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A Powerful package for handling roles and permissions in Laravel with GUI.

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A Powerful package for handling roles and permissions in Laravel with GUI.

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![Laravel Roles](

# Laravel Roles
A Powerful package for handling roles and permissions in Laravel. Supports Laravel 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8, 6.0, 7.0, and 8.0+.

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#### Table of contents
- [Features](#features)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Composer](#composer)
- [Service Provider](#service-provider)
- [Publish All Assets](#publish-all-assets)
- [Publish Specific Assets](#publish-specific-assets)
- [HasRoleAndPermission Trait And Contract](#hasroleandpermission-trait-and-contract)
- [Migrations and Seeds](#migrations-and-seeds)
- [Migrate from Bican roles](#Migrate-from-bican-roles)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Creating Roles](#creating-roles)
- [Attaching, Detaching and Syncing Roles](#attaching-detaching-and-syncing-roles)
- [Assign a user role to new registered users](#assign-a-user-role-to-new-registered-users)
- [Checking For Roles](#checking-for-roles)
- [Levels](#levels)
- [Creating Permissions](#creating-permissions)
- [Attaching, Detaching and Syncing Permissions](#attaching-detaching-and-syncing-permissions)
- [Checking For Permissions](#checking-for-permissions)
- [Permissions Inheritance](#permissions-inheritance)
- [Entity Check](#entity-check)
- [Blade Extensions](#blade-extensions)
- [Middleware](#middleware)
- [Configuration](#configuration)
- [Environment File](#environment-file)
- [More Information](#more-information)
- [Optional GUI Routes](#optional-gui-routes)
- [Screen Shots](#screen-shots)
- [File Tree](#file-tree)
- [Opening an Issue](#opening-an-issue)
- [License](#license)

## Features
| Laravel Roles Features |
| :------------ |
|Built in migrations with ability to publish and modify your own.|
|Built in seed with ability to publish and modify your own.|
|Roles with levels and relationships to users, permissions|
|Permissions with relationships to users and levels|
|Soft deletes with full restore and destroy|
|Optional CRUD of Roles and Permissions|
|Lots of [configuration](#configuration) options|
|All Extendable from [.env](#environment-file)

## Installation
This package is very easy to set up. There are only couple of steps.

### Composer
From your projects root folder in terminal run:

Laravel 5.8 and up use:

composer require jeremykenedy/laravel-roles

Laravel 5.7 and below use:

composer require jeremykenedy/laravel-roles:1.4.0

* Note: The major difference is that Laravel's users table migration out the box changed from `$table->increments('id');` to `$table->bigIncrements('id');` in Laravel 5.8.

### Service Provider
* Laravel 5.5 and up
Uses package auto discovery feature, no need to edit the `config/app.php` file.

* Laravel 5.4 and below
Add the package to your application service providers in `config/app.php` file.

'providers' => [


* Third Party Service Providers...


### Publish All Assets
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravelroles

### Publish Specific Assets
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravelroles-config
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravelroles-migrations
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravelroles-seeds
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravelroles-views
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravelroles-lang

### HasRoleAndPermission Trait And Contract

1. Include `HasRoleAndPermission` trait and also implement `HasRoleAndPermission` contract inside your `User` model. See example below.

2. Include `use jeremykenedy\LaravelRoles\Traits\HasRoleAndPermission;` in the top of your `User` model below the namespace and implement the `HasRoleAndPermission` trait. See example below.

Example `User` model Trait And Contract:


This uses the default users table which is in Laravel. You should already have the migration file for the users table available and migrated.

