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杭州市余杭区最好用的 VIM/NVIM 代码补全插件

ai aicoding complete completion deoplete language-server-protocol lsp vim vim-configs vim-easycomplete vim-plugin viml vimrc youcompleteme

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杭州市余杭区最好用的 VIM/NVIM 代码补全插件

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# Vim-EasyComplete

It's a Fast and Minimalism Style Completion Plugin for vim/nvim. There are many excellent vim auto-completion plugins such as [nvim-cmp](, [vim-lsp](, [YouCompleteMe]( and [coc.nvim]( etc. However I still want a simpler plugin without any redundant configurations. And it's a good idea to incorporate AI coding assistants as well.

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## What

Vim-easycomplete is a fast and minimalism style completion plugin for vim/nvim. It aims to be available out of the box on linux and mac. It is implemented in pure VimScript and is extremely simple to configure without installing Node and a bunch of Node modules.

It contains these features:

- AI coding assistant via [tabnine](#TabNine-Support). (Highly Recommend!)
- Buffer Keywords/Directory support
- LSP([language-server-protocol]( support. Easy to install LSP Server with one command
- Written in pure vim script for vim8 and neovim
- Snippet support
- Fast performance

## Installation

Easycomplete requires Vim 8.2 or higher version with MacOS/Linux/FreeBSD. For neovim users, 0.6.0 or higher is required.

Vimscript config with vim-plug:

Plug 'jayli/vim-easycomplete'
Plug 'SirVer/ultisnips'
Run `:PlugInstall`.

Lua config with Packer.nvim:

use { 'jayli/vim-easycomplete', requires = {'SirVer/ultisnips'}}
Run `:PackerInstall`

[Full configuration example](

## Commands

All commands:

| Command | Description |
| `:EasyCompleteInstallServer` | Install LSP server for current fileytpe |
| `:InstallLspServer` | Same as `EasyCompleteInstallServer` |
| `:EasyCompleteDisable` | Disable EasyComplete |
| `:EasyCompleteEnable` | Enable EasyComplete |
| `:EasyCompleteGotoDefinition` | Goto definition position |
| `:EasyCompleteReference` | Find references |
| `:EasyCompleteRename` | Rename |
| `:EasyCompleteCheck` | Checking LSP server |
| `:EasyCompletePreviousDiagnostic` | Goto Previous diagnostic |
| `:EasyCompleteNextDiagnostic` | Goto Next diagnostic |
| `:EasyCompleteProfileStart` | Start record diagnostics message |
| `:EasyCompleteProfileStop` | Stop record diagnostics message |
| `:EasyCompleteLint` | Do diagnostic |
| `:LintEasyComplete` | Do diagnostic |
| `:BackToOriginalBuffer` | Return to the position before the reference jump |
| `:DenoCache` | Do Deno Cache for downloading modules |
| `:CleanLog` | close quickfix window |

## Configuration

The plugin is out of box and config nothing. (If you want full features, please refer to [my full configuration](./ Use `Tab` to trigger the completion suggestions and select matched items. By default use `Ctrl-]` for definition jumping, `Ctrl-t` for jumping back (Same as tags jumping).

Lua configuration:

-- Highlight the symbol when holding the cursor if you need it
vim.g.easycomplete_cursor_word_hl = 1
-- Using nerdfont is highly recommended
vim.g.easycomplete_nerd_font = 1

-- GoTo code navigation
vim.keymap.set('n', 'gr', ':EasyCompleteReference')
vim.keymap.set('n', 'gd', ':EasyCompleteGotoDefinition')
vim.keymap.set('n', 'rn', ':EasyCompleteRename')
vim.keymap.set('n', 'gb', ':BackToOriginalBuffer')

Vimscript configuration:

" Highlight the symbol when holding the cursor
let g:easycomplete_cursor_word_hl = 1
" Using nerdfont is highly recommended
let g:easycomplete_nerd_font = 1

" GoTo code navigation
noremap gr :EasyCompleteReference
noremap gd :EasyCompleteGotoDefinition
noremap rn :EasyCompleteRename
noremap gb :BackToOriginalBuffer

Other optional configurations:

- `set updatetime=300` (lua: `vim.opt.updatetime = 300`) is highly recommended.
- Menu noselected by default: `setlocal completeopt+=noselect`, (lua: `vim.cmd('setlocal completeopt+=noselect')`)

