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Auto completion Lua plugin for nvim

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Auto completion Lua plugin for nvim

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# Warning

nvim-compe is now deprecated. Please use [nvim-cmp]( the successor of nvim-compe.

nvim-compe still works but new feature and bugfixes will be stopped.

# nvim-compe

Auto completion plugin for nvim.

## Table Of Contents

- [Concept](#concept)
- [Features](#features)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Prerequisite](#prerequisite)
- [Vim script Config](#vim-script-config)
- [Lua Config](#lua-config)
- [Mappings](#mappings)
- [Highlight](#highlight)
- [Built-in sources](#built-in-sources)
- [Common](#common)
- [Neovim-specific](#neovim-specific)
- [External-plugin](#external-plugin)
- [External sources](#external-sources)
- [Known issues](#known-issues)
- [FAQ](#faq)
- [Can't get sorting to work correctly](#cant-get-sorting-to-work-correctly)
- [How to use LSP snippet?](#how-to-use-lsp-snippet)
- [How to use tab to navigate completion menu?](#how-to-use-tab-to-navigate-completion-menu)
- [How to expand snippets from completion menu?](#how-to-expand-snippets-from-completion-menu)
- [How to automatically select the first match?](#how-to-automatically-select-the-first-match)
- [Demo](#demo)
- [Auto Import](#auto-import)
- [LSP + Magic Completion](#lsp--rust_analyzers-magic-completion)
- [Buffer Source Completion](#buffer-source-completion)
- [Calc Completion](#calc-completion)
- [Nvim Lua Completion](#nvim-lua-completion)
- [Vsnip Completion](#vsnip-completion)
- [Snippets.nvim Completion](#snippetsnvim-completion)
- [Treesitter Completion](#treesitter-completion)
- [Tag Completion](#tag-completion)
- [Spell Completion](#spell-completion)

## Concept

- Simple core
- No flicker
- Lua source & Vim source
- Better matching algorithm
- Support LSP completion features (trigger character, isIncomplete, expansion)
- Respect VSCode/LSP API design

## Features

- VSCode compatible expansion handling
- rust-analyzer's
[Magic completion](
- vscode-html-languageserver-bin's closing tag completion
- Other complex expansion are supported
- Flexible Custom Source API
- The source can support `documentation` / `resolve` / `confirm`
- Better fuzzy matching algorithm
- `gu` can be matched `get_user`
- `fmodify` can be matched `fnamemodify`
- See [matcher.lua](./lua/compe/matcher.lua#L57) for implementation details
- Buffer source carefully crafted
- The buffer source will index buffer words by filetype specific regular
expression if needed

## Usage

Detailed docs in [here](./doc/compe.txt) or `:help compe`.

### Prerequisite

Neovim version 0.5.0 or above.

You must set `completeopt` to `menuone,noselect` which can be easily done
as follows.

Using Vim script

set completeopt=menuone,noselect

Using Lua

vim.o.completeopt = "menuone,noselect"

The `source` option is required if you want to enable but others can be omitted.

#### Vim script Config

let g:compe = {}
let g:compe.enabled = v:true
let g:compe.autocomplete = v:true
let g:compe.debug = v:false
let g:compe.min_length = 1
let g:compe.preselect = 'enable'
let g:compe.throttle_time = 80
let g:compe.source_timeout = 200
let g:compe.resolve_timeout = 800
let g:compe.incomplete_delay = 400
let g:compe.max_abbr_width = 100
let g:compe.max_kind_width = 100
let g:compe.max_menu_width = 100
let g:compe.documentation = v:true

let g:compe.source = {}
let g:compe.source.path = v:true
let g:compe.source.buffer = v:true
let g:compe.source.calc = v:true
let g:compe.source.nvim_lsp = v:true
let g:compe.source.nvim_lua = v:true
let g:compe.source.vsnip = v:true
let g:compe.source.ultisnips = v:true
let g:compe.source.luasnip = v:true
let g:compe.source.emoji = v:true

#### Lua Config

require'compe'.setup {
enabled = true;
autocomplete = true;
debug = false;
min_length = 1;
preselect = 'enable';
throttle_time = 80;
source_timeout = 200;
resolve_timeout = 800;
incomplete_delay = 400;
max_abbr_width = 100;
max_kind_width = 100;
max_menu_width = 100;
documentation = {
border = { '', '' ,'', ' ', '', '', '', ' ' }, -- the border option is the same as `|help nvim_open_win|`
winhighlight = "NormalFloat:CompeDocumentation,FloatBorder:CompeDocumentationBorder",
max_width = 120,
min_width = 60,
max_height = math.floor(vim.o.lines * 0.3),
min_height = 1,

source = {
path = true;
buffer = true;
calc = true;
nvim_lsp = true;
nvim_lua = true;
vsnip = true;
ultisnips = true;
luasnip = true;

### Mappings

inoremap compe#complete()
inoremap compe#confirm('')
inoremap compe#close('')
inoremap compe#scroll({ 'delta': +4 })
inoremap compe#scroll({ 'delta': -4 })

If you use [cohama/lexima.vim](

" NOTE: Order is important. You can't lazy loading lexima.vim.
let g:lexima_no_default_rules = v:true
call lexima#set_default_rules()
inoremap compe#complete()
inoremap compe#confirm(lexima#expand('CR>', 'i'))
inoremap compe#close('')
inoremap compe#scroll({ 'delta': +4 })
inoremap compe#scroll({ 'delta': -4 })