1. Setup the needed tables:

`php artisan migrate`

2. Update `database\seeds\DatabaseSeeder.php` to include the seeds. See example below.




3. Seed an initial set of Permissions, Roles, and Users with roles.

composer dump-autoload
php artisan db:seed

#### Roles Seeded
|Name| Admin|
|Slug| admin|
|Description| Admin Role|
|Level| 5|

|Name| User|
|Slug| user|
|Description| User Role|
|Level| 1|

|Name| Unverified|
|Slug| unverified|
|Description| Unverified Role|
|Level| 0|

#### Permissions Seeded:
|name|Can View Users|
|description|Can view users|

|name|Can Create Users|
|description|Can create new users|

|name|Can Edit Users|
|description|Can edit users|

|name|Can Delete Users|
|description|Can delete users|

### And that's it!


## Migrate from bican roles
If you migrate from bican/roles to jeremykenedy/LaravelRoles you will need to update a few things.
- Change all calls to `can`, `canOne` and `canAll` to `hasPermission`, `hasOnePermission`, `hasAllPermissions`.
- Change all calls to `is`, `isOne` and `isAll` to `hasRole`, `hasOneRole`, `hasAllRoles`.


## Usage

### Creating Roles

$adminRole = config('roles.models.role')::create([
'name' => 'Admin',
'slug' => 'admin',
'description' => '',
'level' => 5,

$moderatorRole = config('roles.models.role')::create([
'name' => 'Forum Moderator',
'slug' => 'forum.moderator',

> Because of `Slugable` trait, if you make a mistake and for example leave a space in slug parameter, it'll be replaced with a dot automatically, because of `str_slug` function.

### Attaching, Detaching and Syncing Roles

It's really simple. You fetch a user from database and call `attachRole` method. There is `BelongsToMany` relationship between `User` and `Role` model.

$user = config('roles.models.defaultUser')::find($id);

$user->attachRole($adminRole); // you can pass whole object, or just an id
$user->detachRole($adminRole); // in case you want to detach role
$user->detachAllRoles(); // in case you want to detach all roles
$user->syncRoles($roles); // you can pass Eloquent collection, or just an array of ids

### Assign a user role to new registered users

You can assign the user a role upon the users registration by updating the file `app\Http\Controllers\Auth\RegisterController.php`.
You can assign a role to a user upon registration by including the needed models and modifying the `create()` method to attach a user role. See example below:

* Updated `create()` method of `app\Http\Controllers\Auth\RegisterController.php`:

protected function create(array $data)
$user = config('roles.models.defaultUser')::create([
'name' => $data['name'],
'email' => $data['email'],
'password' => bcrypt($data['password']),

$role = config('roles.models.role')::where('name', '=', 'User')->first(); //choose the default role upon user creation.

return $user;


### Checking For Roles

You can now check if the user has required role.

if ($user->hasRole('admin')) { // you can pass an id or slug

You can also do this:

if ($user->isAdmin()) {

And of course, there is a way to check for multiple roles:

if ($user->hasRole(['admin', 'moderator'])) {
| Or alternatively:
| $user->hasRole('admin, moderator'), $user->hasRole('admin|moderator'),
| $user->hasOneRole('admin, moderator'), $user->hasOneRole(['admin', 'moderator']), $user->hasOneRole('admin|moderator')

// The user has at least one of the roles

if ($user->hasRole(['admin', 'moderator'], true)) {
| Or alternatively:
| $user->hasRole('admin, moderator', true), $user->hasRole('admin|moderator', true),
| $user->hasAllRoles('admin, moderator'), $user->hasAllRoles(['admin', 'moderator']), $user->hasAllRoles('admin|moderator')

// The user has all roles

### Levels

When you are creating roles, there is optional parameter `level`. It is set to `1` by default, but you can overwrite it and then you can do something like this:

if ($user->level() > 4) {

> If user has multiple roles, method `level` returns the highest one.

`Level` has also big effect on inheriting permissions. About it later.

### Creating Permissions

It's very simple thanks to `Permission` model called from `config('roles.models.permission')`.


$createUsersPermission = config('roles.models.permission')::create([
'name' => 'Create users',
'slug' => 'create.users',
'description' => '', // optional

$deleteUsersPermission = config('roles.models.permission')::create([
'name' => 'Delete users',
'slug' => 'delete.users',

### Attaching, Detaching and Syncing Permissions

You can attach permissions to a role or directly to a specific user (and of course detach them as well).

