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A Rust crate for helping parse and rebuild binary data using ✨macro magic✨.

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A Rust crate for helping parse and rebuild binary data using ✨macro magic✨.

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# binrw


binrw helps you write maintainable & easy-to-read declarative binary data
readers and writers using ✨macro magic✨.

## Features

* Generates efficient data parsers and serialisers for structs and enums using
* Reads and writes data from any source using standard `io::Read` and
`io::Write` streams
* [Directives in attributes](
handle common binary parsing tasks like matching magic numbers, byte ordering,
padding & alignment, data validation, and more
* Includes reusable types for common data structures like
[null-terminated strings]( and
[data indirection using offsets](
* Parses types from third-party crates using
[free functions](
or [value maps](
* Uses efficient in-memory representations (does not require `#[repr(C)]` or
* Code in attributes is written as code, not as strings, for improved ergonomics
and first-class IDE support
* Supports no_std

## Usage

#[br(magic = b"DOG", assert(name.len() != 0))]
struct Dog {
bone_pile_count: u8,

#[br(big, count = bone_pile_count)]
bone_piles: Vec,

#[br(align_before = 0xA)]
name: NullString

let mut reader = Cursor::new(b"DOG\x02\x00\x01\x00\x12\0\0Rudy\0");
let dog: Dog = reader.read_ne().unwrap();
assert_eq!(dog.bone_piles, &[0x1, 0x12]);
assert_eq!(, "Rudy")

For more information, including a more detailed overview of binrw,
[visit the documentation](