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Hierarchical Temporal Memory implementation in Golang

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Hierarchical Temporal Memory implementation in Golang

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Hierarchical Temporal Memory Implementation in Golang

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This is a direct port of the spatial & temporal poolers, temporal memory, and encoders as they currently exist in Numenta's Nupic Project. This project was done as a learning exercise, no effort has been made to optimize this implementation and it was not designed for production use.

The Nupic project basically demonstrates the CLA, a single stage of the cortical hierarchy. Eventually this same code can be extended to form a full HTM hierarchy.

##Changes From Numentas Implementation
* Temporal pooler ephemeral state is stored in strongly typed struct rather than a hashmap. t-1 vars have "last" appended to their names.
* Temporal pooler params stored in "params" sub struct
* Binary data structures are used rather than ints
* No C++ dependency everything is written in Go

##Current State of Project
* Temporal and Spatial poolers pass basic tests
* Temporal memory passes basic unit tests
* Basic scaler encoder implemented

~~* Finish temporal unit tests~~
* Implement a better sparse binary matrix structure with versions optimized for col or row heavy access.
* Implement better binary datastructure
* Refactor to be more idiomatic Go. It is basically a line for line port of the python implementation, it could be refactored to make better use of Go's type system.
* Implement some of the common encoders


###Temporal Pooler
package main

import (

func main() {
tps := htm.NewTemporalPoolerParams()
tps.Verbosity = 0
tps.NumberOfCols = 50
tps.CellsPerColumn = 2
tps.ActivationThreshold = 8
tps.MinThreshold = 10
tps.InitialPerm = 0.5
tps.ConnectedPerm = 0.5
tps.NewSynapseCount = 10
tps.PermanenceDec = 0.0
tps.PermanenceInc = 0.1
tps.GlobalDecay = 0
tps.BurnIn = 1
tps.PamLength = 10
tps.CollectStats = true
tp := htm.NewTemporalPooler(*tps)

//Mock encoding of ABCDE
inputs := make([][]bool, 5)
inputs[0] = boolRange(0, 9, 50) //bits 0-9 are "on"
inputs[1] = boolRange(10, 19, 50) //bits 10-19 are "on"
inputs[2] = boolRange(20, 29, 50) //bits 20-29 are "on"
inputs[3] = boolRange(30, 39, 50) //bits 30-39 are "on"
inputs[4] = boolRange(40, 49, 50) //bits 40-49 are "on"

//Learn 5 sequences above
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
for p := 0; p < 5; p++ {
tp.Compute(inputs[p], true, false)

//Predict sequences
for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
tp.Compute(inputs[i], false, true)
p := tp.DynamicState.InfPredictedState

fmt.Printf("Predicted: %v From input: %v \n", p.NonZeroRows(), utils.OnIndices(inputs[i]))



//helper method for creating boolean sequences
func boolRange(start int, end int, length int) []bool {
result := make([]bool, length)
for i := start; i <= end; i++ {
result[i] = true
return result


###Spatial Pooler
package main

import (

func main() {

ssp := htm.NewSpParams()
ssp.ColumnDimensions = []int{64, 64}
ssp.InputDimensions = []int{32, 32}
ssp.PotentialRadius = ssp.NumInputs()
ssp.NumActiveColumnsPerInhArea = int(0.02 * float64(ssp.NumColumns()))
ssp.GlobalInhibition = true
ssp.SynPermActiveInc = 0.01
ssp.SpVerbosity = 10
sp := htm.NewSpatialPooler(ssp)

activeArray := make([]bool, sp.NumColumns())
inputVector := make([]bool, sp.NumInputs())

for idx, _ := range inputVector {
inputVector[idx] = rand.Intn(5) >= 2

sp.Compute(inputVector, true, activeArray, sp.InhibitColumns)

fmt.Println("Active Indices:", utils.OnIndices(activeArray))



###Temporal Memory

tmp := NewTemporalMemoryParams()
tmp.MaxNewSynapseCount = 1000

tm := NewTemporalMemory(tmp)



//Create new scaler encoder
p := NewScalerEncoderParams(3, 1, 8)
p.Radius = 1.5
p.Periodic = true
p.Verbosity = 5
e := NewScalerEncoder(p)

//Encode "1"
encoded := e.Encode(1, false)

//Print results
fmt.Printfn("1 Encoded as: %v", utils.Bool2Int(encoded))



//Create new date encoder
p := NewDateEncoderParams()
p.SeasonWidth = 3
p.DayOfWeekWidth = 1
p.WeekendWidth = 3
p.TimeOfDayWidth = 5
p.Verbosity = 5
de := NewDateEncoder(p)

d := time.Date(2010, 11, 4, 14, 55, 0, 0, time.UTC)
encoded := de.Encode(d)

//Print results
fmt.Printfn("%v Encoded as: %v", d, utils.Bool2Int(encoded))
