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Terraform ACME Provider

This is the repository for the Terraform ACME Provider, which one can use with
Terraform to manage and generate certificates generated by an [ACME][about-acme]
CA, such as [Let's Encrypt][lets-encrypt].


For general information about Terraform, visit the [official
website][terraform-io] and the [GitHub project page][terraform-gh].


:warning: **NOTE:** The ACME provider found here supports ACME v2 only.
For ACME v1 endpoints, version 0.6.0 is required, which can be found


# Using the Provider

The current version of this provider requires Terraform v0.10.2 or higher to

Note that you need to run `terraform init` to fetch the provider before
deploying. Read about the provider split and other changes to TF v0.10.0 in the
official release announcement found [here][tf-0.10-announce].


## Full Provider Documentation

The provider is documented in full on the Terraform website and can be found


### Controlling the provider version

Note that you can also control the provider version. This requires the use of a
`provider` block in your Terraform configuration if you have not added one

The syntax is as follows:

provider "acme" {
version = "~> 1.0"

Version locking uses a pessimistic operator, so this version lock would mean
anything within the 1.x namespace, including or after 1.0.0. [Read
more][provider-vc] on provider version control.


# Building The Provider

**NOTE:** Unless you are [developing](#developing-the-provider) or require a
pre-release bugfix or feature, you will want to use the officially released
version of the provider (see [the section above](#using-the-provider)).

## Cloning the Project

git clone [email protected]:terraform-providers/terraform-provider-acme

## Running the Build

After the clone has been completed, you can enter the provider directory and
build the provider.

cd terraform-provider-acme
make build

## Installing the Local Plugin

After the build is complete, copy the `terraform-provider-acme` binary into
the same path as your `terraform` binary, and re-run `terraform init`.

After this, your project-local `.terraform/plugins/ARCH/lock.json` (where `ARCH`
matches the architecture of your machine) file should contain a SHA256 sum that
matches the local plugin. Run `shasum -a 256` on the binary to verify the values

# Developing the Provider

**NOTE:** Before you start work on a feature, please make sure to check the
[issue tracker][gh-issues] and existing [pull requests][gh-prs] to ensure that
work is not being duplicated. For further clarification, you can also ask in a
new issue.


If you wish to work on the provider, you'll first need [Go][go-website]
installed on your machine (version 1.11+ is **required**).

:warning: This provider uses [modules][go-modules]. Although a `vendor/`
directory is currently included with this project for backwards compatibility,
it may be removed at a later time. If you have trouble building the project in a
GOPATH, move the project outside of it.


See [Building the Provider](#building-the-provider) for details on building the provider.

## Auto-Generating Documentation and Supported DNS Providers

There are a couple of commands that can help with updating the supported list of
DNS providers and their accompanying documentation when lego is updated:

* `make provider-generate` will update `acme/dns_provider_factory.go` with the
updated list of supported DNS providers, in addition to updating all of the
documentation in `website/`.
* `make template-generate` only needs to be run if you are updating the
templates used for generating the factory or documentation, and does not
routinely need to be run.

# Testing the Provider

Testing the provider requires:

* An email address and valid domain name on AWS Route 53. These need to be set
using the `ACME_EMAIL_ADDRESS` and `ACME_CERT_DOMAIN` environment variables.
* Valid AWS credentials set in the environment - at the very least

Some environment variables may be needed for other acceptance tests.

After this is done, you can run the acceptance tests by running:

$ make testacc

If you want to run against a specific set of tests, run `make testacc` with the
`TESTARGS` parameter containing the run mask as per below:

make testacc TESTARGS="-run=TestAccACMECertificate"

This following example would run all of the acceptance tests matching
`TestAccACMECertificate`. Change this for the specific tests you want to

## License

Copyright 2018 Chris Marchesi
Copyright 2016-2018 PayByPhone Technologies, Inc.

This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
file, You can obtain one at