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This repository holds leetcode solutions in Python3

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This repository holds leetcode solutions in Python3

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# leetcode Obsidian

## About

This repository includes my solutions to Leetcode questions. If you find my solutions hard to comprehend, give yourself a time to solve easier questions or check discussion section to problem on [LeetCode]( Feel free to contact me for improvements :smiley:

## List of Problems

| Question number | Name | Solution link |
| --- | --- | --- |
| 1 | [Two Sum]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 4 | [Median of Two Sorted Arrays]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 5 | [Longest Palindromic Substring]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 8 | [String to Integer (atoi)]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 10 | [Regular Expression Matching]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 12 | [Integer to Roman]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 15 | [3Sum]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 16 | [3Sum Closest]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 17 | [Letter Combinations of a Phone Number]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 18 | [4Sum]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 19 | [Remove Nth Node From End of List]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 22 | [Generate Parentheses]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 23 | [Merge k Sorted Lists]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 24 | [Swap Nodes in Pairs]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 25 | [Reverse Nodes in k-Group]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 27 | [Remove Element]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 28 | [Find the Index of the First Occurrence in a String]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 29 | [Divide Two Integers]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 31 | [Next Permutation]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 33 | [Search in Rotated Sorted Array]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 35 | [Search Insert Position]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 38 | [Count and Say]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 41 | [First Missing Positive]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 48 | [Rotate Image]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 50 | [Pow(x, n)]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 51 | [N-Queens]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 53 | [Maximum Subarray]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 55 | [Jump Game]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 56 | [Merge Intervals]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 59 | [Spiral Matrix II]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 61 | [Rotate List]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 68 | [Text Justification]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 71 | [Simplify Path]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 72 | [Edit Distance]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 73 | [Set Matrix Zeroes]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 75 | [Sort Colors]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 79 | [Word Search]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 83 | [Remove Duplicates from Sorted List]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 88 | [Merge Sorted Array]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 100 | [Same Tree]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 101 | [Symmetric Tree]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 104 | [Maximum Depth of Binary Tree]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 108 | [Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 110 | [Balanced Binary Tree]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 111 | [Minimum Depth of Binary Tree]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 112 | [Path Sum]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 118 | [Pascal's Triangle]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 141 | [Linked List Cycle]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 146 | [LRU Cache]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 155 | [Factorial Trailing Zeroes]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 172 | [Factorial Trailing Zeroes]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 175 | [Combine Two Tables]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 181 | [Employees Earning More Than Their Managers]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 189 | [Rotate Array]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 198 | [House Robber]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 200 | [Number of Islands]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 202 | [Happy Number]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 203 | [Remove Linked List Elements]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 204 | [Count Primes]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 207 | [Course Schedule]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 209 | [Minimum Size Subarray Sum]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 227 | [Basic Calculator II]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 229 | [Majority Element II]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 234 | [Palindrome Linked List]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 237 | [Delete Node in a Linked List]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 238 | [Product of Array Except Self]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 240 | [Search a 2D Matrix II]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 278 | [First Bad Version]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 287 | [Find the Duplicate Number]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 342 | [Power of Four]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 363 | [Max Sum of Rectangle No Larger Than K]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 368 | [Largest Divisible Subset]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 414 | [Third Maximum Number]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 447 | [Number of Boomerangs]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 461 | [Hamming Distance]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 520 | [Detect Capital]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 551 | [Student Attendance Record I]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 584 | [Find Customer Referee]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 595 | [Big Countries]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 605 | [Can Place Flowers]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 630 | [Course Schedule III]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 693 | [Binary Number with Alternating Bits]( | [Python3 Solution]( |
| 735 | [Asteroid Collision]( | [Python3 Solution]( |