$role = config('roles.models.role')::find($roleId);
$role->attachPermission($createUsersPermission); // permission attached to a role

$user = config('roles.models.defaultUser')::find($userId);
$user->attachPermission($deleteUsersPermission); // permission attached to a user

$role->detachPermission($createUsersPermission); // in case you want to detach permission
$role->detachAllPermissions(); // in case you want to detach all permissions
$role->syncPermissions($permissions); // you can pass Eloquent collection, or just an array of ids

$user->syncPermissions($permissions); // you can pass Eloquent collection, or just an array of ids

### Checking For Permissions

if ($user->hasPermission('create.users')) { // you can pass an id or slug

if ($user->canDeleteUsers()) {

You can check for multiple permissions the same way as roles. You can make use of additional methods like `hasOnePermission` or `hasAllPermissions`.

### Permissions Inheritance

By default, roles with higher level inherit all permissions from roles with lower level.

For example:

You have three roles: `user`, `moderator` and `admin`. User has a permission to read articles, moderator can manage comments and admin can create articles. User has a level 1, moderator level 2 and admin level 3. With inheritance enabled, moderator and administrator also have the permission to read articles, and administrator can manage comments as well.

> If you don't want the permissions inheritance feature enabled in you application, set the config value roles.inheritance (or its corresponding .env parameter, ROLES_INHERITANCE) to false. Alternatively, simply ignore the `level` parameter when you're creating roles.

### Entity Check

Let's say you have an article and you want to edit it. This article belongs to a user (there is a column `user_id` in articles table).

use App\Article;

$editArticlesPermission = config('roles.models.permission')::create([
'name' => 'Edit articles',
'slug' => 'edit.articles',
'model' => 'App\Article',


$article = Article::find(1);

if ($user->allowed('edit.articles', $article)) { // $user->allowedEditArticles($article)

This condition checks if the current user is the owner of article. If not, it will be looking inside user permissions for a row we created before.

if ($user->allowed('edit.articles', $article, false)) { // now owner check is disabled

### Blade Extensions

There are four Blade extensions. Basically, it is replacement for classic if statements.

@role('admin') // @if(Auth::check() && Auth::user()->hasRole('admin'))
// user has admin role

@permission('edit.articles') // @if(Auth::check() && Auth::user()->hasPermission('edit.articles'))
// user has edit articles permissison

@level(2) // @if(Auth::check() && Auth::user()->level() >= 2)
// user has level 2 or higher

@allowed('edit', $article) // @if(Auth::check() && Auth::user()->allowed('edit', $article))
// show edit button

@role('admin|moderator', true) // @if(Auth::check() && Auth::user()->hasRole('admin|moderator', true))
// user has admin and moderator role
// something else

### Middleware
This package comes with `VerifyRole`, `VerifyPermission` and `VerifyLevel` middleware.
The middleware aliases are already registered in `\jeremykenedy\LaravelRoles\RolesServiceProvider` as of 1.7.
You can optionally add them inside your `app/Http/Kernel.php` file with your own aliases like outlined below:

* The application's route middleware.
* @var array
protected $routeMiddleware = [
'auth' => \App\Http\Middleware\Authenticate::class,
'auth.basic' => \Illuminate\Auth\Middleware\AuthenticateWithBasicAuth::class,
'bindings' => \Illuminate\Routing\Middleware\SubstituteBindings::class,
'cache.headers' => \Illuminate\Http\Middleware\SetCacheHeaders::class,
'can' => \Illuminate\Auth\Middleware\Authorize::class,
'guest' => \App\Http\Middleware\RedirectIfAuthenticated::class,
'signed' => \Illuminate\Routing\Middleware\ValidateSignature::class,
'throttle' => \Illuminate\Routing\Middleware\ThrottleRequests::class,
'verified' => \Illuminate\Auth\Middleware\EnsureEmailIsVerified::class,
'role' => \jeremykenedy\LaravelRoles\App\Http\Middleware\VerifyRole::class,
'permission' => \jeremykenedy\LaravelRoles\App\Http\Middleware\VerifyPermission::class,
'level' => \jeremykenedy\LaravelRoles\App\Http\Middleware\VerifyLevel::class,

Now you can easily protect your routes.

