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Ian's Vim configuration

configuration dotfiles vim

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Ian's Vim configuration

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# [dotvim](
> Ian's vim configuration (part of [dotfiles](

## Installation


## Plugins

- [scrooloose/nerdtree]( - Tree explorer
- `n` Toggle show/hide
- `ww` Toggle between buffer and tree panes
- `t` Open the selected file in a new tab
- `R` Refresh the root directory listing
- [ctrlpvim/ctrlp.vim]( - Fuzzy file, buffer, MRU finder
- `p` Open file menu
- `\c` Paste from clipboard
- `f` Switch modes
- [SirVer/ultisnips][ultisnipsUrl] - Code snippet manager
- [scrooloose/nerdcommenter]( - Commenting
- `\cc` to comment a line
- `\cu` to uncomment a line
- [tpope/vim-surround]( - Quoting/parenthesizing
- `cs[sorrounding][replacement]` Replace enclosing characters
- [mbbill/undotree][undotreeUrl] - Undo history visualizer
- `:UndotreeToggle`
- [junegunn/goyo.vim]( - Distraction-free writing
- `:Goyo`
- [tpope/vim-fugitive][fugitiveUrl] - Git wrapper
- `:Gstatus` Status
- `:Gblame` Blame
- `:Gbrowse` Open current file on GitHub
- `:Git [command]` All git commands
- [Chiel92/vim-autoformat]( - Code formatting
- `:Autoformat` or `:Autoformat js`
- [plasticboy/vim-markdown](
- `]]` Go to next header
- `[[` Go to previous header
- [godlygeek/tabular]( - Lines up text with tabs
- `:Tabularize /[pattern]`
- [valloric/youcompleteme][ycmUrl] - Code-completion engine
- [vim-airline/vim-airline]( - Status/tabline
- [vim-scripts/sql.vim--Stinson]( - Better SQL syntax highlighting
- [fatih/vim-go]( - Go development plugin

## Cheat sheet

### Input modes

- `i` Insert
- `I` Insert at beginning of the current line
- `a` Append
- `A` Append at the end of the current line
- `:set paste` Paste-insert mode

### Navigation

#### Normal mode

- `` Left
- `` Down
- `` Up
- `` Right
- `W` Forward/right word navigation
- `B` Backward/left word navigation
- `` or `` Go to beginning of the line
- `` or `` Go to end of the line
- `123G` Go to line `123`
- `gf` Go to file
- `wgf` Go to file in a new tab
- `gd` Go to local definition

### Undo

- `u` Undo
- `r` Redo

### Selection

- `v` Start character selection
- `viw` Select inner word
- `v` Start line selection
- `v(arrow)` Select line chunks in the direction of the arrow

### Copy/Paste

- `y` Copy (yank)
- `p` Paste
- `"0p` Paste from yank register instead of default register
- `a"` Append, add a space, and paste

### Cut/Delete

- `d` Cut
- `dd` Delete line (or cut in highlight mode)
- `d$` Delete from cursor to end of line

### Change

- `c$` Change from cursor to end of line
- `cw` Change word

### Indenting

- `>` Indent
- `<` Deindent
- `.` Repeat indent/deindent

### Lines

- `` New line below cursor
- `o` New line below cursor and switch to input mode
- `O` New line above cursor and switch to input mode

### Tabs

- `t` Open NERDTree file in new tab
- `t` Open ctrlp or fzf file in new tab
- `gt` Go to next tab
- `#gt` Go to numbered tab
- `gT` Go to previous tab

### Buffers (open files)

- `:e (file)` Edit a file, if no file is passed, the current file is reloaded
- `:b` Switch between buffers
- `o` Jump to previous buffer
- `i` Jump to next buffer
- `:ls` List buffers
- `:wq` Write modifications and quit buffer
- `:q` Quit buffer
- `:q!` Quit buffer and ignore modifications
- `:qa` Quit all buffers

### Search

- `:noh` Turn off search highlighting
- `:%s///g` Find and replace in all lines

### Folding

- `za` Toggle 1-level fold
- `zA` Toggle all-level fold
- `zr` Unfold all 1-level
- `zR` Unfold all
- `zm` Fold all 1-level
- `zM` Fold all

### Spelling

- `zg` Add word to dictionary
- `:set nospell` Turn off spell checking


Created by [Ian Walter](
