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Turn WordPress plugin zip files into git repositories, so that composer version constraints work properly.

cli composer composify wordpress wordpress-development

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Turn WordPress plugin zip files into git repositories, so that composer version constraints work properly.

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# composify

Turn WordPress plugin zip files into git repositories, so that composer version constraints work properly.

[![Hire Itineris](](

- [Goal](#goal)
- [Requirements](#requirements)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Examples](#examples)
- [Gravity Forms](#gravity-forms)
- [Advanced Custom Fields Pro](#advanced-custom-fields-pro)
- [Kinsta MU Plugins](#kinsta-mu-plugins)
- [FAQ](#faq)
- [How to install the `composify`-ed plugin via `composer`?](#how-to-install-the-composify-ed-plugin-via-composer)
- [How to `composify` plugin zip URLs which are *password-protected*?](#how-to-composify-plugin-zip-urls-which-are-password-protected)
- [Can I change default flag values via environment variables?](#can-i-change-default-flag-values-via-environment-variables)
- [Can I install `composify` instead of using `$ npx`?](#can-i-install-composify-instead-of-using--npx)
- [How about plugins on](#how-about-plugins-on-wordpressorg)
- [What to do when `fatal: Could not read from remote repository`?](#what-to-do-when-fatal-could-not-read-from-remote-repository)
- [Is it a must to use `composify` with Bedrock?](#is-it-a-must-to-use-composify-with-bedrock)
- [Any Alternatives?](#any-alternatives)
- [It looks awesome. Where can I find some more goodies like this?](#it-looks-awesome-where-can-i-find-some-more-goodies-like-this)
- [This isn't on Where can I give a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ review?](#this-isnt-on-wporg-where-can-i-give-a-%EF%B8%8F%EF%B8%8F%EF%B8%8F%EF%B8%8F%EF%B8%8F-review)
- [Feedback](#feedback)
- [Security](#security)
- [Change log](#change-log)
- [Credits](#credits)
- [License](#license)

## Goal

Since plugin authors do not usually provide custom composer repositories (e.g: [Private Packagist](, [satis](, installing premium WordPress plugins via `composer` is not easy.

[Lots]( [of]( [tutorials]( teach you: open `composer.json` and add the following within the `repositories` array:
"type": "package",
"package": {
"name": "kinsta/kinsta-mu-plugins",
"type": "wordpress-muplugin",
"version": "2.0.15",
"dist": {
"url": "",
"type": "zip"

The problems:
- if `package.dist.url` is *version-locked*, the `repositories` array has to be updated whenever a new plugin version is released
- if `package.dist.url` is not *version-locked*,`$ composer install` is not deterministic (even with `composer.lock`)
* `package.dist.url` always points to the latest version
* `package.version` becomes meaningless because the downloaded zip could be a newer version
* running `$ composer install` (without changing anything) could break the site because a newer plugin version is installed
* when composer caching invoked, there is no way to know which plugin version will be installed

The solution / what `composify` does:
1. download the plugin zip file
2. unzip it
3. generate `composer.json`
4. commit plugins files and `composer.json`
5. `$ git tag`
5. `$ git push --follow-tags`

## Requirements

- NodeJS v10.0.0 or later

## Installation

`$ npx @itinerisltd/composify` just works! No installation required.

## Usage

$ npx @itinerisltd/composify --help
Turn WordPress plugin zip files into git repositories, so that composer version constraints work properly

$ composify

-b, --branch=branch
the default branch of your remote repository [example: main]

-d, --directory=directory
directory name after unzip [example: kinsta-mu-plugins]

-f, --file=file
main plugin file which containing the plugin header comment [example:

-h, --help
show CLI help

-n, --name=name
(required) package name [example: kinsta-mu-plugins]

-o, --vendor=vendor
(required) vendor / organization name [example: itinerisltd]

-r, --repo=repo
remote url or local path to the gti repository [example:]

-t, --type=wordpress-plugin|wordpress-muplugin|wordpress-theme
(required) [default: wordpress-plugin] package type

-u, --[no-]unzip-subdir
unzip file into a sub-directory, only use when default options are breaking

-v, --version
show CLI version

-z, --zip=zip
(required) remote url or local path to the latest zip file [example: OR

## Examples

### Gravity Forms

$ npx @itinerisltd/composify --vendor=itinerisltd --name=gravityforms --zip=

Note the flags:
$ wget
$ tree .