Route::get('/', function () {

Route::get('/', function () {

Route::get('/', function () {
})->middleware('level:2'); // level >= 2

Route::get('/', function () {
})->middleware('role:admin', 'level:2'); // level >= 2 and Admin

Route::group(['middleware' => ['role:admin']], function () {


It throws `\jeremykenedy\LaravelRoles\App\Exceptions\RoleDeniedException`, `\jeremykenedy\LaravelRoles\App\Exceptions\PermissionDeniedException` or `\jeremykenedy\LaravelRoles\App\Exceptions\LevelDeniedException` exceptions if it goes wrong.

You can catch these exceptions inside `app/Exceptions/Handler.php` file and do whatever you want.

* Render an exception into an HTTP response.
* @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
* @param \Throwable $e
* @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function render($request, Throwable $e)
$userLevelCheck = $e instanceof \jeremykenedy\LaravelRoles\App\Exceptions\RoleDeniedException ||
$e instanceof \jeremykenedy\LaravelRoles\App\Exceptions\PermissionDeniedException ||
$e instanceof \jeremykenedy\LaravelRoles\App\Exceptions\LevelDeniedException;

if ($userLevelCheck) {

if ($request->expectsJson()) {
return Response::json(array(
'error' => 403,
'message' => 'Unauthorized.'
), 403);


return parent::render($request, $e);


## Configuration
* You can change connection for models, slug separator, models path and there is also a handy pretend feature.
* There are many configurable options which have been extended to be able to configured via `.env` file variables.
* Editing the configuration file directly may not needed becuase of this.
* See config file: [roles.php](


'rolesTable' => env('ROLES_ROLES_DATABASE_TABLE', 'roles'),
'roleUserTable' => env('ROLES_ROLE_USER_DATABASE_TABLE', 'role_user'),
'permissionsTable' => env('ROLES_PERMISSIONS_DATABASE_TABLE', 'permissions'),
'permissionsRoleTable' => env('ROLES_PERMISSION_ROLE_DATABASE_TABLE', 'permission_role'),
'permissionsUserTable' => env('ROLES_PERMISSION_USER_DATABASE_TABLE', 'permission_user'),

| Slug Separator
| Here you can change the slug separator. This is very important in matter
| of magic method __call() and also a `Slugable` trait. The default value
| is a dot.

'separator' => env('ROLES_DEFAULT_SEPARATOR', '.'),

| Models
| If you want, you can replace default models from this package by models
| you created. Have a look at `jeremykenedy\LaravelRoles\Models\Role` model and
| `jeremykenedy\LaravelRoles\Models\Permission` model.

'models' => [
'role' => env('ROLES_DEFAULT_ROLE_MODEL', jeremykenedy\LaravelRoles\Models\Role::class),
'permission' => env('ROLES_DEFAULT_PERMISSION_MODEL', jeremykenedy\LaravelRoles\Models\Permission::class),
'defaultUser' => env('ROLES_DEFAULT_USER_MODEL', config('auth.providers.users.model')),

| Roles, Permissions and Allowed "Pretend"
| You can pretend or simulate package behavior no matter what is in your
| database. It is really useful when you are testing you application.
| Set up what will methods hasRole(), hasPermission() and allowed() return.

'pretend' => [
'enabled' => false,
'options' => [
'hasRole' => true,
'hasPermission' => true,
'allowed' => true,

| Default Migrations
| These are the default package migrations. If you publish the migrations
| to your project, then this is not necessary and should be disabled. This
| will enable our default migrations.
'defaultMigrations' => [
'enabled' => env('ROLES_MIGRATION_DEFAULT_ENABLED', false),

| Default Seeds
| These are the default package seeds. You can seed the package built
| in seeds without having to seed them. These seed directly from
| the package. These are not the published seeds.

