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An unofficial simple wechat pay gem

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An unofficial simple wechat pay gem

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# WxPay

A simple Wechat pay ruby gem, without unnecessary magic or wrapper.
copied from [alipay]( .

Please read official document first:

[![Build Status](](

## Installation

Add this line to your Gemfile:

gem 'wx_pay'

or development version

gem 'wx_pay', :github => 'jasl/wx_pay'

And then execute:

$ bundle

## Usage

### Config

Create `config/initializers/wx_pay.rb` and put following configurations into it.

# required
WxPay.appid = 'YOUR_APPID'
WxPay.key = 'YOUR_KEY'
WxPay.mch_id = 'YOUR_MCH_ID' # required type is String, otherwise there will be cases where JS_PAY can pay but the APP cannot pay
WxPay.debug_mode = true # default is `true`

# cert, see
# using PCKS12
WxPay.set_apiclient_by_pkcs12(, cert_password)

# if you want to use `generate_authorize_req` and `authenticate`
WxPay.appsecret = 'YOUR_SECRET'

# optional - configurations for RestClient timeout, etc.
WxPay.extra_rest_client_options = {timeout: 2, open_timeout: 3}

~~If you need to use sandbox mode.~~
(Please be aware, the WeChat has aborted the sandbox env already)
WxPay.appid = 'YOUR_APPID'
WxPay.mch_id = 'YOUR_MCH_ID' # required type is String, otherwise there will be cases where JS_PAY can pay but the APP cannot pay
WxPay.debug_mode = true # default is `true`
WxPay.sandbox_mode = true # default is `false`
result = WxPay::Service.get_sandbox_signkey
WxPay.key = result['sandbox_signkey']


Note: You should create your APIKEY (Link to [微信商户平台]( first if you haven't, and pay attention that **the length of the APIKEY should be 32**.

### APIs

**Check official document for detailed request params and return fields**

#### unifiedorder

WxPay supports MWEB, JSAPI, NATIVE and APP.

# required fields
params = {
body: '测试商品',
out_trade_no: 'test003',
total_fee: 1,
spbill_create_ip: '',
notify_url: '',
trade_type: 'JSAPI', # could be "MWEB", ""JSAPI", "NATIVE" or "APP",
openid: 'OPENID' # required when trade_type is `JSAPI`

`WxPay::Service.invoke_unifiedorder params` will create an payment request and return a WxPay::Result instance(subclass of Hash) contains parsed result.

If your trade type is "MWEB", the result would be like this.

r = WxPay::Service.invoke_unifiedorder params
# => {
# "return_code"=>"SUCCESS",
# "return_msg"=>"OK",
# "appid"=>"YOUR APPID",
# "mch_id"=>"YOUR MCH_ID",
# "nonce_str"=>"8RN7YfTZ3OUgWX5e",
# "sign"=>"623AE90C9679729DDD7407DC7A1151B2",
# "result_code"=>"SUCCESS",
# "prepay_id"=>"wx2014111104255143b7605afb0314593866",
# "mweb_url"=>"",
# "trade_type"=>"MWEB"
# }

If your trade type is "JSAPI", the result would be like this.

r = WxPay::Service.invoke_unifiedorder params
# => {
# "return_code"=>"SUCCESS",
# "return_msg"=>"OK",
# "appid"=>"YOUR APPID",
# "mch_id"=>"YOUR MCH_ID",
# "nonce_str"=>"8RN7YfTZ3OUgWX5e",
# "sign"=>"623AE90C9679729DDD7407DC7A1151B2",
# "result_code"=>"SUCCESS",
# "prepay_id"=>"wx2014111104255143b7605afb0314593866",
# "trade_type"=>"JSAPI"
# }

> "JSAPI" requires openid in params,
in most cases I suggest you using [omniauth]( with [omniauth-wechat-oauth2]( to resolve this,
but `wx_pay` provides `generate_authorize_url` and `authenticate` to help you get Wechat authorization in simple case.

