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[ YouTube-Scissors ] A simple API (npm library) that allows you to divide a YouTube video into multiple separate videos base on a video's time stamps. Created using FFmpeg and Node.js.

ffmpeg javascript nodejs npm video-processing youtube youtube-api youtube-dl youtube-downloader youtube-video

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[ YouTube-Scissors ] A simple API (npm library) that allows you to divide a YouTube video into multiple separate videos base on a video's time stamps. Created using FFmpeg and Node.js.

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A simple npm library that allows you to divide a YouTube video into multiple separate videos base on a video's time stamps. Built on top of FFmpeg and JavaScript.

If you are looking for a CLI version of this library look [here](

## 💡 Features

- Can generate multiple videos or extract a single video, based on a YouTube video's time stamps (time stamps from a comment, video description, or chapters)
- **Important:** For this library to work, you must either have the YouTube video already downloaded or have a Buffer of the YouTube video

- **Note:** For comments, follow this [tutorial]( to figure out how to get a YouTube comment's URL.

- Will automatically download ffmpeg for your current operating system
- **Note:** Cannot automatically download ffmpeg for MacOS. You have to download and add it yourself. [FFmpeg Downloads](

- Can generate time stamps from a YouTube video's chapters, comment, or description.

- You can use this library on top of any YouTube download library / API.

- 100% Open Source (MIT license)

## 🚀 Install

npm install yt-scissors

## Example & Usage

const { getTimeStampList, cutVideo } = require('yt-scissors');
const fs = require('fs');

async function main() {

// == Different Videos ==
// Chapters: ""
// Comment: ""
// Description: ""

let list = await getTimeStampList({
url: "",
type: "chapters" });

//Will output a array of time stamps and video titles

//Will generate a video from the 5th video in the array
let chapter_videos = await cutVideo({
video: Buffer.from(fs.readFileSync("./Death Grips - Exmilitary [Full Mixtape].mp4")),
// ffmpegPath: "", (Give it a path to your ffmpeg executable)
DisableDownloadLogs: false,
chapters: [list[4]],
ffmpegOptions: {
crf: "3"

fs.writeFileSync("./test.mp4", chapter_videos[0].videoData);


# 📖 API Documentation

## getTimeStampList(...)

>**Important:** Generated time stamps from the description and comments works about 85% of the time. Make sure the video's time stamps are spaced out and have nothing that would make it hard to find them. There is also a bug with any video that is +10 hours long, so video length should be below 10 hours.

- Picks where to get video time stamps and generate array of time stamps from that.

- Can generate time stamps from a video's chapters, comment, or description.

- **Returns** an array of start and end time for each chapter video.

// getTimeStampList(...) all default values
url: String,
type: "chapters" | "comment" | "description" // default is "chapters"

| Required | Name | Data Type | Description |
| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | -----------
| Yes | url | String | URL of YouTube video
| Yes | type | "chapters" or "comment" or "description" | The data you want to parse to get video time stamps. **(default is "chapters")**

### Returns { Promise> }

- Returns an array of start and end time for each chapter video.

- **Note:** Will return a empty array if time stamps couldn't be generated

**ListVideo_Object Example:**

"ListVideo_Object": {
title: "{String}", // Title of the chapter
start_time: "{String or Number}", // Start time stamps of the chapter
end_time: "{String or Number}" // End time stamps of the chapter

## cutVideo(...)

> **Important:** Cannot automatically download ffmpeg for MacOS. You have to download and add it yourself. [FFmpeg Downloads](

- Using FFmpeg, trims videos into different chapters and encodes theme base on the time stamps given.

- Can automatically download ffmpeg for current operating system, or you can manually install ffmpeg, and give the path to it.

- **Returns** an array of videos with title and a buffer of the trim down video

// cutVideo(...) all default values
cutVideo ({
ffmpegPath = undefined,
DisableDownloadLogs = false,
ffmpegOptions = {
crf: "25",
preset: "ultrafast",
ffmpegCmds: undefined,
ffmpegHide: false
} })

| Required | Name | Data Type | Description
| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- |
| Yes | video | String or Buffer | Video path as a string or a buffer of the video
| No | ffmpegPath | String | Path to ffmpeg executable. If none is given then will automatically download ffmpeg. FFmpeg will be downloaded if variable is set to undefined, null, or you don't pass in a string path. **(default is undefined)**
| Yes | chapters | Array| List of chapters you want to extract from original video get this from getVideoList(...) function
| No | DisableDownloadLogs | Boolean | True = disable download logs, false = show download logs. **(default is false)**
| No | ffmpegOptions | Object | FFmpeg commands and options.
| No | ffmpegOptions.crf | String | Quality of the video. Lower numbers the better looking the video. **(default is 25)**
| No | ffmpegOptions.preset | String | Speed of encoding video. **(default is ultrafast)**
| No | ffmpegOptions.ffmpegCmds | Array | Add any other ffmpeg commands as a array. Make sure they are String values.
| No | ffmpegOptions.ffmpegHide | Boolean | Hide ffmpeg process from being shown in the terminal. **(default is false)**

### Returns { Promise> }

- Returns an array object of videos. Videos are store as buffers.

**SaveVideos_Object Example:**

"SaveVideos_Object": {
title: "{String}", // Title of the chapter
videoData: "{Buffer}" // A buffer of the chapter video

# 🗿 Helpful Infomation & Example Code

### Example Code

// ( Example 1 ) Using the ffmpegCmds in cutVideo(...)
await cutVideo({
video: "Some Buffer of YouTube Video",
DisableDownloadLogs: false,
chapters: [list[4]],
ffmpegOptions: {
crf: "3",
//Note: What "-hide_banner -loglevel debug" commands will look like in the array
ffmpegCmds: ["-hide_banner", "-loglevel", "debug"]

### Helpful Infomation

- [How to find a YouTube comment URL from a video](

### License