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Personal configuration for Neovim

neovim neovim-colorscheme neovim-config neovim-configuration neovim-lsp neovim-plugin

Last synced: 3 months ago
JSON representation

Personal configuration for Neovim

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# Neovim configuration

This repository hosts my Neovim configuration that I'm using for Linux and Windows.

- Linux Distro: [`Linux Mint 21.2 Cinnamon`](
- Windows Version: Windows 10 _(pending to check subversion)_

## Features

- Written in Lua _(and a little bit of Vimscript)_
- Blinking cursor
- Custom [mappings](#mappings)
- Settings for [`neovim-qt`]( and [`neovide`](
- Plugin management via [`lazy.nvim`](
- Code highlighting via [`nvim-treesitter`](
- Better statusline via [`lightline.vim`](
- File explorer via [`nvim-tree.lua`](
and [`mini.files`](
- File fuzzy finder via [`fzf`]( and [`fzf.vim`](
- Autopairing via [`auto-pairs`]( and [`nvim-ts-autotag`](
- Snippets support with [`vim-vsnip`](
- Move lines and selections easier with [`vim-move`](
- Formatters support via [`formatter.nvim`](
- Easier pair surrounding with [`nvim-surround`](
- Easier comments with [`Comment.nvim`](
- Better TODO comments with [`todo-comments.nvim`](
- Better colorscheme with [`nightfox.nvim`](
- Completion engine via [`nvim-cmp`](
- LSP support with [`nvim-lspconfig`](
- Linter plugin with [`nvim-lint`](
- Git integration with [`gitsigns.nvim`]( and [`vim-fugitive`](
- Markdown previewing with [`markdown-preview.nvim`](
- Functions and commands for Neovim GUI's via [`neovim-gui-shim`](
- Better colorcolumn with [`virt-column.nvim`](
- Color highlighter with [`nvim-highlight-colors`](
- Indentation guides via [`indent-blankline.nvim`](
- Beautiful GUI notifications with [`nvim-notify`](
- Nerd fonts support with [`nvim-web-devicons`](
- Unicode completion with [`unicode.vim`](
- Rest client via [`rest.nvim`](
- Better code folding with [`nvim-ufo`]( and [`statuscol.nvim`](
- Easily install packages with [`mason.nvim`]( and [`mason-tool-installer`](
- Better tabline with [`tabby.nvim`](
- Jump out of brackets, quotes and other symbols with [`tabout.nvim`](
- A.I. powered code-completion with [`supermaven-nvim`](
- Beautiful markdown highlighting with [`markdown.nvim`](
- Better `gx` with [`gx.nvim`](
- Distaction-free coding with [`zen-mode.nvim`](
- Support for [`Hygen`]( templates with
- Css unit conversion via [`convert.nvim`](
- LSP Servers:
- [`astro`](
- [`bashls`](
- [`cssls`](
- [`emmet_ls`](
- [`eslint`](
- [`html`](
- [`jsonls`](
- [`lua_ls`](
- [`marksman`](
- [`tsserver`](
- [`vimls`](
- [`yamlls`](
- Linters:
- [`actionlint`](
- Treesitter parsers:
- astro
- bash

- css
- embedded_template (ejs)
- gitignore
- html
- http
- javascript
- jsdoc
- json
- jsonc
- lua
- markdown (also used for `mdx` files)
- markdown_inline
- scss
- toml
- typescript
- tsx
- vim
- vimdoc
- yaml

## Requirements

- [Patched nerd-font](
- [Neovim 0.9.5](
- [Node.js](
- [Yarn](
- [Git](
- [FZF](
- [fd](
- [ripgrep](
- [shellcheck](
- [Zig]( (optional) - See [Troubleshooting](#troubleshooting) section
- `C` compiler (needed by `nvim-treesitter`):
- [Windows tutorial](
- [Linux tutorial](

## Installation

### Before cloning

1. Backup your current configuration
2. Remove your `~/.config/nvim` folder

Once you installed this configuration you will be able to integrate your older
configuration. You can see it in [Customization](#customization) section

