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Http Interceptor library for Angular

angular angular2 angular4 http interceptor typescript

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Http Interceptor library for Angular

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# ng-http-interceptor

> Http Interceptor library for Angular

*Previously was called `ng2-http-interceptor`*

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Version 4.x.x supports Angular 5 (`ng-http-interceptor@^4.0.0`)

Version 3.x.x supports Angular 4 (`ng-http-interceptor@^3.0.0`)

Version 2.x.x supports Angular 2 (`ng-http-interceptor@^2.0.0`)

## Features

* Registering interceptors globally
* Separate interceptors for requests and responses
* Attach interceptors for specific urls via strings or RegExp's
* Remove specific/all interceptor(s)
* Modify requests (even url) from request interceptors
* Cancel requests from request interceptors
* Modify responses from response interceptors
* Interceptor Service is not coupled with Http Service
* Choose between overriding original Http Service or keep it and still use interceptors
* Comprehensive type assistance for your interceptor functions
* Supports AOT compilation with shipped _*.metadata.json_ files
* UMD builds in _dist/bundles_ folder ready to use in Browsers
* Simple http data extraction and manipulation with [Helpers Functions](#helpers-functions-since-v130)
* Sharing context object between all interceptors

## Table of Contents

* [Features](#features)
* [Prerequisites](#prerequisites)
* [Installation](#installation)
* [Usage](#usage)
* [Documentation](#documentation)
* [Development](#development)

## Prerequisites

This library uses `Proxy` from ES6 spec so if you need to support browsers
that are ES5 compatible include [proxy-polyfill](

Library uses `tslib` (standard Typescript runtime library) so please make sure
you have this module installed via `npm`.

## Installation

To install this library, run:

$ npm install ng-http-interceptor --save

## Usage

#### Case #1

Import `HttpInterceptorModule` to your application module.
This will override original `Http` Service and all requests will be intercepted.

#### Case #2

Import as `HttpInterceptorModule.noOverrideHttp()` to keep original `Http` Service
and use `InterceptableHttp` for requests to be intercepted.

### Example use-case

You can use `InterceptableHttp` for your requests in case #1 and #2
and `Http` if you chose to override it (case #1 only):
constructor(http: Http, httpInterceptor: HttpInterceptorService) {
httpInterceptor.request().addInterceptor((data, method) => {
console.log(method, data);
return data;

httpInterceptor.response().addInterceptor((res, method) => {
return => console.log(method, r));

.map(r => r.text())

In this setup every request and response will be logged to the console.
You can also cancel request by returning `false` value (that coerce to boolean false)
from one of registered _request_ interceptors.
You can return `Observable` from _request_ interceptors to do some async job.

You can find in-depth explanation of internal concepts here:
Also if you want to play with it check this [repo](
Or check this [plnkr demo](

## Documentation

All and every interception setup is made by `HttpInterceptorService` service.
Inject this service in place where you want to manage interceptors.

### Public API

HttpInterceptorService: {
request(url?: string|RegExp): Interceptable,
response(url?: string|RegExp): Interceptable

See [src/http/http-interceptor.ts](./src/http/http-interceptor.ts#L8) for full reference

_Description_: Methods will determine when to call interceptor - before
request (`request()`) or after response (`response()`).
You can also specify url filtering (`string|RegExp`) which will indicate
when interceptor must be triggered depending on url.
By default all interceptors fall under `'/'` url key which means every
interceptor registered that way will be triggered despite of actual url.

Interceptable: {
addInterceptor(interceptorFn: Interceptor): Interceptable,
removeInterceptor(interceptorFn: Interceptor): Interceptable,
clearInterceptors(interceptorFns?: Interceptor[]): Interceptable

See [src/http/interceptable.ts](./src/http/interceptable.ts#L1) for full reference

_Description_: This object will help you manage interceptors with
respect to your selected configuration (url filtering).

Interceptor {
(data: T, method: string, ctx?: any): D;

See [src/http/interceptable.ts](./src/http/interceptable.ts#L7) for full reference

_Description_: This is generic type of interceptor - which is a plain old JavaScript function.
You will be dealing with specific one to satisfy it's criteria:
* `Interceptor` - for **request** interceptors
Function will get an array of parameters with which call on `Http`
was made + method name as string (`get`, `post`, `delete`...)
and should return array of the same structure or `false` to cancel request.
* `Interceptor, Observable>` - for **response** interceptors
Function will get Observable + method name as string (`get`, `post`, `delete`...)
and should return same or new Observable but with type Response
(this is made specifically to prevent other code being broken
because response was intercepted and structure changed)

#### Helpers Functions (since v1.3.0)

There are a bunch of helper functions added to simplify some common
work with _data_ array (for ex. getting `RequestOptions` or even `Headers`).

function getHttpHeadersOrInit(data: any[], method: string): Headers;

See [src/http/helpers/getHttpHeadersOrInit.ts](./src/http/helpers/getHttpHeadersOrInit.ts) for full reference

_Description_: Gets `Headers` from _data_ array.
If no `RequestOptions` found - creates it and updates original _data_ array.
If no `Headers` found - creates it and sets to `RequestOptions`.

Exmaple how to add custom headers to requests:
httpInterceptor.request().addInterceptor((data, method) => {
const headers = getHttpHeadersOrInit(data, method);
headers.set('X-Custom-Header', 'value');
return data;

function getHttpOptionsAndIdx(
data: any[],
method: string,
alwaysOriginal?: boolean
): {
options: RequestOptions;
idx: number;

See [src/http/helpers/getHttpOptionsAndIdx.ts](./src/http/helpers/getHttpOptionsAndIdx.ts) for full reference

_Description_: Gets `RequestOptions` and it's index location in _data_ array.
If no options found and `alwaysOriginal = false` - creates new `RequestOptions`
but does NOT set it back on _data_ array.
* Param `alwaysOriginal` is `false` by default.

function getHttpOptions(
data: any[],
method: string,
alwaysOriginal?: boolean): RequestOptions;

See [src/http/helpers/getHttpOptions.ts](./src/http/helpers/getHttpOptions.ts) for full reference

_Description_: Gets http `RequestOptions` from data array.
If no options found and `alwaysOriginal = false` - returns new `RequestOptions`
but does NOT set it back on _data_ array.
* Param `alwaysOriginal` is `false` by default.

function getHttpOptionsIdx(method: string): number;

See [src/http/helpers/getHttpOptionsIdx.ts](./src/http/helpers/getHttpOptionsIdx.ts) for full reference

_Description_: Gets index of `RequestOptions` in http data array for specified `method`.

## Development

To generate all `*.js`, `*`, `*.d.ts` and `*.metadata.json` files:

$ npm run build

To lint all `*.ts` files:

$ npm run lint

To run unit tests:

$ npm test

## License

MIT © [Alex Malkevich]([email protected])