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Golang solution for leetcode

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Golang solution for leetcode

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Golang solution for leetcode. For each problem, there is a simple *_test.go to test the solution, and you can run `go test` under corresponding folder.

#### [1. two sum](
#### [2. add two numbers](
#### [3. longest substring without repeating characters](
#### [4. median of two sorted arrays](
#### [5. longest palindromic substring](
#### [6. zigzag conversion](
#### [7. reverse integer](
#### [8. string to integer](
#### [9. palindrome number](
#### [10. Regular Expression Matching](
#### [11. container with most water](
#### [12. integer to roman](
#### [13. roman to integer](
#### [14. longest common prefix](
#### [15. 3sum](
#### [16. 3sum closest](
#### [17. letter combinations of a phone number](
#### [18. 4sum](
#### [19. remove nth node from end of list](
#### [20. valid parentheses](
#### [21. merge two sorted lists](
#### [22. generate parentheses](
#### [23. merge k sorted lists](
#### [24. swap nodes in pairs](
#### [25. reverse nodes in k group](
#### [26. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array](
#### [27. Remove Element](
#### [31. Next Permutation](
#### [32. longest valid parentheses](
#### [33. search in rotated sorted array](
#### [34. search for a range](
#### [35. search insert position](
#### [36. valid sudoku](
#### [38. count and say](
#### [39. combination sum](
#### [40. combination sum ii](
#### [41. first missing positive](
#### [42. trapping rain water](
#### [43. multiply strings](
#### [46. permutations](
#### [47. permutations II](
#### [48. rotate image](
#### [49. group anagrams](
#### [50. pow(x,n)](
#### [51. n queens](
#### [52. n queens II](
#### [53. maximum subarray](
#### [54. spiral matrix](
#### [55. jump game](
#### [58. length of last word](
#### [59. spiral matrix II](
#### [60. permutation sequence](
#### [61. rotate list](
#### [62. unique paths](
#### [63. unique paths II](
#### [64. minimum path sum](
#### [65. valid number](
#### [66. plus one](
#### [67. add binary](
#### [70. climbing stairs](
#### [72. edit distance](
#### [73. set matrix zeroes](
#### [74. search a 2D matrix](
#### [75. sort colors](
#### [76. minimum window substring](
#### [77. combinations](
#### [78. subsets](
#### [79. word search(not solved)](
#### [80. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II](
#### [81. Search in Rotated Sorted Array II](
#### [82. remove duplicates from sorted list II](
#### [83. remove duplicates from sorted list](
#### [84. largest rectangle in histogram](
#### [85. maximal rectangle](
#### [86. partition list](
#### [88. merge sorted array](
#### [89. gray code](
#### [90. subsets II](
#### [91. decode ways](
#### [92. reverse linked list II](
#### [93. Restore IP Addresses](
#### [94. Binary Tree Inorder Traversal](
#### [95. Unique Binary Search Trees II](
#### [96. Unique Binary Search Trees](
#### [98. validate binary search tree](
#### [100. same tree](
#### [101. symmetric tree](
#### [102. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal](
#### [103. Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal](
#### [104. maximum depth of binary tree](
#### [105. construct binary tree from preorder and inorder traversal](
#### [106. construct binary tree from inorder and postorder traversal](
#### [107. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II](
#### [108. Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree](
#### [109. Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree](
#### [110. Balanced Binary Tree](
#### [111. minimum depth of binary tree](
#### [112. path sum](
#### [113. path sum II](
#### [114. Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List](
#### [115. distinct subsequences](
#### [116. Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node](
#### [117. Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II](
#### [118. pascal's triangle](
#### [119. pascal's triangle II](
#### [120. triangle](
#### [121. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock](
#### [122. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II](
#### [123. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III](
#### [124. binary tree maximum path sum](
#### [125. valid palindrome](
#### [126. word ladder II](
#### [127. word ladder](
#### [128. longest consecutive sequence](
#### [129. sum root to leaf numbers](
#### [130. surrounded regions](
#### [131. palindrome partitioning](
#### [132. palindrome partitioning II](
#### [133. Clone Graph](
#### [134. gas station](
#### [135. candy](
#### [136. single number](
#### [137. single number II](
#### [138. copy_list_with_random_pointer](
#### [139. word break](
#### [140. word break II](
#### [141. Linked List Cycle](
#### [142. Linked List Cycle II](
#### [143. reorder list](
#### [144. binary tree preorder traversal](
#### [145. binary tree postorder traversal](
#### [146. LRU Cache](
#### [147. insertion