An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

Symfony application that consumes data from an external API via fetch, stores the information in a MySQL database, and displays the data on a frontend built with Twig and styled using Tailwind CSS.

api symfony

Last synced: 30 days ago
JSON representation

Symfony application that consumes data from an external API via fetch, stores the information in a MySQL database, and displays the data on a frontend built with Twig and styled using Tailwind CSS.

Awesome Lists containing this project



This project was developed using the provided Symfony template.

## Customizations

1. **Tailwind CSS**:
php bin/console tailwind:build -w

## Environment Setup

2. **Clone the Repository**:
git clone

## Brief Explanation

This Symfony application fetches and stores data from an external API into a relational database.

3. **Migration**:
php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate

4. **FetchDataCommand: Fetches data from the API and populates the database.**:
php bin/console FetchDataCommand

# Service Documentation

### ApiService

- **getTeams(): array**
Retrieves a list of teams from the `DED` competition.

- **getMatchesDed(): array**
Retrieves a list of matches from the `DED` competition.

- **getStanding(): array**
Retrieves the standings for the `DED` competition.

### PaginationService

- **getPaginationParameters(Request $request): array**
Extracts pagination parameters (`limit` and `offset`) from the request query, with default values of 10 and 0

# Routes Documentation

## HomepageController

- **`/`**: Displays the homepage with current season, competition, standings, and team standings.

## RegistrationController

- **`/register`**: Displays the registration form, processes user registration, hashes the password, and logs in the

## LoginController

- **`/login`**: Shows the login form and handles authentication errors.
- **`/logout`**: Logs out the user (intercepted by Symfony's security).
- **`/redirect-logout`**: Redirects to the logout route.

## DashboardController

- **`/dashboard`**: Displays the dashboard with paginated teams and user-specific data.

## FollowController

- **`/follow/{id}`**: Allows the user to follow a team. Displays follow errors and followed teams.
- **`/followed-teams`**: Lists all teams followed by the user.
- **`/unfollow/{id}`**: Unfollows a team and redirects to the list of followed teams.

## Entities Overview

### **Coach**

- **Attributes**:
- `id`
- `firstName`
- `lastName`
- `date`
- `nationality`
- `contractStart`
- `contractUntil`
- **Relationships**:
- `team` (One-to-One with `Team`)

### **Competition**

- **Attributes**:
- `id`
- `name`
- `code`
- `type`
- `emblem`

### **GameMatch**

- **Attributes**:
- `id`
- `status`
- `matchday`
- `stage`
- `lastUpdated`
- `homeTeamId`
- `awayTeamId`
- `homeTeamScoreFullTime`
- `awayTeamScoreFullTime`
- `homeTeamScoreHalfTime`
- `awayTeamScoreHalfTime`
- `scoreWinner`
- `scoreDuration`
- `refereeId`
- `refereeName`
- `dateGame`
- **Relationships**:
- `homeTeam` (Many-to-One with `Team`)
- `awayTeam` (Many-to-One with `Team`)

### **Player**

- **Attributes**:
- `id`
- `name`
- `position`
- `date`
- `nationality`
- **Relationships**:
- `team` (Many-to-One with `Team`)

### **Season**

- **Attributes**:
- `id`
- `startDate`
- `endDate`
- `currentMatchday`
- `winner`
- **Relationships**:
- `competition` (Many-to-One with `Competition`)

### **Standing**

- **Attributes**:
- `stage`
- `type`
- `groupName`
- **Relationships**:
- `season` (Many-to-One with `Season`)

### **SeasonTeamStanding**

- **Attributes**:
- `position`
- `playedGames`
- `form`
- `won`
- `draw`
- `lost`
- `points`
- `goalsFor`
- `goalsAgainst`
- `goalDifference`
- **Relationships**:
- `standing` (Many-to-One with `Standing`)
- `team` (Many-to-One with `Team`)

### **User**

- Attributes:
- `id`
- `email`
- `roles`
- `password`

### **Follow**

- Attributes:
- `id`
- Relationships:
- `user` (Many-to-One with `User`)
- `team` (Many-to-One with `Team`)

# Repository Documentation

### CoachRepository

- **findCoachByTeamId($teamId): ?Coach**
Retrieves a `Coach` entity associated with a specified team ID.

### CompetitionRepository

- **findByName(string $name): ?Competition**
Retrieves a `Competition` entity by its name.

### FollowRepository

- **getFollowedTeamIds($user): array**
Retrieves the IDs of all teams followed by a given user.

