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React Progressive images with Lazy loading :zap:

lazy-load-img progressive-image reactjs

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React Progressive images with Lazy loading :zap:

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# react-lazy-progressive-image

Load low resolution/ placeholder image first and then load the actual image lazily when it's in the viewport.


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# :zap: Why?

Load low resolution/ placeholder image first and then load the actual image lazily when it's in the viewport.

# :zap: Installation

The package is available on npm.

npm i -s react-lazy-progressive-image

# :zap: Usage

Just like `react-progressive-image` this component expects exactly one child which has to be a function.

import React, { Component } from "react";
import LazyImage from "react-lazy-progressive-image";

class App extends Component {
render() {
return (

{(src, loading, isVisible) => }


The child which is a function will have access to `src`, `loading` and `isVisible` values as arguments and the user can decide how to use those values to render image styles. (This pattern is called render props or children props pattern)

| Render prop | Description | Type | Values |
| --------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| src | The src of the image being rendered | String | Initially points to the placeholder image, then loads image and will then point to the source image |
| loading | Whether the image is currently being loaded | Boolean | true/false |
| isVisible | Whether the image is currently visible in the page. This is managed by `react-visibility-sensor` | Boolean | true/false |
| visibilitySensorProps | Props to pass to `react-visibility-sensor` . Handy for `partialVisibility` | Object | `undefined` or `{}` |

### Example usage with styled-components

You can use `styled-components`, to transition an image from the placeholder when the image has loaded.
You can use the `render props` as mentioned above and then use it to animate the `opacity` of the image from `0.2` to `1` when the image is loaded. This is , of course, a basic example. But you can use this logic to create more powerful animations.

For eg :

import React, { Component } from "react";
import styled from "styled-components";
import LazyImage from "react-lazy-progressive-image";

const Image = styled.img`
height: 450px;
width: 800px;
margin-top: 200px;
display: block;
transition: all 0.25s ease;
opacity: ${props => (props.loading ? 0.2 : 1)};

class Usage extends Component {
render() {
return (

{(src, loading) => }


## How was this package made 🔧

A good amount of code has been taken from react-progressive-image, the additions being the usage of react-visibility-sensor to check if there is a need to load the image and making sure that the image doesn't load in advance when it's not really needed.

### ✊ Improvements in the roadmap

- [x] Unit tests
- [x] Integration tests
- [ ] Suspense integration
- [ ] More tests

## 🙏 Credits

1. Formidable Labs
2. Josh Johnston