sort list](
#### [148. sort list](
#### [149. Max Points on a Line](
#### [150. evaluate reverse polish notation](
#### [151. reverse words in a string](
#### [152. maximum product subarray](
#### [153. find minimum in rotated sorted array](
#### [154. find minimum in rotated sorted array II](
#### [155. Min Stack](
#### [160. Intersection of Two Linked Lists](
#### [162. Find Peak Element](
#### [164. Maximum Gap](
#### [165. compare version numbers](
#### [166. Fraction to Recurring Decimal](
#### [167. Two Sum II](
#### [168. Excel Sheet Column Title](
#### [169. Majority Element](
#### [171. Excel Sheet Column Number](
#### [172. Factorial Trailing Zeroes](
#### [173. Binary Search Tree Iterator](
#### [174. Dungeon Game](
#### [179. Largest Number](
#### [187. Repeated DNA Sequences](
#### [188. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV](
#### [189. Rotate Array](
#### [190. Reverse Bits](
#### [191. Number of 1 Bits](
#### [198. House Robber](
#### [199. Binary Tree Right Side View](
#### [200. Number of Islands](
#### [201. Bitwise AND of Numbers Range](
#### [202. Happy Number](
#### [203. Remove Linked List Elements](
#### [204. Count Primes](
#### [205. Isomorphic Strings](
#### [206. Reverse Linked List](
#### [207. Course Schedule](
#### [208. Implement Trie (Prefix Tree)](
#### [209. Minimum Size Subarray Sum](
#### [210. Course Schedule II](
#### [211. Add and Search Word - Data structure design](
#### [213. House Robber II](
#### [214. Shortest Palindrome (unsolved)](
#### [215. Kth Largest Element in an Array](
#### [216. Combination Sum III](
#### [217. Contains Duplicate](
#### [219. Contains Duplicate II](
#### [220. Contains Duplicate III (unsolved)](
#### [221. Maximal Square](
#### [222. Count Complete Tree Nodes](
#### [223. Rectangle Area](
#### [224. Basic Calculator](
#### [225. Implement Stack using Queues](
#### [226. Invert Binary Tree](
#### [227. Basic Calculator II](
#### [228. Summary Ranges](
#### [229. Majority Element II](
#### [230. Kth Smallest Element in a BST](
#### [231. Power of Two](
#### [232. Implement Queue using Stacks](
#### [234. Palindrome Linked List](
#### [235. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree](
#### [236. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree](
#### [237. Delete Node in a Linked List](
#### [238. product of array except self](
#### [239. Sliding Window Maximum](
#### [240. Search a 2D Matrix II](
#### [241. Different Ways to Add Parentheses](
#### [242. Valid Anagram](
#### [257. Binary Tree Paths](
#### [258. Add Digits](
#### [260. Single Number III](
#### [263. Ugly Number](
#### [264. Ugly Number II](
#### [268. Missing Number](
#### [278. First Bad Version](
#### [279. Perfect Squares](
#### [282. Expression Add Operators](
#### [283. Move Zeroes](
#### [284. Peeking Iterator](
#### [287. Find the Duplicate Number](
#### [290. Word Pattern](
#### [292. Nim Game](
#### [295. Find Median from Data Stream](
#### [297. Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree](
#### [299. Bulls and Cows](
#### [300. Longest Increasing Subsequence](
#### [301. Remove Invalid Parentheses](
#### [303. Range Sum Query - Immutable](
#### [304. Range Sum Query 2D - Immutable](
#### [306. Additive Number](
#### [307. Range Sum Query - Mutable](
#### [309. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown](
#### [312. Burst Balloons](
#### [313. Super Ugly Number](
#### [315. Count of Smaller Numbers After Self](
#### [316. Remove Duplicate Letters](
#### [318. Maximum Product of Word Lengths ](
#### [319. Bulb Switcher](
#### [322. Coin Change](
#### [326. Power of Three](
#### [327. Count of Range Sum](
#### [329. Longest Increasing Path in a Matrix](
#### [331. Verify Preorder Serialization of a Binary Tree](
#### [332. Reconstruct Itinerary](
#### [334. Increasing Triplet Subsequence](
#### [335. Self Crossing](
#### [336. Palindrome Pairs](
#### [337. House Robber III](
#### [338. Counting Bits](
#### [341. Flatten Nested List Iterator](
#### [342. Power of Four](
#### [343. Integer Break](
#### [344. Reverse String](
#### [345. Reverse Vowels of a String](
#### [347. Top K Frequent Elements](
#### [349. Intersection of Two Arrays](
#### [350. Intersection of Two Arrays II](
#### [354. Russian Doll Envelopes](
#### [367. Valid Perfect Square](
#### [368. Largest Divisible Subset](
#### [371. Sum of Two Integers](
#### [373. Find K Pairs with Smallest Sums](
#### [374. Guess Number Higher or Lower](
#### [375. Guess Number Higher or Lower II](
#### [376. Wiggle Subsequence](
#### [377. Combination Sum IV](
#### [378. Kth Smallest Element in a Sorted Matrix](
#### [383. Ransom Note](
#### [384. Shuffle an Array](
#### [386. Lexicographical Numbers](
#### [387. First Unique Character in a String](
#### [388. Longest Absolute File Path](
#### [389. Find the Difference](
#### [390. Elimination Game](
#### [391. Is Subsequence](
#### [394. Decode String](
#### [395. Longest Substring with At Least K Repeating Characters](
#### [396. Rotate Function](
#### [400. Nth Digit](