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Functional Scala Cache

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Functional Scala Cache

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雎鳩ju jiu

Functional Scala Caching



*Do one thing and do it well* micro [[][birds library]] series

~val version =~ [[][]]
libraryDependencies += "us.oyanglul" %% "jujiu" % version

* Quick Started in Scala 3^{=new=}
:header-args: :tangle src/test/scala-3.0.0-M3/us/oyanglul/JujiuSpec.scala :exports code
:CUSTOM_ID: scala-3-example
#+begin_src scala :exports none
package us.oyanglul.jujiu

import us.oyanglul.jujiu.syntax.caffeine._
import us.oyanglul.jujiu.syntax.cache._
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import org.specs2.mutable.Specification
import cats.effect._
import com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache

There are only two simple steps to use cache:
1. Initiate a protocol-agnostic Cache DSL, which means the DSL only aware of what to operate, not how to
2. using the DSL syntax =fetchF=, =parFetchAllF= etc to describe how to use the Cache in the program
3. =given= a instance of =Cache[Key, Val]=, in the example we created a Caffeine instance, which tells *how* exactly how to actually do the cache.

#+begin_src scala
class JujiuScala3Spec extends Specification:
given ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(
"works with IO" >> {
"normal cache" >> {
val dsl: Cache[IO, cache.Cache, String, String] = new CaffeineCache[IO, String, String]{}

def program(using cache.Cache[String, String]) =
_ <- IO(println("something"))
_ <- dsl.putF("key1", "value1")
r1 <- dsl.fetchF("key1")
r2 <- dsl.fetchF("key2", _ => IO("value2"))
r3 <- dsl.fetchAllF(List("key1", "key2"))
r4 <- dsl.parFetchAllF[List, IO.Par](List("key1", "key2"))
_ <- dsl.clearF("key1")
yield (r1, r2, r3, r4)

given cache.Cache[String, String] = Caffeine().sync[String, String]
program.unsafeRunSync() must_== (
List(Some("value1"), Some("value2")),
List(Some("value1"), Some("value2"))
end JujiuScala3Spec

* [[]] [[][Caffeine]]
:header-args: :tangle no :exports code
:CUSTOM_ID: making-caffeine-cats-friendly-badge
#+BEGIN_SRC scala :exports none :noweb yes :tangle src/test/scala/us/oyanglul/JujiuSpec.scala
package us.oyanglul.jujiu
import us.oyanglul.jujiu.syntax.caffeine._
import us.oyanglul.jujiu.syntax.cache._
import cats.{Applicative}
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import org.specs2.mutable.Specification
import cats.instances.list._
import cats.syntax.all._
import cats.effect._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache
import us.oyanglul.jujiu.syntax.CaffeineSyntax

class JujiuSpec extends Specification with org.specs2.mock.Mockito {
implicit val cs: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(

#+BEGIN_SRC scala -n :noweb-ref get_set_cache
"it should able to get and set cache" >> {
object cacheDsl extends CaffeineCache[IO, String, String] // <- (ref:dsl)
val program = for {
r1 <- cacheDsl.fetch("not exist yet") // <- (ref:fetch)
r2 <- cacheDsl.fetch("not exist yet", _ => IO("default")) // <- (ref:fetchOr)
_ <- cacheDsl.put("not exist yet", "now exist") // <- (ref:put)
r3 <- cacheDsl.fetch("not exist yet")
_ <- cacheDsl.clear("not exist yet")
r4 <- cacheDsl.fetch("not exist yet")
} yield (r1, r2, r3, r4)
program(Caffeine().sync) // <- (ref:run)
.unsafeRunSync() must_== ((None, "default", Some("now exist"), None))

#+BEGIN_SRC scala :exports none :noweb-ref async_load_failure
"it should IO error when async load failure" >> {
object dsl extends CaffeineAsyncCache[IO, String, String] {
implicit val executionContext = global
val program = for {
r1 <- dsl.fetch("not exist yet")
r2 <- dsl.fetch("not exist yet", _ => IO("default"))
} yield (r1, r2)

val failCache = mock[cache.AsyncCache[String, String]]
failCache.getIfPresent("not exist yet") returns CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() => IO.raiseError[String](new Exception("cache load error")).unsafeRunSync())

).unsafeRunSync() must throwA[Exception](message = "cache load error")

This README is a *literal programming* file, all code here will generate the [[][test]] file