'defaultSeeds' => [
'PermissionsTableSeeder' => env('ROLES_SEED_DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS', true),
'RolesTableSeeder' => env('ROLES_SEED_DEFAULT_ROLES', true),
'ConnectRelationshipsSeeder' => env('ROLES_SEED_DEFAULT_RELATIONSHIPS', true),
'UsersTableSeeder' => env('ROLES_SEED_DEFAULT_USERS', false),

| Laravel Roles GUI Settings
| This is the GUI for Laravel Roles to be able to CRUD them
| easily and fast. This is optional and is not needed
| for your application.

// Enable Optional Roles Gui
'rolesGuiEnabled' => env('ROLES_GUI_ENABLED', false),

// Enable `auth` middleware
'rolesGuiAuthEnabled' => env('ROLES_GUI_AUTH_ENABLED', true),

// Enable Roles GUI middleware
'rolesGuiMiddlewareEnabled' => env('ROLES_GUI_MIDDLEWARE_ENABLED', true),

// Optional Roles GUI Middleware
'rolesGuiMiddleware' => env('ROLES_GUI_MIDDLEWARE', 'role:admin'),

// User Permissions or Role needed to create a new role
'rolesGuiCreateNewRolesMiddlewareType' => env('ROLES_GUI_CREATE_ROLE_MIDDLEWARE_TYPE', 'role'), //permissions or roles
'rolesGuiCreateNewRolesMiddleware' => env('ROLES_GUI_CREATE_ROLE_MIDDLEWARE_TYPE', 'admin'), // admin, XXX. ... or perms.XXX

// User Permissions or Role needed to create a new permission
'rolesGuiCreateNewPermissionMiddlewareType' => env('ROLES_GUI_CREATE_PERMISSION_MIDDLEWARE_TYPE', 'role'), //permissions or roles
'rolesGuiCreateNewPermissionsMiddleware' => env('ROLES_GUI_CREATE_PERMISSION_MIDDLEWARE_TYPE', 'admin'), // admin, XXX. ... or perms.XXX

// The parent blade file
'bladeExtended' => env('ROLES_GUI_BLADE_EXTENDED', ''),

// Blade Extension Placement
'bladePlacement' => env('ROLES_GUI_BLADE_PLACEMENT', 'yield'),
'bladePlacementCss' => env('ROLES_GUI_BLADE_PLACEMENT_CSS', 'inline_template_linked_css'),
'bladePlacementJs' => env('ROLES_GUI_BLADE_PLACEMENT_JS', 'inline_footer_scripts'),

// Titles placement extend
'titleExtended' => env('ROLES_GUI_TITLE_EXTENDED', 'template_title'),

// Switch Between bootstrap 3 `panel` and bootstrap 4 `card` classes
'bootstapVersion' => env('ROLES_GUI_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION', '4'),

// Additional Card classes for styling -
// See:
// Example classes: 'text-white bg-primary mb-3'
'bootstrapCardClasses' => env('ROLES_GUI_CARD_CLASSES', ''),

// Bootstrap Tooltips
'tooltipsEnabled' => env('ROLES_GUI_TOOLTIPS_ENABLED', true),

// jQuery
'enablejQueryCDN' => env('ROLES_GUI_JQUERY_CDN_ENABLED', true),
'JQueryCDN' => env('ROLES_GUI_JQUERY_CDN_URL', ''),

// Selectize JS
'enableSelectizeJsCDN' => env('ROLES_GUI_SELECTIZEJS_CDN_ENABLED', true),
'SelectizeJsCDN' => env('ROLES_GUI_SELECTIZEJS_CDN_URL', ''),
'enableSelectizeJs' => env('ROLES_GUI_SELECTIZEJS_ENABLED', true),
'enableSelectizeJsCssCDN' => env('ROLES_GUI_SELECTIZEJS_CSS_CDN_ENABLED', true),
'SelectizeJsCssCDN' => env('ROLES_GUI_SELECTIZEJS_CSS_CDN_URL', ''),

