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Yii2 code statistic


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Yii2 code statistic

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Yii2 Code Statistic
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Based on phploc/phploc


Either run

composer require --dev insolita/yii2-codestat:~2.0
or add

"insolita/yii2-codestat": "~2.0"
in require-dev section of your `composer.json` file.

Basic Usage

Add in console configuration file, in section modules

'scanTargets' => ['@backend/','@common/','@frontend/','@console/'],
'exceptTargets' => ['*config*','vendor*','*web/','*runtime/','*views/','*tests/'],


**scanTargets** - array of path, or path aliases that will be scanned recursively
**exceptTargets** - array of path patterns for excluding

For checking whole list of files that will be processed, run
./yii codestat/default/list-files

For statistic summary output run
./yii codestat

For statistic summary output with show bad resolved files
./yii codestat 1

Show full phploc report per each defined group

./yii codestat/default/advanced
./yii codestat/default/advanced WebControllers
./yii codestat/default/advanced WebControllers,RestControllers,ConsoleControllers

Show full phploc report for all matched files

./yii codestat/default/common

Show full phploc report for custom directory

./yii codestat/default/directory @common/models

Show full phploc report for custom file

./yii codestat/default/file @common/lib/MySuperClass.php

List available metrics with codes
./yii codestat/default/list-metrics

Advanced Usage

#### Custom Class Grouping Rules

You can extend or overwrite property 'groupRules', with supported formats

`'Group Name' => 'BaseParentClass'`

where 'BaseParentClass' should by verified with `(\ReflectionClass)->isSubclassOf()`


'Group Name' => function(\ReflectionClass $reflection){
//Should return true if class valid for this group, otherwise false;

Final example

'groupRules' => [
'Jobs' => 'yii\queue\JobInterface',
'Handlers' => 'trntv\bus\interfaces\Handler::class',
'DTO' => function (\ReflectionClass $reflection) {
return mb_strpos($reflection->getFileName(), 'Dto')!==false;
'All Tests' => function (\ReflectionClass $reflection) {
return $reflection->isSubclassOf('\Codeception\Test\Unit')
|| StringHelper::endsWith($reflection->getName(), 'Cest');
] + CodeStatModule::defaultRules(),
**Important!** The order of the rules in the list matters, the base classes (\yii\base\Component and \yii\base\Object) should be at the end of the list!

### Custom code metrics

Code metrics provided by [](, has lot of variants, you can define own combination

For actions advanced/common/directory/file you should set metrics property with array of necessary metric names

'metrics'=>['loc','lloc','classCcnAvg', 'classLlocAvg', 'methodCcnAvg']

For summary action you should provide property 'analyseCallback' in module like as
'analyseCallback = function($group){
/**@var insolita\codestat\lib\collection\Group $group **/
return ['totalFiles'=>count($group->getFiles()), 'metric1'=>$metrics[some], ...etc];
It should return associative array with `'metric name' => 'metric value'` data and will replace internal https://github

And also table summary convention - if metric name contains slash "/", for summary row will be counted average value, otherwise sum