I can walk you through line by line though

- [[(dsl)][line-(dsl)]] creates an instance of =CaffeineCache= which has side effect =IO=,
key is =String= and value is =String= as well
- [[(fetch)][line-(fetch)]] won't acutally trigger any effect, it just returns a
DSL, represent as type =Klesili[IO, Cache, String]= which in English,
"give me a =Cache= and I can provide you an

- [[(fetchOr)][line-(fetchOr)]] is new =fetch= DSL, the second parameter is a function
=K => IO[V]=, if cache not exist, it will run the function can put the
result into the cache, and return the value

- [[(put)][line-(put)]] will update the value of key "not exist yet" to "overrided"

- [[(run)][line-(run)]] is the Scala idiomatic syntax to build synchronize
Caffeine Cache\\
if you still recall that the =program= is actually
=Klesili[IO, Cache, String]= so now\\
I provide it a =Cache= by =program(Caffeine().sync)=\\
it shall return me a =IO[String]= =.unsafeRunSync()= the IO and all
effects you described before in =program= will be triggered\\
and you will get the actual result

** works with Cats IO
:CUSTOM_ID: and-cats-io
Jujiu has very flexible DSL, If you don't like Kleisli, it works with IO(technically you IO type just need to be a =Async=) as well

what you'll need to import some syntax
#+BEGIN_SRC scala :exports none :tangle no
import us.oyanglul.jujiu.syntax.cache._

#+BEGIN_SRC scala :exports none :noweb-ref catsio_cache
"works with IO" >> {
"normal cache" >> {
val c: Cache[IO, cache.Cache, String, String] = new CaffeineCache[IO, String, String] {}
implicit val cacheProvider: cache.Cache[String, String] = Caffeine().sync[String, String]
def program =
for {
_ <- IO(println("something"))
_ <- c.putF("key1", "value1")
r1 <- c.fetchF("key1")
r2 <- c.fetchF("key2", _ => IO("value2"))
r3 <- c.fetchAllF(List("key1", "key2"))
r4 <- c.parFetchAllF[List, IO.Par](List("key1", "key2"))
_ <- c.clearF("key1")
} yield (r1, r2, r3, r4)
program.unsafeRunSync() must_== (
List(Some("value1"), Some("value2")),
List(Some("value1"), Some("value2"))


and provide =cacheProvider= implicitly, since you are not using Kleisli, you need to tell what cache
these DSLs will run on

#+BEGIN_SRC scala :noweb-ref catsio_loading_cache
"loading cache" >> {
val c: LoadingCache[IO, cache.LoadingCache, String, String] = new CaffeineLoadingCache[IO, String, String] {}
implicit val cacheProvider: cache.LoadingCache[String, String] = Caffeine().sync(identity)
def program =
for {
_ <- IO(println("something"))
r1 <- c.fetchF("1")
r2 <- c.fetchAllF(List("2", "3"))
r3 <- c.parFetchAllF[List, IO.Par](List("4", "5"))
} yield (r1, r2, r3)
program.unsafeRunSync() must_== (("1", List("2", "3"), List("4", "5")))

similar to =ExecutionContext=, you need to provide context the thread can run on

and all dsl suffix with =F=
** idiomatic syntax for Caffeine builder

Dealing with Java DSL and Java Future is too verbose and painful in
Scala project

Let's see how Jiujiu makes Caffeine friendly to Cats IO as well

A good example is the Async Loading Cache

First you will need caffeine builder syntax
#+BEGIN_SRC scala :export none :tangle no
import us.oyanglul.jujiu.syntax.caffeine._

#+BEGIN_SRC scala :noweb-ref caffeine_builder
"it should able to get and set async loading cache" >> {
object cache extends CaffeineAsyncLoadingCache[IO, Integer, String] {
implicit val executionContext = global // <-- (ref:executionContext)

val program = for {
r1 <- cache.fetch(1)
r2 <- cache.fetch(2)
r3 <- cache.fetchAll(List[Integer](1, 2, 3))
} yield (r1, r2, r3)

val caffeineA: com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.AsyncLoadingCache[Integer, String] = Caffeine()
.executionContext(global) // <-- (ref:global)
.withExpire( // <-- (ref:expire)
(_: Integer, _: String) => 1.second,
(_: Integer, _: String, currentDuration: FiniteDuration) => currentDuration,
(_: Integer, _: String, currentDuration: FiniteDuration) => currentDuration
.async((key: Integer) => IO("async string" + key)) // <-- (ref:async)

val caffeineB = Caffeine()
.async((key: Integer) => IO("async string" + key))

val expected = (
"async string1",
"async string2",
List("async string1", "async string2", "async string3")
program(caffeineA).unsafeRunSync() must_== expected
program(caffeineB).unsafeRunSync() must_== expected
program(Caffeine().async(_ => IO.raiseError(new Exception("something wrong"))))
.unsafeRunSync() must throwA[Exception]

- [[(executionContext)][line-(executionContext)]] Async Loading Cache need an Execution Context to execute the Java
Future things

- [[(global)][line-(global)]] =.executionContext(global)= will make sure the cache using Scala
execution context as default to execute java future, otherwise its default java folk join pool.
alternatively you can also use Akka's execution context.

