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Run a task on Amazon ECS and stream the output to stdout

cloudwatch-logs ecs ecs-task golang

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Run a task on Amazon ECS and stream the output to stdout

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# ecs-task

`ecs-task` is a command line tool to run a task on the ECS. The feature is

- Wait for completion of the task execution
- Get logs from CloudWatch Logs and output in stream

This is a command line tool, but you can use `task` as a package.
So when you write own task execition script for AWS ECS, you can embed `task` package in your golang source code and customize task recipe.
Please check [godoc](

## Install
Get binary from GitHub:

$ wget
$ unzip
$ ./ecs-task help
Run a task on ECS

ecs-task [command]

Available Commands:
help Help about any command
run Run a task on ECS
version Print the version number

-h, --help help for ecs-task
--profile string AWS profile (detault is none, and use environment variables)
--region string AWS region (default is none, and use AWS_DEFAULT_REGION)
-v, --verbose Enable verbose mode

Use "ecs-task [command] --help" for more information about a command.

## Usage
Please provide a command to `--command`.

$ ./ecs-task run --cluster=base-default-prd --container=task --task-definition=fascia-web-prd-task --command="echo 'hoge'" --region=ap-northeast-1
[2018-11-10 19:13:15 +0900 JST] hoge

And if the command is failed on ECS, `ecs-task` exit with error.
$ ./ecs-task run --cluster=base-default-prd --container=task --task-definition=fascia-web-prd-task --command="hoge" --region=ap-northeast-1
[2018-11-10 18:29:24 +0900 JST] ./ exec: line 13: hoge: not found
FATA[0015] exit code: 127
exit status 1
$ echo $?

If you want to run the task as Fargate, please provide fargate flag and your subnet IDs.

$ ./ecs-task run --cluster=base-default-prd --container=task --task-definition=fascia-web-prd-task --command='echo "hoge"' --fargate=true --subnets='subnet-12easdb,subnet-34asbdf' --region=ap-northeast-1

## AWS IAM Policy
Below is a basic IAM Policy required for ecs-task.

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "AllowUserToECSTask",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"

## License
The package is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](