If you use [Raimondi/delimitMate](

inoremap compe#complete()
inoremap compe#confirm({ 'keys': "\delimitMateCR", 'mode': '' })
inoremap compe#close('')
inoremap compe#scroll({ 'delta': +4 })
inoremap compe#scroll({ 'delta': -4 })

If you use [windwp/nvim-autopairs](

inoremap compe#complete()
inoremap compe#confirm(luaeval("require 'nvim-autopairs'.autopairs_cr()"))
inoremap compe#close('')
inoremap compe#scroll({ 'delta': +4 })
inoremap compe#scroll({ 'delta': -4 })

### Highlight

You can change documentation window's highlight group via following.

highlight link CompeDocumentation NormalFloat

## Built-in sources

### Common

- buffer
- path
- tags
- spell
- calc
- omni (Warning: It has a lot of side-effect.)

### Neovim-specific

- nvim_lsp
- nvim_lua

### External-plugin

- [vim_lsp](
- [vim_lsc](
- [vim-vsnip](
- [ultisnips](
- [snippets.nvim](
- [luasnip](
- [nvim-treesitter]( (Warning: it sometimes really slow.)

## External sources

- [tabnine](
- [zsh](
- [conjure](
- [dadbod](
- [latex-symbols](
- [tmux](
- [vCard](
- [lbdb](

## Known issues

You can see the known issues in here.

- [OS related](
- [Server related](
- [Upstream issue](
- [Next version](

Note: The next-version means [nvim-cmp]( now.

## FAQ

### Can't get it work.

If you are enabling the `omni` source, please try to disable it.

### Incredibly lagging.

If you are enabling the `treesitter` source, please try to disable it.

### Does not work function signature window.

The signature help is out of scope of compe.
It should be another plugin e.g. [lsp_signature.nvim](

If you are enabling the `treesitter` source, please try to disable it.

### How to remove `Pattern not found`?

You can set `set shortmess+=c` in your vimrc.

### How to use LSP snippet?

1. Set `snippetSupport=true` for LSP capabilities.

local capabilities = vim.lsp.protocol.make_client_capabilities()
capabilities.textDocument.completion.completionItem.snippetSupport = true
capabilities.textDocument.completion.completionItem.resolveSupport = {
properties = {

require'lspconfig'.rust_analyzer.setup {
capabilities = capabilities,

2. Install `vim-vsnip`

Plug 'hrsh7th/vim-vsnip'

or `snippets.nvim`

Plug 'norcalli/snippets.nvim'

or `UltiSnips`

Plug 'SirVer/ultisnips'

or `LuaSnip`

Plug 'L3MON4D3/LuaSnip'

### How to use tab to navigate completion menu?

`Tab` and `S-Tab` keys need to be mapped to `` and `` when completion
menu is visible. Following example will use `Tab` and `S-Tab` (shift+tab) to
navigate completion menu and jump between
[vim-vsnip]( placeholders when possible:

local t = function(str)
return vim.api.nvim_replace_termcodes(str, true, true, true)

local check_back_space = function()
local col = vim.fn.col('.') - 1
return col == 0 or vim.fn.getline('.'):sub(col, col):match('%s') ~= nil

-- Use (s-)tab to:
--- move to prev/next item in completion menuone
--- jump to prev/next snippet's placeholder
_G.tab_complete = function()
if vim.fn.pumvisible() == 1 then
return t ""
elseif vim.fn['vsnip#available'](1) == 1 then
return t "(vsnip-expand-or-jump)"
elseif check_back_space() then
return t ""
return vim.fn['compe#complete']()
_G.s_tab_complete = function()
if vim.fn.pumvisible() == 1 then
return t ""
elseif vim.fn['vsnip#jumpable'](-1) == 1 then
return t "(vsnip-jump-prev)"
-- If is not working in your terminal, change it to
return t ""

vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("i", "", "v:lua.tab_complete()", {expr = true})
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("s", "", "v:lua.tab_complete()", {expr = true})
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("i", "", "v:lua.s_tab_complete()", {expr = true})
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("s", "", "v:lua.s_tab_complete()", {expr = true})

### How to expand snippets from completion menu?

Use `compe#confirm()` mapping, as described in section [Mappings](#mappings).

### How to automatically select the first match?

`compe#confirm()` with the select option set to true will select the first item when none has been manually selected. For example:

vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("i", "", "compe#confirm({ 'keys': '', 'select': v:true })", { expr = true })

### ESC does not close the completion menu

Another plugin might be interfering with it. [`vim-autoclose`](
does this. You can check the mapping of `` by running


`vim-autoclose`'s function looks similar to this:

*@pumvisible() ? '' : '=110_FlushBuffer()'

In the particular case of `vim-autoclose`, the problem can be fixed by adding this setting:

let g:AutoClosePumvisible = {"ENTER": "", "ESC": ""}

Other plugins might need other custom settings.

## Demo

### Auto Import

![auto import](

### LSP + [rust_analyzer's Magic Completion](


### Buffer Source Completion


### Calc Completion


### Nvim Lua Completion

![nvim lua](

### Vsnip Completion


### Snippets.nvim Completion


### Treesitter Completion


### Tag Completion


### Spell Completion