- [[(expire)][line-(expire)]] default the expiring policy, here it's more Scala idiomatic
lambda and =Duration=

- [[(async)][line-(async)]] will create an
async loading cache.
the async loading function that it will use is =K => IO[V]= so you
don't need to deal with awful Java Future.

** Works with Tagless Final
No matter what style of effect abstraction you project is using, Jujiu can easily fit in

i.e. Tagless Final
#+BEGIN_SRC scala :noweb-ref tagless_final
"works with tagless final" >> {
trait LogDsl[F[_]] {
def log(msg: String): F[Unit]

type ProgramDsl[F[_]] = CaffeineCache[F, String, String] with LogDsl[F]

def program[F[_]: Async](dsl: ProgramDsl[F])
(implicit ev: cache.Cache[String, String]): F[Option[String]] =
for {
value <- dsl.fetchF("key")
_ <- dsl.log("something")
} yield value

object dsl extends CaffeineCache[IO, String, String] with LogDsl[IO] {
def log(msg: String) = IO(println(msg))

implicit val cacheProvider: cache.Cache[String, String] = Caffeine().sync[String, String]

program[IO](dsl).unsafeRunSync() must_== None

just =extends CaffeineCache[F, K, V]= and provide =cacheProvider=

** ReaderT Pattern
if your code is in ReaderT pattern, good, it will fit in more naturally
#+BEGIN_SRC scala :noweb-ref readerT
"works with tagless final style readerT" >> {
// Layer 1: Environment
trait HasLogger {
def logger: String => Unit
trait HasCacheProvider {
def cacheProvider: cache.Cache[String, String]

type Env = HasLogger with HasCacheProvider

// Layer 2: DSL
trait LogDsl[F[_]] {
def log(msg: String)(implicit M: Applicative[F]): Kleisli[F, Env, Unit] = Kleisli(a => M.pure(a.logger(msg)))

type Dsl[F[_]] = CaffeineCache[F, String, String] with LogDsl[F]

// Layer 3: Business
def program[F[_]](dsl: Dsl[F])(
implicit ev: Async[F]
) =
for {
_ <- dsl.log("something")
value <- dsl.fetch("key").local[Env](_.cacheProvider)
} yield value

object dsl extends CaffeineCache[IO, String, String] with LogDsl[IO]

.run(new HasLogger with HasCacheProvider {
def logger = println
def cacheProvider = Caffeine().sync
.unsafeRunSync() must_== None

notice that proper contravariant adapt need =.local[Env](_.cacheProvider)=

** Extensible
it's extensible by design as Kleisli, if you provider another cache provider, the same dsl
will work.
#+BEGIN_SRC scala :noweb-ref redis
"run on redis" >> {
import redis.clients.jedis._

def program[F[_]: Async, S[_, _]](dsl: Cache[F, S, String, String]) = for {
r1 <- dsl.fetch("not exist yet")
r2 <- dsl.fetch("not exist yet", _ => Async[F].delay("default"))
_ <- dsl.put("not exist yet", "now exist")
r3 <- dsl.fetch("not exist yet")
_ <- dsl.clear("not exist yet")
r4 <- dsl.fetch("not exist yet")
} yield (r1, r2, r3, r4)

type J[A, B] = Jedis
object dsl extends Cache[IO, J, String, String] {
def put(k: String, v: String)(implicit M: Async[IO]): Kleisli[IO, Jedis, Unit] =
Kleisli { redis =>
redis.set(k, v)
def fetch(k: String)(implicit M: Async[IO]): Kleisli[IO, Jedis, Option[String]] =
Kleisli(redis => M.delay(Option(redis.get(k))))
def clear(k: String)(implicit M: Async[IO]): Kleisli[IO, Jedis, Unit] =
Kleisli(redis => M.delay{

new Jedis("localhost")
).unsafeRunSync() must_== ((None, "default", Some("now exist"), None))