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A list of resources for all invited talks, tutorials, workshops and presentations at NIPS 2017

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A list of resources for all invited talks, tutorials, workshops and presentations at NIPS 2017

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# NIPS 2017

This year's Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) 2017 conference held at Long Beach Convention Center, Long Beach California has been the biggest ever! Here's a list of resources and slides of all invited talks, tutorials and workshops.

Contributions are welcome. You can add links via pull requests or create an issue to lemme know something I missed or to start a discussion. If you know the speakers, please ask them to upload slides online!

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## Contents

- [Invited Talks](#invited-talks)

- [Tutorials](#tutorials)

- [Workshops](#workshops)

- [WiML](#wiml)

## Invited Talks

- **Powering the next 100 years**

John Platt

Slides · [Video]( · Code

- **Why AI Will Make it Possible to Reprogram the Human Genome**

Brendan J Frey


- **The Trouble with Bias**

Kate Crawford


- **The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Structure**

Lise Getoor

Slides · [Video](

- **Deep Learning for Robotics**

Pieter Abbeel

[Slides]( · [Video]( · Code

- **Learning State Representations**

Yael Niv


- **On Bayesian Deep Learning and Deep Bayesian Learning**

Yee Whye Teh


## Tutorials

- **Deep Learning: Practice and Trends**

Nando de Freitas · Scott Reed · Oriol Vinyals

[Slides]( · [Video]( · Code

- **Reinforcement Learning with People**

Emma Brunskill

Slides · [Video]( · Code

- **A Primer on Optimal Transport**

Marco Cuturi · Justin M Solomon

[Slides]( · Video · Code

- **Deep Probabilistic Modelling with Gaussian Processes**

Neil D Lawrence

[Slides]( · [Video]( · Code

- **Fairness in Machine Learning**

Solon Barocas · Moritz Hardt

[Slides]( · Video · Code

- **Statistical Relational Artificial Intelligence: Logic, Probability and Computation**

Luc De Raedt · David Poole · Kristian Kersting · Sriraam Natarajan

Slides · Video · Code

- **Engineering and Reverse-Engineering Intelligence Using Probabilistic Programs, Program Induction, and Deep Learning**

Josh Tenenbaum · Vikash K Mansinghka

Slides · Video · Code

- **Differentially Private Machine Learning: Theory, Algorithms and Applications**

Kamalika Chaudhuri · Anand D Sarwate

[Slides]( · Video · Code

- **Geometric Deep Learning on Graphs and Manifolds**

Michael Bronstein · Joan Bruna · arthur szlam · Xavier Bresson · Yann LeCun

[Slides]( · [Video]( · Code

## Workshops

- ### [ML Systems Workshop @ NIPS 2017](

Aparna Lakshmiratan · Sarah Bird · Siddhartha Sen · Christopher Ré · Li Erran Li · Joseph Gonzalez · Daniel Crankshaw

- A distributed execution engine for emerging AI applications

Ion Stoica

- The Case for Learning Database Indexes

- [Federated Multi-Task Learning](

Virginia Smith

- [Accelerating Persistent Neural Networks at Datacenter Scale](

Daniel Lo

- [DLVM: A modern compiler framework for neural network DSLs](

Richard Wei · Lane Schwartz · Vikram Adve

- [Machine Learning for Systems and Systems for Machine Learning](

Jeff Dean

- [Creating an Open and Flexible ecosystem for AI models with ONNX](

Sarah Bird · Dmytro Dzhulgakov

- [NSML: A Machine Learning Platform That Enables You to Focus on Your Models](

Nako Sung

- [DAWNBench: An End-to-End Deep Learning Benchmark and Competition](

Cody Coleman

- ### [Bayesian Deep Learning](

Yarin Gal · José Miguel Hernández-Lobato · Christos Louizos · Andrew G Wilson · Diederik P. (Durk) Kingma · Zoubin Ghahramani · Kevin P Murphy · Max Welling

- [Why Aren't You Using Probabilistic Programming?](

Dustin Tran

- Automatic Model Selection in BNNs with Horseshoe Priors

Finale Doshi

- Deep Bayes for Distributed Learning, Uncertainty Quantification and Compression

Max Welling

- Stochastic Gradient Descent as Approximate Bayesian Inference

Matt Hoffman

- [Recent Advances in Autoregressive Generative Models](

Nal Kalchbrenner

- Deep Kernel Learning

Russ Salakhutdinov

- Bayes by Backprop

Meire Fortunato

- How do the Deep Learning layers converge to the Information Bottleneck limit by Stochastic Gradient Descent?