// Font Awesome
'enableFontAwesomeCDN' => env('ROLES_GUI_FONT_AWESOME_CDN_ENABLED', true),
'fontAwesomeCDN' => env('ROLES_GUI_FONT_AWESOME_CDN_URL', ''),

// Flash Messaging
'builtInFlashMessagesEnabled' => env('ROLES_GUI_FLASH_MESSAGES_ENABLED', true),

| Laravel Roles API Settings
| This is the API for Laravel Roles to be able to CRUD them
| easily and fast via an API. This is optional and is
| not needed for your application.
'rolesApiEnabled' => env('ROLES_API_ENABLED', false),

// Enable `auth` middleware
'rolesAPIAuthEnabled' => env('ROLES_API_AUTH_ENABLED', true),

// Enable Roles API middleware
'rolesAPIMiddlewareEnabled' => env('ROLES_API_MIDDLEWARE_ENABLED', true),

// Optional Roles API Middleware
'rolesAPIMiddleware' => env('ROLES_API_MIDDLEWARE', 'role:admin'),

// User Permissions or Role needed to create a new role
'rolesAPICreateNewRolesMiddlewareType' => env('ROLES_API_CREATE_ROLE_MIDDLEWARE_TYPE', 'role'), //permissions or roles
'rolesAPICreateNewRolesMiddleware' => env('ROLES_API_CREATE_ROLE_MIDDLEWARE_TYPE', 'admin'), // admin, XXX. ... or perms.XXX

// User Permissions or Role needed to create a new permission
'rolesAPICreateNewPermissionMiddlewareType' => env('ROLES_API_CREATE_PERMISSION_MIDDLEWARE_TYPE', 'role'), //permissions or roles
'rolesAPICreateNewPermissionsMiddleware' => env('ROLES_API_CREATE_PERMISSION_MIDDLEWARE_TYPE', 'admin'), // admin, XXX. ... or perms.XXX

| Laravel Roles GUI Datatables Settings

'enabledDatatablesJs' => env('ROLES_GUI_DATATABLES_JS_ENABLED', false),
'datatablesJsStartCount' => env('ROLES_GUI_DATATABLES_JS_START_COUNT', 25),
'datatablesCssCDN' => env('ROLES_GUI_DATATABLES_CSS_CDN', ''),
'datatablesJsCDN' => env('ROLES_GUI_DATATABLES_JS_CDN', ''),
'datatablesJsPresetCDN' => env('ROLES_GUI_DATATABLES_JS_PRESET_CDN', ''),

