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Website creation and deployment system.

jekyll markdown pandoc static-site-generator

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Website creation and deployment system.

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# paje

_paje_ is a website creation and deployment system. It is composed of two major
parts: 1) A [Jekyll]( scaffolding with a clean minimalist
theme, and support for math and bibliographies. 2) A [GitHub
Actions]( workflow to deploy the site using
[GitHub Pages](

## Quickstart

1. Create a new GitHub repository for your site. If creating a personal page,
which will be deployed to ``, the repository should be
created with that name.

2. Create a new branch named `source`, and switch to it (e.g., with
`git checkout -b source`). This is where the source for your site will live.
The `master` branch will be used to deploy the site.

> :warning: **The `master` branch will be overwritten when using the
> configuration provided in the quickstart**.

3. Create a file named `` at the root of your repository. This file will
contain the root of your site. For now, just add a title:

title: Hello, World

4. Create a folder named `.github/workflows`, and within it, create a `.yml`
file, e.g., `deploy.yml`, with the following contents:

- source

runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- uses: jayanthkoushik/paje@v6
setupscript: sh
targetbranch: master

5. Create a file named ``. This will be run by _paje_ prior to building
your site. For now, add a line copying `` to the `/www` folder (_paje_
builds the website from this folder):

cp /www

6. Commit all three files, and push to GitHub.

7. In the _Actions_ tab on your repository's GitHub page, you should see a new
workflow run. This is _paje_ building and deploying the site, and should take
just a few minutes to run.

8. Once the workflow is complete (indicated by a check mark), the master branch
should have two file, `index.html`, and `404.html`. The site has been built, and
is ready to be deployed!

9. On the repository's GitHub page, go to the _Pages_ section under _Settings_.
Here, set the source branch to `master`, and save.

10. Your website should now be online!

## Demo

The `test/` folder contains a demo showing various features of _paje_. The website
generated for this folder can be viewed at .

## Adding content

_paje_ uses [pandoc]( to convert markdown files to html.
Refer to the [docs]( for
pandoc's markdown syntax. The present guide will indicate elements which need to
be written in a particular manner. Additionally, you can use the templating
features of Jekyll to make your pages modular. Refer to the [Jekyll
docs]( for details.

> :warning: Note that any files added to the site should be copied to `/www` in
> _setup.sh_.

### References

_paje_ using [pandoc-crossref]( to
process references to figures, tables, equations. Refer to the docs for details
on syntax.

### Additional files

You can create additional markdown files to add pages to your site. For each new
file, add a line to _setup.sh_ copying that file to `/www`, e.g. `cp
/www`. This will create a `/newfile` page on your site. Files _must_ start with
`---` for them to be recognized as pages.

### Metadata

Metadata should be specified within `---` and `---` at the top of the file,
using yaml syntax. The default _paje_ template handles the keys shown in the
following example. Unless noted otherwise, all attributes are optional.

title: Title # Required.
subtitle: Sub-Title # Displayed below the title.
description: Description # Meta data (not displayed).

# Author list, will be displayed below (sub-)title.
# Each author name will be rendered as a clickable link,
# which will open a popover with the author details.
# Only the 'name' attribute is required.
- name: Author One
email: [email protected]
# The 'affiliation' attribute should be a list of IDs,
# with each ID appearing in the 'institute' attribute (see below).
# The institute name corresponding to each ID will be shown
# in the author detail popover.
- 1
- 2
# All authors with 'equalcontrib' as 'true'
# will be considered main authors, and an
# asterisk will be added after their names.
# '* Equal contribution' will be displayed
# after the author list.
- name: Author Two
- 2
equalcontrib: true

# Mapping of institute IDs to names. There should be one
# for each id that appears in the author list.
- id: 1
name: Institute One
- id: 2
name: Institute Two

bibliography: references.bib # Bibliography file name--see below for details.

# List of files whose content will be added before the main body.
- inc2.html

# Each file in this list will be used to create a
# separate appendix, added after the main body.

# Custom sass files for the page.
- local1.scss
- local2.scss

# Custom JavaScript files for the page.
- local1.js
- local2.js

skipequal: true # If true, the 'equalcontrib' attribute will be ignored.
nomath: true # If true, math support will be displayed
default_image_extension: svg # Default extension for images ('svg' by default)

### Math

_paje_ supports typesetting math using [KaTeX]( Inline and
block expressions can be added as shown below:

This is an inline expression: $f(x) = x^2 + 2x + 1$.
This is a block expression:

f(x) = \int_{0^\infty} \exp(-x^2) \mathrm{d}x.

You can also make equations:

f(x) &= sin(x).\\
f'(x) &= cos(x).
$$ {#eq:ex}

Equations can be referenced (@eq:ex) using tags.

Latex definitions are supported, and can be added in any page directly, or in a
separate file that's included (via `includes` in the metadata):


\PP{\RR}{x \in \XX}

### Bibliography

You can include a `bib` file of references, and add citations in your page.
Set `bibliography` in the page metadata to the file name, and in ``,
copy the file to `/www/_includes` (The file name in the metadata should be
relative to `/www/_includes`). Refer to the pandoc guide for syntax used
to make citations.

### Figures

Images can be added as figures with captions and links:

This is a figure:

![This is the figure caption.](img_path){#fig:figid}

Note the surrounding empty lines! You can refer to the figure (@fig:figid) like
any other reference.

The default extension for images is `.svg`, so it can be omitted when
specifying the path.

The default _paje_ theme has a dark mode. When this is enabled (either based on
user device preference, or the dropdown menu), figures will have their colors
inverted. Alternatively, figures can have a separate image to be used in the
dark theme. For a figure with source '/path/to/fig.ext', if there is a file
'/path/to/fig_dark.ext', it will be used automatically. A dark mode image can
also be specified explicity by setting 'darksrc' for the figure:

![This figure will use `alt_img.png` in dark mode](img.png){#fig:figid darksrc='alt_img.png'}

Setting `darksrc` to `''` will suppress the default behavior of inverting colors
in the dark mode. This can be used for figures that should appear the same
regardless of mode.

Sub-figures can be created by wrapping figures in a `div`:


![Sub-figure 1. You can specify the width](img1){#fig:sub1 width=2in}

![Sub-figure 2. You can specify both the width and height](img2){#fig:sub2 width=3in height=2in}

This is the caption for the whole figure.

You can refer to either the whole figure (@fig:subs), or to individual
sub-figures (@fig:sub1,@fig:sub2).

### Tables

Note that support for tables is finicky. They can be added as such:

This is a table:

Header col1 col2 col3
--------- ------ ------ ------
Row1 1 2 3
Row2 11 22 333
Header col1 col2 col3

: Table caption. {#tbl:tblid}


The main body cannot contain any blank lines. Columns will be aligned
based on the position of the header with respect to the '---'s below it.
The example table (@tbl:tblid) above will have columns aligned
left, left, center, and right respectively.

### Acronyms

Acronyms are supported, using the syntax of the
[LaTeX acronym package]( Definitions
will be shown in parenthesis for the first occurence of an acronym,
and only on hover (using `abbr` tags) for subsequent occurences

\acrodef{CMU}{Carnegie Mellon University}
\acrodef{USA}{United States of America}
\acrodef{SSN}{social security number}

* This will be shown with the definition in brackets since it
is the first time the abbreviation is used: \ac{CMU}.
* This will now be shown only as the abbreviation: \ac{CMU}.
* This will be only shown as the abbreviation even though
it has not been used before: \acs{USA}.
* This will be pluralized: \acp{SSN}.