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Lsp Plugin for working with Python virtual environments

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Lsp Plugin for working with Python virtual environments

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# py_lsp.nvim

## What is py_lsp?

`py_lsp.nvim` is a neovim plugin that helps with using the [lsp]( feature for python development.

It tackles the problem about the activation and usage of python virtual environments and conda environments
for the nvim lsp.

Includes optional support for [nvim-notify]( plugins (for custom popup information) and [nvim-lsp-installer]( for LSP detection.
Includes a detection inside the Virtual Environment for the LSP presence as last fallback (before check in the host machine).

## Installation

Using [vim-plug](

Plug 'HallerPatrick/py_lsp.nvim'

Using [packer.nvim](

use {
-- Support for versioning
-- tag = "v0.0.1"

## Usage

Instead of initializing the server on your own, like in [nvim-lspconfig](,
`py_lsp` is doing that for you.

Put this in your `init.lua` (or wrap in lua call for your `init.vim`)

require'py_lsp'.setup {
-- This is optional, but allows to create virtual envs from nvim
host_python = "/path/to/python/bin",
default_venv_name = ".venv" -- For local venv

This minimal setup will automatically pass a python virtual environment path
to the LSP client for completion/linting.

WARNING: `py_lsp` is currently not agnostic against other python lsp servers that are starting or attaching.
Please be aware of other plugins, autostarting lsp servers.

### Features

`py_lsp` exposes several commands that help with a virtual env workflow.

| Command | Parameter | Usage |
| -------------------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `:PyLspCurrentVenv` | No | Prints the currently used python venv |
| `:PyLspDeactiveVenv` | No | Shuts down the current LSP client |
| `:PyLspReload` | No | Reload LSP client with current python venv |
| `:PyLspActivateVenv` | venv name | Activates a virtual env with given name (default: 'venv'). This venv should lie in project root |
| `:PyLspActivateCondaEnv` | env name | Activates a conda env with given name (default: 'base'). Requires `conda` to be installed on the system |
| `:PyLspCreateVenv` | venv name | Creates a virtual env with given name (default: 'venv'). Requires `host_python` to be set and have `virtualenv` installed |
| `:PyRun` | Optional | Run files and modules from current virtuale env. If no arguments specified, will run current buffer |
| `:PyLspFindVenvs` | No | List all found Virtualenvs found by different strategies. Select and reload LSP |

Most of these commands can be also run over a popup menu with `:PyLspPopup`.

#### PyRun

The `:PyRun` command uses the currently activated virtuale environment to either execute the current buffer on
or the arguments passed to pather. If `toggleterm` is an available plugin the command is executed through
a `toggleterm` terminal.

### Configuration

The configurations are not sensible yet, and are suiting my setup. This will change.


Default Values:
auto_source = true,
language_server = "pyright",
source_strategies = {"default", "poetry", "conda", "system"},
capabilities = nil,
host_python = nil,
on_attach = nil,
on_server_ready = nil
default_venv_name = nil,
pylsp_plugins = {}, // the table with the various pylsp plugins with their parameters
venvs = {}

One can also provide settings like `default_venv_name` or `source_stragie` in a `pyproject.toml` file,
to have a per-project setting which venv to use.

default_venv_name = "my_conda_venv"

# Beware, that the source_strategie is a string, not a table
source_strategie = "conda"

This requires a plugin for loading toml files, so include the following in your nvim config:

dependencies = { "dharmx/toml.nvim" },

## Other Language servers

I am using `pyright` and therefore works well with `pyright`. When using a not registered language server
like `jedi-language-server` you can register it like following:

local nvim_lsp_configs = require "lspconfig.configs"

nvim_lsp_configs["jedi_language_server"] = {
default_config = {
cmd = {"jedi-language-server"},

-- Depending on your environment
root_dir = nvim_lsp.util.root_pattern(".git", "",
filetypes = {"python"}

local capabilities = require('cmp_nvim_lsp').update_capabilities(vim.lsp

language_server = "jedi_language_server",
capabilities = capabilities

## Todo

- Support for different environment systems:
- virtualenvwrapper
- Pipenv
- Agnostic against other python lsp server