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JSON representation

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##(For Douglas Crockford, of course!)

A JSON schema handling system.

##A Single JSON Type Provider for all Types...

"Out of the box" the [JsonProvider]( from the [FSharp.Data]( library provides for strongly typing all JSON schemas known to the project at design time by loading them from a single file into one JSON type provider.

type allJsonTypes = JsonProvider<"TwitterStreamSandBox.json", SampleList=true>

Loading and parsing tweets with 2 different schemas, we see this works and the correctness of the generated types.

(Note the "altered" tweet has a "Text2" attribute.)

let aTweet = """ {"in_reply_to_status_id_str":null,"text":"\u5927\u91d1...

let tweet = allJsonTypes.Parse(aTweet)
let altTweet = allJsonTypes.Parse(anAlteredTweet)

printfn "actual tweet: %s (retweeted %d times)\n:%s"
tweet.User.Value.Name tweet.RetweetCount.Value tweet.Text.Value

printfn "altered schema tweet: %s (retweeted %d times)\n:%s"
altTweet.User.Value.Name altTweet.RetweetCount.Value altTweet.Text2.Value

We could go so far as to process World Bank data along with tweets employing a Type Provider instantiated from a single file of JSON messages.

In fact it seems we could load any combination of message schemas into the Type Provider, provided they are all wrapped as a JSON object. (It remains to be seen whether there are other practical limitations processing a truly mixed message schema stream.)

let worldBankData = (*[omit:("""""" {"indicator": { "id":)]*)""" {"indicator": { "id": "GC.DOD.TOTL.GD.ZS", "value": "Central government debt, total (% of GDP)" }, "country": { "id": "CZ", "value": "Czech Republic" }, "value": null, "decimal": "1", "date": "2012" } """(*[/omit]*)
let fromWorldBank = allJsonTypes.Parse(worldBankData)
printfn "%i " fromWorldBank.Date.Value

##...but still leaves us unable to actually process multiple schemas

The first problem is we don't actually know the schema of the message we just parsed, making it difficult to write code to process parsed messages.

printfn "%s (retweeted %d times)\n:%s"
altTweet.User.Value.Name altTweet.RetweetCount.Value altTweet.Text.Value
| :? System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException as e -> printfn "%s" e.Message
| e -> printfn "Other error: %s" e.Message

##The Solution

To the rescue is Crock, a system for intelligently processing JSON message schemas. It is based on a representation of JSON schema nodes that allows for comparison, updating, and future expansion with metadata:

type JsonNode = { Key : string option; ValueTypeName : string; IsNullable : bool option }

In this prototype JsonNodes are organized in an FSharpx.Collections.Experimental.EagerRoseTree. As input the JsonSchema takes a parsed message from the FSharp.Data [Json Parser](

let x = Crock.JsonSchema.create (JsonValue.Parse(anAlteredTweet))

The "pretty print" of the alternate tweet JsonSchema:

Crock.JsonSchema.printPreOrder x

Object isNullable: False
contributors Null isNullable: True
coordinates Null isNullable: True
created_at String isNullable: unknown
entities Object isNullable: False
hashtags Array isNullable: False
urls Array isNullable: False
user_mentions Array isNullable: False
favorited Boolean isNullable: False
geo Null isNullable: True
id Number isNullable: unknown
id_str String isNullable: unknown
in_reply_to_screen_name Null isNullable: True
in_reply_to_status_id Null isNullable: True
in_reply_to_status_id_str Null isNullable: True
in_reply_to_user_id Null isNullable: True
in_reply_to_user_id_str Null isNullable: True
place Null isNullable: True
retweet_count Number isNullable: unknown
retweeted Boolean isNullable: False
source String isNullable: unknown
text2 String isNullable: unknown
truncated Boolean isNullable: False
user Object isNullable: False
contributors_enabled Boolean isNullable: False
created_at String isNullable: unknown
default_profile Boolean isNullable: False
default_profile_image Boolean isNullable: False
description String isNullable: unknown
favourites_count Number isNullable: unknown
follow_request_sent Null isNullable: True
followers_count Number isNullable: unknown
following Null isNullable: True
friends_count Number isNullable: unknown
geo_enabled Boolean isNullable: True
id Number isNullable: unknown
id_str String isNullable: unknown
is_translator Boolean isNullable: False
lang String isNullable: unknown
listed_count Number isNullable: unknown
location String isNullable: unknown
name String isNullable: unknown
notifications Null isNullable: True
profile_background_color String isNullable: unknown
profile_background_image_url String isNullable: unknown
profile_background_image_url_https String isNullable: unknown
profile_background_tile Boolean isNullable: False
profile_image_url String isNullable: unknown
profile_image_url_https String isNullable: unknown
profile_link_color String isNullable: unknown
profile_sidebar_border_color String isNullable: unknown
profile_sidebar_fill_color String isNullable: unknown
profile_text_color String isNullable: unknown
profile_use_background_image Boolean isNullable: True
protected Boolean isNullable: False
screen_name String isNullable: unknown
statuses_count Number isNullable: unknown
time_zone String isNullable: unknown
url Null isNullable: True
utc_offset Number isNullable: unknown
verified Boolean isNullable: False


There's not much left to do, provided I'm going in the right direction. So I want to get some feedback at this point. Here's how I see the next steps:

1) Finish-up JsonSchema comparison and report on non-mathcing schemas using the "pretty print" format to show differences. (Including adapting the JsonSchema to have a custom GetHashCode().)

2) Persist JsonSchema.

3) Handle a node which was previously "Null" discovering its actual type when a message comes through that is not null.

4) Generate JSON message from the persisted JsonSchema to load the Type Provider.

5) Not directly related to this project, but might be useful: the JsonNode structure can easily expand to accomodate metadata. For instance the JSON type "string" may actually contain a date.