### Cloning

Clone repository in neovim config path:

git clone --depth 1 ~/.config/nvim

Or start a new repo with [`tiged`](

tiged Hdoc1509/nvim-config ~/.config/nvim

**IF YOU ARE A WINDOWS USER,** set the environment variable `XDG_CONFIG_HOME`
with `cmd`:


### Install plugins

1. To suppress git messages about detached HEAD, run:

git config --global advice.detachedHead false

2. To install plugins, run:

nvim --headless +'Lazy! restore' +quit

3. Due to `headless` mode, some `tree-sitter` parsers can not be successfully
installed. All you need to do is open `Neovim`.

## Mappings

Used mapleader is `space key`.

| Mapping | Mode | Description |
| ------------- | --------------- | --------------------------------------------- |
| `` | Normal | Toggle `nvim-tree` with focus in current file |
| `` | Normal | Toggle `nvim-tree` |
| `w` | Normal | Save file |
| `W` | Normal | Save all files |
| `q` | Normal | Save and close file |
| `Q` | Normal | Save all files and close Neovim |
| `tq` | Normal | Close current tab |
| `to` | Normal | Close all other tabs |
| `th` | Normal | Move tab to left |
| `tH` | Normal | Move tab to first position |
| `tl` | Normal | Move tab to right |
| `tL` | Normal | Move tab to last position |
| `tj` | Normal | Go to previous tab |
| `tJ` | Normal | Go to first tab |
| `tk` | Normal | Go to next tab |
| `tK` | Normal | Go to last tab |
| `[` | Normal | Jump to tag under cursor in a split |
| `]` | Normal | Jump to tag under cursor in a new tab |
| `j` | Normal / Visual | Scroll down 10 lines |
| `J` | Normal / Visual | Scroll down 20 lines |
| `k` | Normal / Visual | Scroll up 10 lines |
| `K` | Normal / Visual | Scroll up 20 lines |
| `sb` | Normal | Toggle scrollbind in windows of current tab |
| `>` | Normal | Resize current split 10 pixels to left |
| `<` | Normal | Resize current split 10 pixels to right |
| `chh` | Normal | Run `:checkhealth` |
| `` | Normal | Jump to left split |
| `` | Normal | Jump to bottom split |
| `` | Normal | Jump to top split |
| `` | Normal | Jump to right split |
| `H` | Normal | Move window to previous tab |
| `L` | Normal | Move window to next tab |
| `gaa` | Normal | Execute `git add --all` |
| `gd` | Normal | Execute `git diff` |
| `gp` | Normal | Execute `git push` |
| `gl` | Normal | Execute `git pull` |
| `gs` | Normal | Execute `git status` |
| `gc` | Normal | Execute `git commit` |
| `` | Normal / Insert | Toggle Uppercase of word under cursor |
| `` | Normal / Insert | Toggle Title Case of word under cursor |
| `` | Normal / Insert | Remove current line |
| `ya` | Normal | Copy all text of current file to clipboard |
| `e` | Normal | Search files with `fzf` |
| `]t` | Normal | Jump to next TODO comment |
| `[t` | Normal | Jump to previous TODO comment |
| `/` | Normal | Clear search highlighting |
| `rr` | Normal | Run HTTP request under the cursor |
| `rl` | Normal | Re-run the last HTTP request |
| `vh` | Command | Open help window in vertical split |
| `th` | Command | Open help window in new tab |
| `mo` | Normal (\*) | Start Markdwon preview |
| `mc` | Normal (\*) | Stop Markdown preview |
| `mt` | Normal | Toggle Markdown renderer |
| `f` | Normal | Format current file |
| `F` | Normal | Format and save current file |
| `H` | Normal | Preview folded lines |
| `o` | Normal [N] | Add blanklines below current line |
| `O` | Normal [N] | Add blanklines above current line |
| `]c` | Normal | Jump to next hunk |
| `[c` | Normal | Jump to previous hunk |
| `hs` | Normal | Stage hunk |
| `hs` | Visual | Stage selected hunk(s) |
| `hr` | Normal | Reset hunk |
| `hr` | Visual | Reset selected hunk(s) |
| `hS` | Normal | Stage buffer |
| `hu` | Normal | Unstage hunk |
| `hR` | Normal | Reset buffer |
| `hp` | Normal | Preview hunk |
| `` | Insert | Insert `supermaven` suggestion |
| `` | Insert | Accept `supermaven` word suggestion |
| `` | Insert | Clear/Cancel `supermaven` suggestion |
| `-` | Normal | Open mini.files explorer in current file |
| `_` | Normal | Open mini.files explorer |
| `` | Insert / Normal | Toggle spell checking |
| `` | Normal | Reload (re-edit) file |
| `r` | Visual | Replace selected text in current file |
| `R` | Visual | Replace selected text in all files |
| `z` | Normal | Toggle Zen Mode |
| `fs` | Normal | Enable Fullscreen. Only for `nvim-qt` |
| `Fs` | Normal | Disable Fullscreen. Only for `nvim-qt` |
| `` | Normal | Toggle Fullscreen. Only for `neovide` |

