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Easy way to login as any user in system

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Easy way to login as any user in system

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# AnyLogin Gem

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## Description

**Demo** available on: (source code for demo

**Video Demo**:


AnyLogin was created to speed up the development process by allowing developers to quickly log in as any user.

Give it a try; if you like it please share AnyLogin with friends. If you have any suggestions please feel free to contact me.

## Requirements

Ruby: >= 3.0, Rails: >= 6.1. Pre-configured to work with **Devise**, **Authlogic**, **Clearance** or **Sorcery** gems.

For Rails < 4.2.7 please use `gem 'any_login', '1.3'`.

## Installation

1. Add AnyLogin to your Gemfile:

`gem 'any_login'`

2. Execute in console:

`bundle install`

3. In application layout (for example `app/views/layouts/application.html.erb`) add the following to the bottom of the page:

`= any_login_here if defined?(AnyLogin)`

4. Open your app and on the bottom left corner you will see semi-transparent user icon. Click on it and now you can select any user to log in as without a password.

## Integrations

### Mongoid

After defining a class method called `primary_key`, `any_login` works seamlessly. Otherwise, you will see this error `undefined method 'primary_key' for User:Class`

class User

class << self
def primary_key
# if your primary key is :id, if anything else use accordingly.

### Devise

By default no additional steps are required to make it work with Devise gem. If you have a `User` model everything should work fine. If you have different user model you need to set it in options (see Customization section).

### Authlogic

By default no additional steps are required to make it work with Authlogic gem. If you have a `User` model and a `current_user` method in application controller everything should work fine. If you have different user model you need to set it in options (see Customization section).

### Clearance

By default no additional steps are required to make it work with Clearance gem. If you have a `User` model everything should work fine. If you have different user model you need to set it in options (see Customization section).

### Sorcery

By default no additional steps are required to make it work with Sorcery gem. If you have a `User` model everything should work fine. If you have different user model you need to set it in options (see Customization section).

### Custom Providers

If you are utilizing a custom login strategy, you can also utilize it with this gem. Below is an example configuration if a user was utilizing OmniAuth and rails sessions directly as described in [this article](

In `app/lib/anylogin_omniauth.rb`

module AnyloginOmniauth
module Controller
def self.any_login_current_user_method
@@any_login_current_user_method ||= "current_#{AnyLogin.klass.to_s.parameterize.underscore}".to_sym

def any_login_sign_in
session[:user_id] = user_id
redirect_to main_app.send(AnyLogin.redirect_path_after_login)

Then in your initializer configure `provider` to your new class. In this example it would be `config.provider = "AnyloginOmniauth"`

## Customization

If you want to customize gem execute in console:

`rails g any_login initializer`

It will create the initializer file `config/initializers/any_login.rb`.

### Options

- **enabled** - enable or disable gem (by default this gem is enabled only in development mode).
- **klass_name** - class name for "User" object. Defaults to `User`.
- **collection_method** - method which returns collection of users. Sample:
`.all`, `.active`, `.admins`, `.groupped_users`. Value is a simple.
Defaults to `:all`.
- **name_method** - default value is `proc { |e| [,] }`. You can
change the label of users displayed in dropdown. For example you can add roles,
permissions and any other important information.
- **limit** - limit number of records in dropdown. Default 10. You can put
`:none` if you don't want to limit the number of users for select.
- **redirect_path_after_login** - redirect user to path. Default is
- **login_on** - you can enable login with select field, ID input or both.
Default: `:both`.
- **position** - position of AnyLogin box on page. Possible values: `top_left`,
`top_right`, `bottom_left`, `bottom_right`. Default: `bottom_left`.
- **login_button_label** - login button label.
- **select_prompt** - select prompt message.
- **auto_show** - automatically show AnyLogin box.
- **http_basic_authentication_enabled** - Enable HTTP_BASIC authentication.
- **http_basic_authentication_user_name** - HTTP_BASIC authentication user name.
- **http_basic_authentication_password** - HTTP_BASIC authentication password.
- **verify_access_proc** - controller based access (condition on request.remote_ip, current_user, etc.)
- **previous_limit** - specify limit of records for history. Default: 6.
- **provider** - Manually specify the login provider, one of Authlogic, Clearance, Devise, Sorcery, or a custom handler class name (as a string or symbol).