Global configurations:

| Global Configure | Default | Description |
| `g:easycomplete_nerd_font` | 0 | Using nerdfont for lsp icons |
| `g:easycomplete_menu_skin` | `{}` | Menu skin. |
| `g:easycomplete_sign_text` | `{}` | Sign icons. |
| `g:easycomplete_lsp_type_font` | ... | lsp icons configuration |
| `g:easycomplete_tabnine_suggestion` | 1 | Tabnine inline suggestion(for nvim only) |
| `g:easycomplete_lsp_checking` | 1 | Check whether the lsp is installed while opening a file |
| `g:easycomplete_tabnine_enable` | 1 | Enable Tabnine |
| `g:easycomplete_directory_enable` | 1 | Directory complete |
| `g:easycomplete_tabnine_config` | `{}` | [TabNine Configuration](#ai-coding-via-tabnine-support) |
| `g:easycomplete_filetypes` | `{}` | [Custom filetyps configuration](#language-support) |
| `g:easycomplete_enable` | 1 | Enable this plugin |
| `g:easycomplete_tab_trigger` | `` | Use tab to trigger completion and select next item |
| `g:easycomplete_shift_tab_trigger` | `` | Use s-tab to select previous item |
| `g:easycomplete_cursor_word_hl` | 0 | Highlight the symbol when holding the cursor |
| `g:easycomplete_signature_offset` | 0 | Signature offset |
| `g:easycomplete_diagnostics_next` | `` | Goto next diagnostic position |
| `g:easycomplete_diagnostics_prev` | `` | Goto previous diagnostic position |
| `g:easycomplete_diagnostics_enable` | 1 | Enable diagnostics |
| `g:easycomplete_signature_enable` | 1 | Enable signature |
| `g:easycomplete_diagnostics_hover` | 1 | Gives a diagnostic prompt when the cursor holds |
| `g:easycomplete_pum_format` | `["abbr", "kind", "menu"]`| Pmenu format |

Typing `:h easycomplete` for help.

## Language Support

There are tow ways to install lsp server.

1. For vim/nvim: via integrated installer by `:InstallLspServer`.
2. For nvim only: via [nvim-lsp-installer]( by `:LspInstall`

Plug 'williamboman/nvim-lsp-installer'

LSP Server will all be installed in `~/.config/vim-easycomplete/servers`.

You can give a specified plugin name for `InstallLspServer` command. Both of the following useage are avilable:

- `:InstallLspServer`
- `:InstallLspServer lua`

All supported languages:

| Plugin Name | Languages | Language Server | Installer | Requirements | nvim-lsp-installer support|
| directory | directory | No Need | Integrated | None | - |
| buf | buf & dict| No Need | Integrated | None | - |
| snips | Snippets | ultisnips | Integrated | python3 | - |
| ts | js/ts | tsserver | Yes | node/npm | Yes |
| deno | js/ts | denols | Yes | deno | Yes |
| tn | TabNine | TabNine | Yes | None | No |
| vim | Vim | vimls | Yes | node/npm | Yes |
| cpp | C/C++/OC | clangd | Yes | None | Yes |
| css | CSS | cssls | Yes | node/npm | Yes |
| html | HTML | html | Yes | node/npm | Yes |
| yml | YAML | yamlls | Yes | node/npm | Yes |
| xml | Xml | lemminx | Yes | java/jdk | Yes |
| sh | Bash | bashls | Yes | node/npm | Yes |
| json | JSON | json-languageserver | Yes | node/npm | No |
| php | php | intelephense | Yes | node/npm | Yes |
| dart | dart | dartls | Yes | None | Yes |
| py | Python | pylsp | Yes | python3/pip3 | Yes |
| java | Java | jdtls | Yes | java11/jdk | Yes |
| go | Go | gopls | Yes | go | Yes |
| r | R | r-languageserver | Yes | R | No |
| rb | Ruby | solargraph | Yes | ruby/bundle | No |
| lua | Lua | `sumneko_lua` | Yes | Lua | Yes |
| nim | Nim | nimls | Yes | nim/nimble | Yes |
| rust | Rust | `rust_analyzer` | Yes | None | Yes |
| kt | Kotlin | `kotlin_language_server` | Yes | java/jdk | Yes |
| grvy | Groovy | groovyls | Yes | java/jdk | Yes |
| cmake | cmake | cmake | Yes | python3/pip3 | Yes |
| c# | C# | omnisharp-lsp | Yes | None | No |

More info about semantic completion for each supported language:

