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SvelteKit adapter for template engines such as PHP, Blade, Handlebars, etc.

sveltekit sveltekit-adapter

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SvelteKit adapter for template engines such as PHP, Blade, Handlebars, etc.

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# sveltekit-adapter-html-like

> **Warning**
> SvelteKit is still under heavy development and introduces breaking changes every now and then. If this adapter doesn't work in your setup, make sure to use `@svelte/[email protected]`.


[Adapter]( for SvelteKit apps that prerenders your site as static files for template engines such as PHP, Blade, Embedded Ruby (ERB), Handlebars, EJS etc.

This package is a fork of [@sveltejs/adapter-static]( that adds a couple of extra features:

- tag injection
- string replacement
- minify/prettify output
- custom file extensions

## Usage

Install with `npm i -D sveltekit-adapter-html-like`, then add the adapter to your `svelte.config.js`:

// svelte.config.js
import adapter from 'sveltekit-adapter-html-like';

export default {
kit: {
adapter: adapter()

Unless you're in [SPA mode](#spa-mode), the adapter will attempt to prerender every page of your app, regardless of whether the [`prerender`]( option is set.

## Options

### pages

Type: `string`
Default: `build`

The directory to write prerendered pages to. It defaults to `build`.

### assets

Type: `string`
Default: `build`

The directory to write static assets (the contents of `static`, plus client-side JS and CSS generated by SvelteKit) to. Ordinarily this should be the same as `pages`, and it will default to whatever the value of `pages` is, but in rare circumstances you might need to output pages and assets to separate locations.

### fallback

Type: `string`
Default: `null`

Specify a fallback page for SPA mode, e.g. `index.html` or `200.html` or `404.html`.

### precompress

Type: `boolean`
Default: `false`

If `true`, precompresses files with brotli and gzip. This will generate `.br` and `.gz` files.

### injectTo

Type: `object`
Default: `{}`

Allows the injection of markup, valid HTML or otherwise, into the `` or ``. You can use the same positions as [`insertAdjacentHTML`](

- `beforebegin`
- `afterbegin`
- `beforeend`
- `afterend`


Let's inject some WordPress tags into the page

injectTo: {
head: {
beforeend: ['']
body: {
beforeend: ['']
targetExtension: '.php'

### replace

Type: `array`
Default: `[]`

String replacements run on every page


Once again, a WordPress example

replace: [
from: '',
to: '>'
// many: true (optional)
targetExtension: '.php'

### minify

Type: `boolean`
Default: `false`

Enable minification of output files

### targetExtension

Type: `string`
Default: `.html`

Modifies the extension of the target file, e.g. `.php` or `.hbs`

## SPA mode

You can use `sveltekit-adapter-html-like` to create a single-page app or SPA by specifying a **fallback page**.

> In most situations this is not recommended: it harms SEO, tends to slow down perceived performance, and makes your app inaccessible to users if JavaScript fails or is disabled (which happens [more often than you probably think](

The fallback page is a blank HTML page that loads your SvelteKit app and navigates to the correct route. For example [Surge](, a static web host, lets you add a `200.html` file that will handle any requests that don't otherwise match. We can create that file like so:

// svelte.config.js
import adapter from 'sveltekit-adapter-html-like';

export default {
kit: {
adapter: adapter({
fallback: '200.html'

When operating in SPA mode, only pages that have the [`prerender`]( option set will be prerendered.

## Related

- [Vite Assets in WordPress](

## License

This work is licensed under [The MIT License](LICENSE)