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Pre-built easy to use reactive TurboBoost behaviors for Rails/Hotwire apps.

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Pre-built easy to use reactive TurboBoost behaviors for Rails/Hotwire apps.

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Pre-built easy to use reactive TurboBoost elements for Rails/Hotwire apps.

## Table of Contents

- [Sponsors](#sponsors)
- [Dependencies](#dependencies)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Setup](#setup)
- [Behaviors](#behaviors)
- [Toggle](#toggle)
- [Tag Helpers](#tag-helpers)
- [DevTools helpers](#devtools-helpers)
- [Introductory Video](#introductory-video)
- [Releasing](#releasing)
- [License](#license)

## Sponsors

Proudly sponsored by

## Dependencies

- [ruby]( `>= 3.0`
- [rails]( `>= 6.1`
- [turbo-rails]( `>= 1.1`
- [@hotwired/turbo-rails]( `>= 7.2`
- [turbo_boost-commands]( `>= 0.1.1`
- [@turbo-boost/commands]( `>= 0.1.1`

## Setup

Add TurboBoost Elements dependencies

# Gemfile
gem "turbo-rails", ">= 1.1", "< 2"
+gem "turbo_boost-elements", "~> VERSION"

# package.json
"dependencies": {
"@hotwired/turbo-rails": ">=7.2",
+ "@turbo-boost/elements": "^VERSION"

# app/javascript/application.js
import '@hotwired/turbo-rails'
+import '@turbo-boost/elements'

Add TurboBoost to your Rails app

# app/views/layouts/application.html.erb

+ <%= turbo_boost.meta_tag %>


## Elements

### `` and ``

Toggle content via conditional rendering.

This example will re-render the `post` partial and toggle the `form` section.


<%= tag.div id: dom_id(post) do %>

<%= toggle_trigger_tag renders: current_partial_path, morphs: dom_id(post),
controls: dom_id(post, :form), locals: local_assigns, assigns: { post: @post } do %>
<% if toggle_target_collapsed? dom_id(post, :form) %>
<%= link_to "Edit Post Inline", request.path %>
<% else %>
<%= link_to "Cancel Editing Post", request.path %>
<% end %>
<% end %>

<%= toggle_target_tag dom_id(post, :form) do %>
<%= render "posts/form", post: post %>
<% end %>

<% end %>

#### Tag Helpers

- `toggle_trigger_tag`

- `renders` - **REQUIRED**, the partial path to render
- `morphs` - **REQUIRED**, `dom_id` of the partial's outermost containing element
- `controls` - **REQUIRED**, `dom_id` of the toggle target
- `assigns` - `{}`, `assigns` required to render the partial (i.e. instance variables)
- `locals` - `{}`, `local_assigns` required to render the parital
- `collapse_selector` - `nil`, CSS selector for other matching targets to collapse when the target is expanded
- `focus_selector` - `nil`, CSS selector for the element to focus when the target is expanded
- `method` - `:toggle`, method to inovke (:show, :hide, :toggle)
- `disabled` - `false`, disable the trigger
- `remember` - `false`, remember ephemeral UI state between requests
- `kwargs` - generic support for additional element attributes like `class` etc.
- `&block` - a Ruby block that emits this trigger's content

- `toggle_target_tag`

- `id` - **REQUIRED**, the `dom_id` for the element
- `collapse_on` - `[]`, list of events that will collapse this target
- `collapse_selector` - `nil`, CSS selector for other matching targets to collapse when this target is expanded
- `expanded` - `false`, override to force expansion
- `focus_selector` - `nil`, CSS selector for the element to focus when this target is expanded
- `kwargs` - generic support for additional element attributes like `class` etc.
- `&block` - a Ruby block that emits this target's content

If a named keyword argument is shared by both the `trigger` and `target`,
the trigger value will take precendence because multiple triggers might control the same target.

#### DevTools

TurboBoost ships with client/browser based devtools designed to improve the developer experience.
You can enable the devtools with JavaScript like so.


## Introductory Video
[![Watch the introduction on YouTube](]( "Watch the introduction on YouTube")

## Releasing

1. Run `npm install` and `bundle` to pick up the latest
1. Update the version number consistently in the following files:
* `lib/turbo_boost/elements/version.rb` - pre-release versions should use `.preN`
* `app/javascript/version.js` - pre-release versions use `-preN`
* `package.json` - pre-release versions use `-preN`
1. Run `bin/standardize`
1. Run `rake build` and `npm run build`
1. Commit and push changes to GitHub
1. Run `rake release`
1. Run `npm publish --access public`
1. Commit and push changes to GitHub
1. Create a new release on GitHub ([here]( and generate the changelog for the stable release for it

## License

The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](