- JavaScript & TypeScript: [tsserver]( required.
- Python: There are 2 avilable python-language-server branches:
- [pyls]( support python 3.5 ~ 3.10 ([pyls breaks autocomplete on Python 3.11](, `pip3 install python-language-server`
- [pylsp]( work well with python 3.11, `pip3 install python-lsp-server`, (Recommend)
- Go: [gopls]( required. (`go get`)
- Vim Script: [vimls]( required.
- C++/C/OC:[Clangd]( required.
- CSS: [cssls]( required. (css-languageserver),Css-languageserver dose not support CompletionProvider by default as it requires [Snippets](,You must install it manually.
- JSON: [json-languageserver]( required.
- PHP: [intelephense](
- Dart: [dartls](
- HTML: [html]( required. html-languageserver dose not support CompletionProvider by default. You must install [Snippets]( manually.
- Shell: [bashls]( required.
- Java: [jdtls](, java 11 and upper version required.
- Cmake: [cmake]( required.
- Kotlin: [kotlin language server]( required.
- Rust: [rust-analyzer]( required.
- Lua: [sumneko lua]( required. Local configuration file path is `~/.config/vim-easycomplete/servers/lua/config.json`. Get more information [here](
- Xml: [lemminx]( required.
- Groovy: [groovyls]( required.
- Yaml: [yamlls]( required.
- Ruby: [solargraph]( required.
- Nim: [nimlsp]( required. [packages.json]( downloading is very slow, You'd better intall minlsp manually via `choosenim` follow [this guide](
- Deno: [denols]( required. Use `:DenoCache` command for `deno cache` current ts/js file.
- C# : [omnisharp]( required.
- R: [r-languageserver]( required.
- TabNine: [TabNine](

Add filetypes whitelist for specified language plugin:

let g:easycomplete_filetypes = {
\ "sh": {
\ "whitelist": ["shell"]
\ },
\ "r": {
\ "whitelist": ["rmd", "rmarkdown"]
\ },
\ }

### Snippet Support

Vim-EasyComplete does not support snippets by default. If you want snippet integration, you will first have to install `ultisnips`. UltiSnips is compatible with Vim-EasyComplete out of the box. UltiSnips required python3 installed.

> [Solution of "E319: No python3 provider found" Error in neovim 0.4.4 with ultisnips](

## AI Coding via TabNine Support

Install TabNine: `:InstallLspServer tabnine`. Then restart your vim/nvim.

Set `let g:easycomplete_tabnine_enable = 0` to disable TabNine. You can config TabNine by `g:easycomplete_tabnine_config` witch contains two properties:

- *line_limit*: The number of lines before and after the cursor to send to TabNine. If the option is smaller, the performance may be improved. (default: 1000)
- *max_num_result*: Max results from TabNine. (default: 3)

let g:easycomplete_tabnine_config = {
\ 'line_limit': 1000,
\ 'max_num_result' : 3,
\ }

TabNine works well without APIKey. If you have a Tabnine's Pro API key or purchased a subscription license. To configure, you'll need to use the [TabNine' magic string]( Type `Tabnine::config` in insert mode to open the configuration panel.

Disable TabNine inline suggestion: `let g:easycomplete_tabnine_suggestion = 0`.


## Beautify completion menu

Set `g:easycomplete_nerd_font = 1` to enable default nerdfonts configuration.

If you want to customize the kind icon, you can modify the configuration with installed. [Examples](

You can add custom Pmenu styles by defining these highlight groups:

- `EasyFuzzyMatch`: highlight fuzzy matching character. It links to "Constant" by default if it's not defined.
- `EasyPmenu`: Pmenu style. It links to "Pmenu" by default.
- `EasyPmenuKind`: PmenuKind style. It links to "PmenuKind" by default.
- `EasyPmenuExtra`: PmenuExtra style. It links to "PmenuExtra" by default.
- `EasyFunction`: Function kind icon style. links to "Conditional" by default.
- `EasySnippet`: Snippet kind icon style. links to "Number" by default.
- `EasyTabNine`: TabNine kind icon style. links to "Character" by default.
- `EasySnippets`: TabNine snippets suggestion style. links to "LineNr" by default

More examples here: [full config example](

My custom config:[my-custom-config](

![截屏2023-12-30 20 25 06](

## Add custom completion plugin

→ [add custom completion plugin](

## Issues

[WIP] If you have bug reports or feature suggestions, please use the [issue tracker]( In the meantime feel free to read some of my thoughts at , , [](

## More Examples:

TabNine snippets inline suggestion

Update Deno Cache via `:DenoCache`

Directory selecting:

Handle backsapce typing

Snip Support

Diagnostics jumping


TabNine supporting:

### License