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IRNotificationReceiver is a powerful notification receiver/manager for iOS, it can set conditions for eazy to manage the notifications.

ios manager manager-system network notification notification-center notifications objective-c receiver

Last synced: 3 days ago
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IRNotificationReceiver is a powerful notification receiver/manager for iOS, it can set conditions for eazy to manage the notifications.

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# IRNotificationReceiver

- IRNotificationReceiver is a powerful notification receiver/manager for iOS, it can set conditions for eazy to manage the notifications.
- Notification is base on `Observer Pattern`, it is a good feature to send messages between classes and not break you codes structure, but sometimes you have a lot of notifications and want to manage them, like network relative notifications.

## Features
- Customize the notifications.
- Support notifications number control.
- Support notifications ignore mode.
- Support shared notifications.

## Install
### Git
- Git clone this project.
- Copy this project into your own project.
- Add the .xcodeproj into you project and link it as embed framework.
#### Options
- You can remove the `demo` and `ScreenShots` folder.

### Cocoapods
- Add `pod 'IRNotificationReceiver'` in the `Podfile`
- `pod install`

## Usage

- Then `demo` project display a situation for network requests. You want to use notifications to deliver the status of requests, they could be success or failure, and called by sequential or concurent. Use `IRNotificationReceiver` can be eazy to manage these notifications.

### Basic

#### Setup `NotificationReceiver`


#define GetUserProfileSuccessNotification @"GetUserProfileSuccessNotification"
#define GetFriendsSuccessNotification @"GetFriendsSuccessNotification"
#define GetMessagesSuccessNotification @"GetMessagesSuccessNotification"

NotificationReceiver *notificationReceiver = [[NotificationReceiver alloc] init];
notificationReceiver.repeat = NO;
notificationReceiver.delegate = self;

- The default value of `repeat` is `YES`, that means once the conditions are completed, the `NotificationReceiver` will reset and look forward the same conditions again. The situation is use for some the same requests you want to do again, ex: Click a button do 3 requests A, B, C, show the result after the requests are completed, then you can click again.

- The default value of `enable` is `YES`, if set to `NO`, The `NotificationReceiverDelegate` will not be called, and `checkConditionsWith` not work too.

#### Set `addObserver`, and set `NotificationConditioner`
[notificationReceiver addObserver:self selector:@selector(completionNotifications:) conditioner:[[NotificationConditioner alloc] initWithName:GetUserProfileSuccessNotification minCount:1] ignoreable:YES object:nil];

- `ignoreable`
- If set `YES`, while you call `ignoreConditionerWithName` or `ignoreConditioner`, the specific notification would not manage by `checkConditionsWith`. It also triger the ignore delegaet: `receivedIgnoreConditionerWithName:(NSString*)name` in the `NotificationReceiverDelegate`.

- `minCount`
- You can set `minCount` to help you promise the number of specific notification are called if verified by `checkConditionsWith`.

#### Check verified by `checkConditionsWith`

- Check verified by `checkConditionsWith`, the common way is put the codes in the call back of the requests.
- Important!!! Do `checkConditionsWith` would consume the `minCount` in the `NotificationConditioner`. That means if you set a `Login NotificationConditioner` with 3 for `minCount`, after you call `checkConditionsWith:@"Login"` three times, the check result would be verified.

[notificationReceiver checkConditionsWith:name verifity:^(BOOL isVerified) {
if(name) {
self.statusLabel.text = [self.statusLabel.text stringByAppendingString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %@\n", [name stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"SuccessNotification" withString:@""], @"Success."]];

if(isVerified) {
[self didUpdate];

#### Reset by `resetConditioners`

- You can call `resetConditioners` to make the conditions reset to default. Ex: Click logout button, discard all of the network requests and reset the conditions.

#### Call `removeObserver`

- Don't forgot to remove observer while you not want to observe the notifications.

### Advanced settings

- Use `SharedNotificationConditioner`.
- The situation for use is when you want to do a common request, like `Login`. You just want to do it once, so if logined, then do something, else do `Login`.
- Use `SharedNotificationConditioner` for `Login` request in the all of the pages that you want to login first. Like Profile page, Friends page, etc....

[notificationReceiver addObserver:self selector:@selector(completionNotifications:) conditioner:[[SharedNotificationConditioner sharedInstance] sharedNotificationConditionerWithName:LoginSuccessNotification minCount:1] ignoreable:YES object:nil];

## Screenshots
| Main Page | Failure |
| ![Main](./ScreenShots/demo1.png) | ![Failure](./ScreenShots/demo6.png) |
| Sequential Requesting | Sequential Success |
| ![Sequential](./ScreenShots/demo2.png) | ![Success](./ScreenShots/demo3.png) |
| Concurent Requesting | Concurent Success |
| ![Concurent](./ScreenShots/demo4.png) | ![Success](./ScreenShots/demo5.png) |