Naftali (Tali) Tishby

- ### [Learning with Limited Labeled Data: Weak Supervision and Beyond](

Isabelle Augenstein · Stephen Bach · Eugene Belilovsky · Matthew Blaschko · Christoph Lampert · Edouard Oyallon · Emmanouil Antonios Platanios · Alexander Ratner · Christopher Ré

- [Welcome Note](

- [Tales from fMRI: Learning from limited labeled data](

Gaël Varoquaux

- [Learning from Limited Labeled Data (But a Lot of Unlabeled Data)](

Tom Mitchell

- [Light Supervision of Structured Prediction Energy Networks](

Andrew McCallum

- [Forcing Neural Link Predictors to Play by the Rules](

Sebastian Riedel

- [Panel: Limited Labeled Data in Medical Imaging](

Daniel Rubin · Matt Lungren · Ina Fiterau

- [Sample and Computationally Efficient Active Learning Algorithms](

Nina Balcan

- [That Doesn't Make Sense! A Case Study in Actively Annotating Model Explanations](

Sameer Singh

- [Overcoming Limited Data with GANs](

Ian Goodfellow

- [What’s so Hard About Natural Language Understanding?](

Alan Ritter

- [Closing Remarks](

- ### [Advances in Approximate Bayesian Inference](

Francisco Ruiz · Stephan Mandt · Cheng Zhang · James McInerney · Dustin Tran · Tamara Broderick · Michalis Titsias · David Blei · Max Welling

- [Learning priors, likelihoods, or posteriors](

Iain Murray

- Learning Implicit Generative Models Using Differentiable Graph Tests

Josip Djolonga

- [Gradient Estimators for Implicit Models)](

Yingzhen Li

- Variational Autoencoders for Recommendation

Dawen Liang

- [Approximate Inference in Industry: Two Applications at Amazon](

Cedric Archambeau

- [Variational Inference based on Robust Divergences](

Futoshi Futami

- [Adversarial Sequential Monte Carlo](

Kira Kempinska

- [Scalable Logit Gaussian Process Classification](

Florian Wenzel

- [Variational inference in deep Gaussian processes](

Andreas Damianou

- [Taylor Residual Estimators via Automatic Differentiation](

Andrew Miller

- [Differential privacy and Bayesian learning](

Antti Honkela

- Frequentist Consistency of Variational Bayes

Yixin Wang

- ### [Deep Learning at Supercomputer Scale](

Erich Elsen · Danijar Hafner · Zak Stone · Brennan Saeta

- [Generalization Gap](

Nitish Keskar

- [Closing the Generalization Gap](

Itay Hubara · Elad Hoffer

- [Don’t Decay the Learning Rate, Increase the Batchsize)](

Sam Smith

- [ImageNet in 1 Hour](

Priya Goyal

- [ImageNet is the new MNIST](

Chris Ying

- [KFAC and Natural Gradients](

Matthew Johnson & Daniel Duckworth

- [Neumann Optimizer](

Shankar Krishnan

- [Evolutionary Strategies](

Tim Salimans

- [Learning Device Placement](

Azalia Mirhoseini

- [Scaling and Sparsity](

Gregory Diamos

- [Small World Network Architectures](

Scott Gray

- [Scalable RL & AlphaGo](

Timothy Lillicrap

- [Scaling Deep Learning to 15 PetaFlops](

Thorsten Kurth

- [Scalable Silicon Compute](

Simon Knowles

- [Practical Scaling Techniques](

Ujval Kapasi

- Designing for Supercompute-Scale Deep Learning

Michael James

- ### [Machine Learning Challenges as a Research Tool](

Isabelle Guyon · Evelyne Viegas · Sergio Escalera · Jacob D Abernethy

- [RAMP platform](

Balázs Kégl

- [Automatic evaluation of chatbots](

Varvara Logacheva (speaker) · Mikhail Burtsev

- [TrackML](

David Rousseau

- [Data science bowl](

Drew Farris

- [CrowdAI](

Mohanty Sharada

- Kaggle platform

Ben Hamner

- [Project Malmo, Minecraft](

Katja Hofmann

- [Project Alloy](

Laura Seaman

- [Education and public service](

Jonathan C. Stroud

- [AutoDL (Google challenge)](

Olivier Bousquet

- [Scoring rule markets](

Rafael Frongillo · Bo Waggoner

- [ENCODE-DREAM challenge](

Akshay Balsubramani

- [Codalab platform](

Evelyne Viegas · Sergio Escalera · Isabelle Guyon

- ### [Bayesian optimization for science and engineering](

Ruben Martinez-Cantin · José Miguel Hernández-Lobato · Javier Gonzalez

- Towards Safe Bayesian Optimization

Andreas Krause

- Learning to learn without gradient descent by gradient descent

Yutian Chen

- [Scaling Bayesian Optimization in High Dimensions](

Stefanie Jegelka

- [Neuroadaptive Bayesian Optimization - Implications for Cognitive Sciences](

Romy Lorenz

- [Knowledge Gradient Methods for Bayesian Optimization](

Peter Frazier

- [Quantifying and reducing uncertainties on sets under Gaussian Process priors](

David Ginsbourger

- ### [(Almost) 50 shades of Bayesian Learning: PAC-Bayesian trends and insights](

