variables:

- Address (default: ```:5000```). Server will be launched on this port. Requests should be sent to this port. [Instance setup](;

- Pattern (default: ```/```). Part of URI after port: "Address""Pattern". All requests sent to wrong Pattern will be rejected. By default server will handle requests on URI = localhost:5000/. [Instance setup](;

- WebhookToken (default: **none**). Authorization token, must be equal to a token declared in your green-api instance (none dy default). [Instance setup](;

- LogToFile (default: ```false```). Defines the creation logger of a file and writing logs to it by program. Available values: true, false.

- LogToConsole (default: ```false```). Defines writing logs into console by program. Available values: true, false.

- LoggerFilename (default: ```log.txt```). Filename for logger's file.

After starting the application, a server using values from config will be started. If no config exists, default values will be used.

You can use [Postman collection]( for server testing.

## User Adapter

For specifing user-defined functions when a notification received use ```user_adapter``` files. In these files you should define notifications handlers (for example: write notification into database, send request to other microservice). Template file ```source/_user_adapter.cpp``` can be used by it's renaming. Handler examples for all notification type are available in file ```user_adapter_example.cpp``` in directory ```examples```.

The user adapter located in:

- ```sources/user_adapter.cpp```

If you don't have required file, create it by renaming with removing underscore from ```source/_user_adapter.cpp``` file.

We will update ```include/user_adapter.h``` and ```source/_user_adapter.cpp``` files as new webhooks are released. If you encountered build error, which tells compiler could not find required functions from ```user_adapter```, please add new functions from ```source/_user_adapter.cpp``` to yours ```source/user_adapter.cpp```.

User Adapter contains your handlers for incoming webhooks. It works according to the following algorithm:

1. Request to the server is received by ```webhook``` class;

2. ```webhook``` class creates ```Response``` object and transmits request body to the ```validator``` class;

3. After validation, ```Response``` object transmits into ```UserAdapter``` handler, based on request's body ```webToken```;

4. ```User Adapter``` function returns ```true``` if error or ```false``` if no error. Based on this value, server will return 200 OK or 400 Bad Request status.

The structure of ```Response``` object (response.h):

struct Response {
bool error = true; // true if incoming webhook failed to validate
std::string typeWebhook = ""; // webhookType taken from request body
std::string bodyStr = ""; // contains request body if error = false, otherwise contains validation error description
nlohmann::json bodyJson = ""; // body of incoming request

1. UserAdapter function defines as:
static bool onWebhookType(greenapi::Response& body);
2. UserAdapter function example:

In this example, handler will be called by webhook with type ```IncomingMessageReceived```. Using the structure ```Response``` above, you could check for validate of request (```body.error```), work with webhook json structure (```body.bodyJson```) or get access to webhook raw body (```body.bodyStr```).

bool UserAdapter::onIncomingMessageReceived(greenapi::Response& body) {
// Every request contains typeWebhook. Requests are rejected, if no typeWebhook given.
const auto typeWebhook = body.bodyJson["typeWebhook"];

// If you encountered errors while hanlding, you should return true.
// It will change response status to 400 Bad Request with immediate return of the HTTP request result
// if () {
// return true;

greenapi::Logger::Log("Received webhook: " + nlohmann::to_string(typeWebhook) + std::string(" with body: ") + body.bodyStr, "info");

// Write your handler here:

// Return false if no error, after this 200 OK response will be returned
return false;

## Examples

Examples are available in [user_adapter_example.cpp](./examples/user_adapter_example.cpp).

## JSON Validation

JSON schemas for webhooks validation are placed in ```jsonSchema``` directory and copied to build directory while running build script. You could add any ```.json``` files to ```build/bin/jsonSchema```, they will be loaded into a program while it starting.

JSON schemas have this structure:

"$id": "schemas",
"$schema": "",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"yourNameOfObject": {
"$schema": "",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"sampleField": {
"type": "string"
"sampleRef_Field": {
"$ref": "#/properties/commonSchemaComponents/properties/senderData"
"required": [
"additionalProperties": true
"yourOtherObject": {

To make your ```.json``` file working, any ```.json``` file should contain only one object with ```"properties"```. All to-be-validated objects should be on ```"properties"``` object. Otherwise, your json file will be ignored.

## Webhooks documentation


## Library dependencies

- [poco]( — for HTTP server.
- [nlohmann-json]( — to work with JSON.
- [json-schema-validator]( — for JSON validation.

## Licence

Licences under [
Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-ND 4.0)