$ unzip -o ./
$ tree .
├── gravityforms <-- `--directory`
│   ├── gravityforms.php <-- `--file`
│   ├── xxx
│   └── yyy.php

* `--directory` is omitted because it defaults to `${name}`, i.e: `gravityforms`
* `--file` is omitted because it defaults to `${name}.php`, i.e: `gravityforms.php`
* `--repo` is omitted because it defaults to `${vendor}/${name}.git`
* `--unzipDir` is omitted because main plugin file is inside `--directory`

### Advanced Custom Fields Pro

$ npx @itinerisltd/composify --vendor=itinerisltd --name=advanced-custom-fields-pro --file=acf.php --zip=

Note the flags:
$ wget
$ tree .

$ unzip -o ./
$ tree .
├── advanced-custom-fields-pro <-- `--directory`
│   ├── acf.php <-- `--file`
│   ├── readme.txt
│   └── xxx

* `--file` is set to `acf.php`

### Kinsta MU Plugins

$ npx @itinerisltd/composify --vendor=itinerisltd --name=kinsta-mu-plugins --zip= --unzip-subdir --type=wordpress-muplugin

Note the flags:
$ wget
$ tree .
$ unzip -o ./
$ tree .
├── kinsta-mu-plugins
│   ├── xxx
│   └── yyy
├── kinsta-mu-plugins.php <-- `--file`

* `--unzip-subdir` is set because the unzipped content is not *contained* inside a `--directory`

## FAQ

### How to install the `composify`-ed plugin via `composer`?

Open `composer.json` and add your git remote into `repositories`:
"repositories": [
"type": "git",
"url": ""

$ composer require /


### How to `composify` plugin zip URLs which are *password-protected*?

1. Download the zip files to your computer first
2. `$ composify/bin/run -z /path/to/ -o itinerisltd -n the-plugin`

Note: This is a v0.3 feature.

### Can I change default flag values via environment variables?


These 2 commands are equivalent:
$ COMPOSIFY_VENDOR=itinerisltd COMPOSIFY_NAME=gravityforms COMPOSIFY_ZIP= npx @itinerisltd/composify
$ npx @itinerisltd/composify --vendor=itinerisltd --name=gravityforms --zip=

### Can I install `composify` instead of using `$ npx`?

Yes. However, you are responsible for updating it.

# yarn or npm doesn't matter
$ yarn global add @itinerisltd/composify
$ composify --vendor=itinerisltd --name=gravityforms --zip=

### How about plugins on

Use [WordPress Packagist]( instead.

### What to do when `fatal: Could not read from remote repository`?

ERROR: Repository not found.
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Make sure you have:

- created a git repository on remote server
- [chosen remote url correctly](
- [configure git authentication correctly]( on your computer or CI server
- granted both read and write accesses to the remote repository for the git user on your computer or CI server

### Is it a must to use `composify` with Bedrock?


Although we prefer and sponsor [Bedrock]( at [Itineris](, you can `composify` any plugin zip files into git repositories, and install them via [composer](

Bedrock alternatives:
- [Composer in WordPress](
- [WP Starter](

### Any Alternatives?

- [Release Belt]( - Composer repo for ZIPs
- [Private Packagist Vendor]( - Use JSON to make any ZIP file available through Composer.

### It looks awesome. Where can I find some more goodies like this?

- Articles on [Itineris' blog](
- More projects on [Itineris' GitHub profile](
- Follow [@itineris_ltd]( and [@TangRufus]( on Twitter
- Hire [Itineris]( to build your next awesome site

### This isn't on Where can I give a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ review?

Thanks! Glad you like it. It's important to make my boss know somebody is using this project. Instead of giving reviews on, consider:

- tweet something good with mentioning [@itineris_ltd]( and [@TangRufus](
- star this [Github repo](
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- write blog posts
- submit pull requests
- [hire Itineris](

## Feedback

**Please provide feedback!** We want to make this library useful in as many projects as possible.
Please submit an [issue]( and point out what you do and don't like, or fork the project and make suggestions.
**No issue is too small.**

## Security

If you discover any security related issues, please email [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) instead of using the issue tracker.

## Change log

Please see [CHANGELOG](./ for more information on what has changed recently.

## Credits

[composify]( is a [Itineris Limited]( project created by [Tang Rufus](

Full list of contributors can be found [here](

## License

[composify]( is released under the [MIT License](