If your trade type is "NATIVE", the result would be like this.

r = WxPay::Service.invoke_unifiedorder params
# => {
# "return_code"=>"SUCCESS",
# "return_msg"=>"OK",
# "appid"=>"YOUR APPID",
# "mch_id"=>"YOUR MCH_ID",
# "nonce_str"=>"8RN7YfTZ3OUgWX5e",
# "sign"=>"623AE90C9679729DDD7407DC7A1151B2",
# "result_code"=>"SUCCESS",
# "prepay_id"=>"wx2014111104255143b7605afb0314593866",
# "code_url"=>"weixin://"
# "trade_type"=>"NATIVE"
# }

Return true if both `return_code` and `result_code` equal `SUCCESS`

r.success? # => true

#### pay request for app

# required fields
params = {
prepayid: '1101000000140415649af9fc314aa427', # fetch by call invoke_unifiedorder with `trade_type` is `APP`
noncestr: '1101000000140429eb40476f8896f4c9' # must same as given to invoke_unifiedorder

# call generate_app_pay_req
r = WxPay::Service.generate_app_pay_req params
# => {
# appid: 'wxd930ea5d5a258f4f',
# partnerid: '1900000109',
# prepayid: '1101000000140415649af9fc314aa427',
# package: 'Sign=WXPay',
# noncestr: '1101000000140429eb40476f8896f4c9',
# timestamp: '1398746574',
# sign: '7FFECB600D7157C5AA49810D2D8F28BC2811827B'
# }

#### pay request for JSAPI

``` ruby
# required fields
params = {
prepayid: '1101000000140415649af9fc314aa427', # fetch by call invoke_unifiedorder with `trade_type` is `JSAPI`
noncestr: SecureRandom.hex(16),

# call generate_js_pay_req
r = WxPay::Service.generate_js_pay_req params
# {
# "appId": "wx020c5c792c8537de",
# "package": "prepay_id=wx20160902211806a11ccee7a20956539837",
# "nonceStr": "2vS5AJUD7uyaa5h9",
# "timeStamp": "1472822286",
# "signType": "MD5",
# "paySign": "A52433CB75CA8D58B67B2BB45A79AA01"
# }

#### Notify Process

A simple example of processing notify for Rails Action Controller.

# config/routes.rb
post "notify" => "orders#notify"

# app/controllers/orders_controller.rb

def notify
result = Hash.from_xml(["xml"]

if WxPay::Sign.verify?(result)

# find your order and process the post-paid logic.

render :xml => {return_code: "SUCCESS"}.to_xml(root: 'xml', dasherize: false)
render :xml => {return_code: "FAIL", return_msg: "签名失败"}.to_xml(root: 'xml', dasherize: false)

A simple example of processing notify for Grape v1.2.2 .

# Gemfile
gem 'multi_xml'

# config/routes.rb
mount WechatPay::Api => '/'

# app/api/wechat_pay/api.rb
module WechatPay
class Api < Grape::API
content_type :xml, 'text/xml'
format :xml
formatter :xml, lambda { |object, env| object.to_xml(root: 'xml', dasherize: false) }

post "notify" do
result = params["xml"]
if WxPay::Sign.verify?(result)
# find your order and process the post-paid logic.

status 200
{return_code: "SUCCESS"}
status 200
{return_code: "FAIL", return_msg: "签名失败"}

### Integrate with QRCode(二维码)

Wechat payment integrating with QRCode is a recommended process flow which will bring users comfortable experience. It is recommended to generate QRCode using `rqrcode` and `rqrcode_png`.

**Example Code** (please make sure that `public/uploads/qrcode` was created):

r = WxPay::Service.invoke_unifiedorder params
qrcode_png = r["code_url"], :size => 5, :level => :h ).to_img.resize(200, 200).save("public/uploads/qrcode/#{}_#{}.png")
@qrcode_url = "/uploads/qrcode/#{}_#{}.png"

### More

No documents yet, check `lib/wx_pay/service.rb`

## Multi-account support

All functions have third argument `options`,
you can pass `appid`, `mch_id`, `key`, `apiclient_cert`, `apiclient_key` as a hash.

For example
another_account = {appid: 'APPID', mch_id: 'MCH_ID', key: 'KEY'}.freeze
WxPay::Service.generate_app_pay_req params, another_account.dup

## Contributing

Bug report or pull request are welcome.

### Make a pull request

1. Fork it
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create new Pull Request

Please write unit test with your code if necessary.

## License

This project rocks and uses MIT-LICENSE.