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A helper for triggering popups on focus, hover, and selection.

Last synced: 4 months ago
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A helper for triggering popups on focus, hover, and selection.

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# popup-trigger

**A utility for triggering and closing popups.**

Works great for tooltips, popup menus, dropdown selects, etc.

Available in two flavors:

- [React Hook](#react-hook)
- [Vanilla JS](#vanilla-js)

How it works

Say you have a trigger element, and a popup.




You only want the popup to appear if the trigger is focused or selected -- *or* when the popup itself has focus.

This utility handles this for you by adding events to the trigger and popup nodes, and exposing an `active` variable which you can use to switch the popup's visibility:

{ &&



React Hook

The simplest way to use this tool is with a React hook.

import usePopupTrigger from 'popup-trigger/hook'

function MyComponent() {
let trigger = usePopupTrigger({
triggerOnFocus: true,
triggerOnHover: true,
triggerOnSelect: true, // Pop on touch/click the trigger, or
// on enter/space while focused.

return (
{ &&


Combine with [react-popper]( and [portals]( for all your popup needs!

Vanilla JS

Internally, everything is contained within a vanilla JavaScript class.

import PopupTrigger from 'popup-trigger'

let trigger = new PopupTrigger({
triggerOnFocus: true,
triggerOnHover: true,
triggerOnSelect: true, // Pop on touch/click the trigger, or
// on enter/space while focused.

trigger.setTriggerNode(/* ... */)
trigger.setPopupNode(/* ... */)

trigger.getState() // { active, focused, hovering, selected }
trigger.subscribe(({ active, focused, hovering, selected ) => {})
trigger.dispose() // Clean up afterwards

trigger.close() // Close the popup imperatively