**(\*): Mappings that show a notify window.**

**[N]: Mappings that can receive a count.**

### Markdown mappings

The following mappings just run on `*.md` files:

| Mapping | Mode | Description |
| ------------- | ----------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `sat` | Visual Line | Create a table from shell aliases definitions and run `FormatWrite` |

## Git integration

This configuration provides a minimal configuration file for integration with

To use it, run the following command:

git config --global core.editor "nvim -u ~/.config/nvim/minimal.lua"

## Customization

If you want to integrate your older configuration or want to extend this
configuration, follow next indications:

- Custom global variables and Mapleader must be in [`lua/globals.lua`](./lua/globals.lua)
- General options must be placed in [`lua/options.lua`](./lua/options.lua)
- Custom autocommands must be setted in [`lua/autocmds.lua`](./lua/autocmds.lua)
- Plugins configurations must be added inside [`lua/plugins`](./lua/plugins)
folder (can be a `*.lua` file or a folder with an `init.lua` file). Config
files of plugins will be loaded automatically by `lazy.nvim`
- Mappings must be setted in [`lua/maps.lua`](./lua/maps.lua)
- Settings about diagnostic are in [`lua/diagnostic.lua`](./lua/diagnostic.lua)
- Custom icons must be declared in [`lua/icons.lua`](./lua/icons.lua)
- Options related to colorscheme and custom GUI highlighting goes in
- Options for Neovim GUI's are in [`ginit.vim`](./ginit.vim)
- Util functions must be placed in [`lua/utils.lua`](./lua/utils.lua)

If you want to integrate more LSP servers, see the list of all [available LSP
Once you have all software requirements for desired LSP server, you need to:

- Configure it in the list of servers in [`lua/plugins/lsp/servers.lua`](./lua/plugins/lsp/servers).
- Add it to the list of mason tools in [`lua/plugins/lsp/mason.lua`](./lua/plugins/lsp/mason.lua).

## Troubleshooting

### Fail to install treesitter parser

If you are a Windows user and have problems to install `treesitter` parser,
install `zig` and retry to install.

### Fail to use `rest.nvim`

If you are a Windows user and have problems to use `rest.nvim` because of
`curl --compressed` option, you need to prepend the path of the `curl` binary
that comes bundled with `git-for-windows` to your system `PATH`.

Run the following commands with `powershell` as admin:

- `Git 64-bit` version:

$GIT_PATH = "C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\bin"

- `Git 32-bit` version:

$GIT_PATH = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\mingw64\bin"

- Finally, run:

"$GIT_PATH;" + [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", "MACHINE"),

### Fail to use with `astro` files

If you have problems to use `astro` files, follow instructions in:

- [`eslint-plugin-astro`](
- [`prettier-plugin-astro`](

## My dotfiles

[My dotfiles](