### Advanced Options

If you want to display users grouped by role you can do it with:

# Initializer: config/initializers/any_login.rb
AnyLogin.setup do |config|
config.collection_method = :grouped_collection_by_role

# User class: app/models/user.rb
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.grouped_collection_by_role
'admin' => User.admins.limit(10),
'moderator' => User.moderators.limit(10),
'user' => User.users.limit(10)

Or another sample:

# Initializer: config/initializers/any_login.rb
AnyLogin.setup do |config|
config.collection_method = :grouped_users
# to format user name in dropdown list
config.name_method = :any_login_name

# User class: app/models/user.rb
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
def any_login_name
[full_name + ' - ' + email + " Domains: #{domains.collect(&:short_code).join(',').presence || 'none'}; Role: #{role}; ID: #{id}", id]

def self.grouped_users
Organization.ordered.includes(:employees).inject({}) do |res, org|
res[] = org.employees.ordered.includes([:domains, :organization])

## Production

If you want to completely disable gem in production add following code in your `config/environments/production.rb` file.

AnyLogin.setup do |config|
config.enabled = false

You can also try to debug your application in production and secure AnyLogin with HTTP_BASIC authentication. See Options sections for more details.

## Future Plans

1. Add tests
2. Add support for more authentication gems like Devise, Authlogic, Clearance (restful_authentication, monban, letmein)

## Contributors

- @incubus
- @bbenezech
- @manastyretskyi
- @saiqulhaq
- @zorab47
- @shivabhusal
- @eliotsykes
- @sviatoslav-krupa
- @daichirata
- @linshaodongsam
- @jr180180
- @vmyts539
- @rbclark
- @OskarsEzerins
- @kyohah

## For CI

Update gemspec:

BUNDLE_GEMFILE=./gemfiles/rails_6_1.gemfile bundle
BUNDLE_GEMFILE=./gemfiles/rails_7.gemfile bundle
BUNDLE_GEMFILE=./gemfiles/rails_7_1.gemfile bundle

## Tests

To setup test apps:



`bundle exec appraisal install`

To run tests:


bundle exec appraisal rails-6-1 bundle exec test_devise
bundle exec appraisal rails-6-1 bundle exec test_clearance
bundle exec appraisal rails-6-1 bundle exec test_authlogic
bundle exec appraisal rails-6-1 bundle exec test_sorcery

# or

bundle exec appraisal rails-6-1 bundle exec rails test test/devise/
bundle exec appraisal rails-6-1 bundle exec rails test test/authlogic/
bundle exec appraisal rails-6-1 bundle exec rails test test/clearance/
bundle exec appraisal rails-6-1 bundle exec rails test test/sorcery/

bundle exec appraisal rails-7 bundle exec rails test test/devise/
bundle exec appraisal rails-7 bundle exec rails test test/authlogic/
bundle exec appraisal rails-7 bundle exec rails test test/clearance/
bundle exec appraisal rails-7 bundle exec rails test test/sorcery/

bundle exec appraisal rails-7-1 bundle exec rails test test/devise/
bundle exec appraisal rails-7-1 bundle exec rails test test/authlogic/
bundle exec appraisal rails-7-1 bundle exec rails test test/clearance/
bundle exec appraisal rails-7-1 bundle exec rails test test/sorcery/


If you want to manually tests open `test/rails_apps/devise/` and run `rails s` and open `http://localhost:3000` (and with other gems)

Note: with Devise it can glitch in dummy app so I suggest to connect to real app using:

gem 'any_login', path: '../any_login'

## Other