- **getFollowedTeamsByUser($user): array**
Retrieves all teams followed by a given user.

- **followTeamAction($user, $team): array**
Allows a user to follow a team. Validates and persists the follow action.

- **unfollowTeam($user, $teamId): void**
Allows a user to unfollow a team based on the team ID.

### GameMatchRepository

- **countMatchesByTeamId($teamId): int**
Counts the number of matches involving the specified team, either as home or away.

- **findMatchesByTeamId($teamId, $limit, $offset): array**
Retrieves a paginated list of matches involving the specified team, either as home or away.

### PlayerRepository

- **findPlayerByTeamId($teamId): array**
Retrieves all players associated with the specified team.

### SeasonRepository

- **findCurrentSeasonByCompetition(Competition $competition): ?Season**
Retrieves the current season associated with the given competition.

### SeasonTeamStandingRepository

- **findByStandings(array $standings): array**
Retrieves `SeasonTeamStanding` entities associated with the given list of standings.
- getTeamStatistics(int $teamId): array Retrieves statistical data for a specific team based on its ID, including
position, points, played games, wins, draws, losses, goals for, goals against, and goal difference

### TeamRepository

- **findTeamById($id): ?Team**
Retrieves a `Team` entity by its ID.

- **findTeamsByIds(array $ids): array**
Retrieves `Team` entities by their IDs.

- **findTeamsWithPaginationAndCountAndFollowers(Request $request, $user): array**
Retrieves `Team` entities with pagination, total count, and a list of followed team IDs by the given user.

### UserRepository

- **upgradePassword(PasswordAuthenticatedUserInterface $user, string $newHashedPassword): void**
Upgrades (rehashes) the password of a user.

- **findUserByEmail(string $email): ?User**
Retrieves a `User` entity by email address.

### RegistrationFormType

- **buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options): void**
Configures the form fields for user registration, including email, terms agreement, and password with validation

- **configureOptions(OptionsResolver $resolver): void**
Sets default options for the form, specifying that the data class is `User`.

### UserFixtures

- **load(ObjectManager $manager): void**
Populates the database with initial user data for testing or development, including creating and persisting user

### LoginAuthenticator

- **authenticate(Request $request): Passport**
Retrieves email and password from the request, creates a Passport object for user authentication, including CSRF

- **onAuthenticationSuccess(Request $request, TokenInterface $token, string $firewallName): ?Response**
Redirects to the originally requested page or to the dashboard upon successful authentication.

- **getLoginUrl(Request $request): string**
Returns the URL to the login page.

### FollowValidator

- **validate($value, Constraint $constraint): void**
Validates a `Follow` entity to ensure that both the `user` and `team` properties are not null, adding violations if
any are missing.

# Template Documentation

### dashboard.html.twig

- **Purpose:** Template file for rendering the user dashboard view.
- **Features:** Displays user-specific data such as recent activities, notifications, and other relevant information.

### follow.html.twig

- **Purpose:** Template file for rendering the view of followed teams for the user.
- **Features:** Displays a list of teams that the user is following, including team name, emblem, and links for
viewing details or unfollowing.

### homepage.html.twig

- **Purpose:** Template file for rendering the homepage view, specifically displaying the standings of teams in a
football competition.
- **Features:** Shows the competition name, season years, and competition emblem prominently at the top of the page.
Displays team standings, including their position, name, emblem, and points in a table format.

### register.html.twig

- **Purpose:** Template file for rendering the user registration form.
- **Features:**
- Displays a user-friendly registration form with fields for email, password, and agreement to terms.
- Utilizes Symfony's form_row to render form fields with Tailwind CSS classes for consistent styling.
- Includes error handling to display validation errors prominently above the form fields.

### login.html.twig

- **Purpose:** Template file for rendering the user login form.
- **Features:**
- Displays a login form with fields for email and password.
- Shows error messages if the login attempt fails.
- Includes a condition to inform the user if they are already logged in.

### detail.html.twig

- **Purpose:** This template displays detailed information about a football team, including the team's name, logo,
founding date, address, website, club colors, and venue. It also provides details on the coach, squad, and recent or
upcoming matches.
- **Features:**
- Organized Layout: Divided into sections for team details, coach and squad information, and match listings.
- Paginated Navigation: Includes "Previous" and "Next" buttons for paginated match viewing.
- Availability Check: Shows a message if team information is not available.
- Interactive Elements: Styled links for the team's website and pagination controls enhance user interaction.