Benjamin Guedj · Pascal Germain · Francis Bach

- Dimension-free PAC-Bayesian Bounds - [Part 1]( [Part 2](

Olivier Catoni

- [A Tight Excess Risk Bound via a Unified PAC-Bayesian-Rademacher-Shtarkov-MDL Complexity](

Peter Grünwald

- [A Tutorial on PAC-Bayesian Theory](

François Laviolette

- [Some recent advances on Approximate Bayesian Computation techniques](

Jean-Michel Marin

- [A PAC-Bayesian Approach to Spectrally-Normalized Margin Bounds for Neural Networks](

Behnam Neyshabur

- [Deep Neural Networks: From Flat Minima to Numerically Nonvacuous Generalization Bounds via PAC-Bayes](

Dan Roy

- [A Strongly Quasiconvex PAC-Bayesian Bound](

Yevgeny Seldin

- [Distribution Dependent Priors for Stable Learning](

John Shawe-Taylor

## Symposiums

- ### [Interpretable Machine Learning](

Andrew G Wilson · Jason Yosinski · Patrice Simard · Rich Caruana · William Herlands

- The role of causality for interpretability.

Bernhard Scholkopf

[Slides]( · [Video](

- Interpretable Discovery in Large Image Data Sets

Kiri Wagstaff

[Slides]( · [Video](

- The (hidden) Cost of Calibration.

Bernhard Scholkopf

[Slides]( · [Video](

- Panel Discussion

Hanna Wallach, Kiri Wagstaff, Suchi Saria, Bolei Zhou, and Zack Lipton. Moderated by Rich Caruana.


- Interpretability for AI safety

Victoria Krakovna

[Slides]( · [Video](

- Manipulating and Measuring Model Interpretability.

Jenn Wortman Vaughan

[Slides]( · [Video](

- Debugging the Machine Learning Pipeline.

Jerry Zhu

[Slides]( · [Video](

- Panel Debate and Followup Discussion

Yann LeCun, Kilian Weinberger, Patrice Simard, and Rich Caruana.


- ### [Deep Reinforcement Learning](

Pieter Abbeel · Yan Duan · David Silver · Satinder Singh · Junhyuk Oh · Rein Houthooft

- Mastering Games with Deep Reinforcement Learning

David Silver


- Reproducibility in Deep Reinforcement Learning and Beyond

Joelle Pineau

Slides · Video

- Neural Map: Structured Memory for Deep RL

Ruslan Salakhutdinov


- Deep Exploration Via Randomized Value Functions

Ben Van Roy

Slides · Video

- Artificial Intelligence Goes All-In

Michael Bowling

- ### [Kinds of intelligence: types, tests and meeting the needs of society](

José Hernández-Orallo · Zoubin Ghahramani · Tomaso A Poggio · Adrian Weller · Matthew Crosby

- Opening remarks


- Why the mind evolved: the evolution of navigation in real landscapes

Lucia Jacob

Slides · Video

- The distinctive intelligence of young children: Insights for AI from cognitive development

Alison Gopnik


- Learning from first principles

Demis Hassabis

Slides · Video

- Types of intelligence: why human-like AI is important

Josh Tenenbaum

- The road to artificial general intelligence

Gary Marcus


- Video games and the road to collaborative AI

Katja Hofmann

[Slides]( · Video

- Fair questions

Cynthia Dwork


- States, corporations, thinking machines: artificial agency and artificial intelligence

David Runciman

Slides · Video

- Closing remarks


## WiML

- **Bayesian machine learning: Quantifying uncertainty and robustness at scale**

Tamara​ ​Broderick​

Slides · Video · Code

- **Towards Communication-Centric Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Guarding a Territory**

Aishwarya​ ​Unnikrishnan

Slides · Video · Code

- **Graph convolutional networks can encode three-dimensional genome architecture in deep learning models for genomics**

Peyton​ ​Greenside​

Slides · Video · Code

- **Machine Learning for Social Science**

Hannah​ ​Wallach​

Slides · Video · Code

- **Fairness Aware Recommendations**

Palak​ ​Agarwal​

Slides · Video · Code

- **Reinforcement Learning with a Corrupted Reward Channel**

Victoria​ ​Krakivna​

Slides · Video · Code

- **Improving health-care: challenges and opportunities for reinforcement learning**

Joelle​ ​Pineau​

Slides · Video · Code

- **Harnessing Adversarial Attacks on Deep Reinforement Learning for Improving Robustness**

Zhenyi​ ​Tang​

Slides · Video · Code

- **Time-Critical Machine Learning**

Nina​ ​Mishra​

Slides · Video · Code

- **A General Framework for Evaluating Callout Mechanisms in Repeated Auctions**

Hoda​ ​Heidari​

Slides · Video · Code

- **Engaging Experts: A Dirichlet Process Approach to Divergent Elicited Priors in Social Science**

Sarah​ ​Bouchat​

Slides · Video · Code

- **Representation Learning in Large Attributed Graphs**

Nesreen​ ​K​ ​Ahmed​

[Slides]( · Video · Code