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HTTP API for managing and running Anuga and Tuflow models in the cloud

api-rest cloud falcon gis hydrology python tuflow

Last synced: about 19 hours ago
JSON representation

HTTP API for managing and running Anuga and Tuflow models in the cloud

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HTTP API for managing and running Anuga and Tuflow models in the cloud or a local HPC cluster.

.. note:: TuCluster is in early stages of development and not yet ready for production use.
We are working towards a 0.1 release asap!

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:alt: Documentation Status

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:alt: Updates


- Upload Anuga or Tuflow model data and queue models for execution across multiple workers
- Basic validation of (tuflow) control files
- Persists model metadata in mongodb allowing management and searching of all your modelling activities
- Poll running models for their status
- Explore and download result data
- Compare modelling engines by creating a single model with runs for both Anuga and Tuflow

This API is very young and we have many ideas for expanding. Here is a rough roadmap of what we would like to achieve:

- User accounts
- Email on result/failure
- Searching of models via various attributes (date, user etc)
- Spatial searching of models based on model boundary
- Validation of Anuga scripts using introspection
- Deployment scripts or containerization
- AWS deployment helpers

The following are ideas for tucluster which may be moved to other projects/their own projects:

- A simple command line client
- Online editing of anuga scripts and tuflow control files, aswell as GIS inputs (A browser based client)
- Automatic discovery, download and management of DTM data. This will negate the need for expensive data uploads from the client
- Tiling of results for web maps
- Other visualisation of results & inputs
- Stitching results to a coherent raster based on a search area
- Realtime monitoring via websockets. (To be shunted over to the client side front-end project)

If you have any other feature ideas, please raise an issue.


- Start the server: ``gunicorn``
- Start a celery worker: ``celery -A qflow worker -l info``

You can now interact with the API using e.g. HTTPie


- GET: Returns a list of all models that have been created. A model has a name, description and a folder containing all tuflow model input files
- POST: Upload a single zip archive containing all model data. TCF files must be in the root directory. Returns a representation of the
created model. Alternatively, pass a JSON object with a ``name`` attribute to create a new model without any data

- GET: Retrieve a representation of single model by its name
- PATCH: Update the ``name``, ``description`` and ``email`` (user) of a single model.
You may also upload a file to be added to the model data folder

- GET: Returns a list of all model runs. A model run represents a single execution of a Tuflow model.
It has a link to its model, a control file, the name of the tuflow executable and a task id.
The task id can be used to query the status of the run. Upon completion the location of the
results, log and check folders are available in the model run.

- POST: Start a tuflow modelling task. A representation of the created model run is returned. POST body should be json containing:
- ``tuflowExe`` - the name of the tuflow executable to use for this run
- ``modelName`` - the name of the parent model which supplies the input data
- ``controlFile`` - the path to the control file to use for this run (taken from the parent model)

- GET: Retrieve a representation of a single model run by its' ID.

- GET: Retrieve the current status of a task by its task_id. A task is a currently-executing model run
and the task id can be retrieved from the model run object.

- GET: Download a file by its FID. The FID is the url-safe base64 encoding of the file path.
Such encodings are returned when retrieving a directory tree representation.

- GET: Get a JSON representation of the directory tree structure given by the folder
path described by ``fid``. This is a url-safe base64 encoding of a folder path as can be
retrieved from a successful task result (for output folders) or a model, which returns the
input folder location as a fid.


Tucluster is free and open source software licensed under GPLv3.