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An interactive To-Do List Web Application that allows users to add, edit and delete tasks.

css html5 javascript localstorage

Last synced: 1 day ago
JSON representation

An interactive To-Do List Web Application that allows users to add, edit and delete tasks.

Awesome Lists containing this project



# To-Do-List

> A To-Do list web application.

## Live Preview

> [Click here to view Live Page](

## Built with

- JavaScript

> Used best practices, ES6 e.t.c

## Setup for Basic HTML/CSS Project

- Linter for HTML/CSS installed

## Getting Started

- ### Mobile Version


- ### Desktop Version


- ### Interactive List

- Easily edit and delete tasks on a single click


### Prerequisites

- Text editor
- Basic HTML/CSS Knowledge
- JavaScript
- Linters i.e. Webhint, stylelint, lighthouse and eslint.
- Git

### Setup

### Install

- [Linter](

### Usage

### Deployment

- [Linter](

## Authors

👤 **Author**

- GitHub: [@itsmraga-hub](

- Twitter: [@RagaMacharia](

- Linkedin: [@itsmraga](

## 🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the [issues page](../../issues/).

## Show your support

Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!

## Acknowledgments

- Microverse team.
- Learning/Coding partners.
- Inspiration.

## License

- [MIT](