| Laravel Roles Package Integration Settings

'laravelUsersEnabled' => env('ROLES_GUI_LARAVEL_ROLES_ENABLED', false),


### Environment File
# Roles Default Models

# Roles database information

# Roles Misc Settings

# Roles Database Migrations Settings

# Roles Database Seeder Settings

# Roles GUI Settings


## More Information
For more information, please have a look at [HasRoleAndPermission]( contract.

## Optional GUI Routes
| Domain | Method | URI | Name | Action | Middleware |
| | GET|HEAD | permission-deleted/{id} | laravelroles::permission-show-deleted | jeremykenedy\LaravelRoles\App\Http\Controllers\LaravelpermissionsDeletedController@show | web,auth,role:admin |
| | DELETE | permission-destroy/{id} | laravelroles::permission-item-destroy | jeremykenedy\LaravelRoles\App\Http\Controllers\LaravelpermissionsDeletedController@destroy | web,auth,role:admin |
| | PUT | permission-restore/{id} | laravelroles::permission-restore | jeremykenedy\LaravelRoles\App\Http\Controllers\LaravelpermissionsDeletedController@restorePermission | web,auth,role:admin |
| | POST | permissions | | jeremykenedy\LaravelRoles\App\Http\Controllers\LaravelPermissionsController@store | web,auth,role:admin |
| | GET|HEAD | permissions | laravelroles::permissions.index | jeremykenedy\LaravelRoles\App\Http\Controllers\LaravelPermissionsController@index | web,auth,role:admin |
| | GET|HEAD | permissions-deleted | laravelroles::permissions-deleted | jeremykenedy\LaravelRoles\App\Http\Controllers\LaravelpermissionsDeletedController@index | web,auth,role:admin |
| | DELETE | permissions-deleted-destroy-all | laravelroles::destroy-all-deleted-permissions | jeremykenedy\LaravelRoles\App\Http\Controllers\LaravelpermissionsDeletedController@destroyAllDeletedPermissions | web,auth,role:admin |
| | POST | permissions-deleted-restore-all | laravelroles::permissions-deleted-restore-all | jeremykenedy\LaravelRoles\App\Http\Controllers\LaravelpermissionsDeletedController@restoreAllDeletedPermissions | web,auth,role:admin |
| | GET|HEAD | permissions/create | laravelroles::permissions.create | jeremykenedy\LaravelRoles\App\Http\Controllers\LaravelPermissionsController@create | web,auth,role:admin |
| | PUT|PATCH | permissions/{permission} | laravelroles::permissions.update | jeremykenedy\LaravelRoles\App\Http\Controllers\LaravelPermissionsController@update | web,auth,role:admin |
| | GET|HEAD | permissions/{permission} | | jeremykenedy\LaravelRoles\App\Http\Controllers\LaravelPermissionsController@show | web,auth,role:admin |
| | DELETE | permissions/{permission} | laravelroles::permissions.destroy | jeremykenedy\LaravelRoles\App\Http\Controllers\LaravelPermissionsController@destroy | web,auth,role:admin |
| | GET|HEAD | permissions/{permission}/edit | laravelroles::permissions.edit | jeremykenedy\LaravelRoles\App\Http\Controllers\LaravelPermissionsController@edit | web,auth,role:admin |
| | GET|HEAD | role-deleted/{id} | laravelroles::role-show-deleted | jeremykenedy\LaravelRoles\App\Http\Controllers\LaravelRolesDeletedController@show | web,auth,role:admin |
| | DELETE | role-destroy/{id} | laravelroles::role-item-destroy | jeremykenedy\LaravelRoles\App\Http\Controllers\LaravelRolesDeletedController@destroy | web,auth,role:admin |
| | PUT | role-restore/{id} | laravelroles::role-restore | jeremykenedy\LaravelRoles\App\Http\Controllers\LaravelRolesDeletedController@restoreRole | web,auth,role:admin |
| | POST | roles | | jeremykenedy\LaravelRoles\App\Http\Controllers\LaravelRolesController@store | web,auth,role:admin |
| | GET|HEAD | roles | laravelroles::roles.index | jeremykenedy\LaravelRoles\App\Http\Controllers\LaravelRolesController@index | web,auth,role:admin |
| | GET|HEAD | roles-deleted | laravelroles::roles-deleted | jeremykenedy\LaravelRoles\App\Http\Controllers\LaravelRolesDeletedController@index | web,auth,role:admin |
| | DELETE | roles-deleted-destroy-all | laravelroles::destroy-all-deleted-roles | jeremykenedy\LaravelRoles\App\Http\Controllers\LaravelRolesDeletedController@destroyAllDeletedRoles | web,auth,role:admin |
| | POST | roles-deleted-restore-all | laravelroles::roles-deleted-restore-all | jeremykenedy\LaravelRoles\App\Http\Controllers\LaravelRolesDeletedController@restoreAllDeletedRoles | web,auth,role:admin |
| | GET|HEAD | roles/create | laravelroles::roles.create | jeremykenedy\LaravelRoles\App\Http\Controllers\LaravelRolesController@create | web,auth,role:admin |
| | DELETE | roles/{role} | laravelroles::roles.destroy | jeremykenedy\LaravelRoles\App\Http\Controllers\LaravelRolesController@destroy | web,auth,role:admin |
| | PUT|PATCH | roles/{role} | laravelroles::roles.update | jeremykenedy\LaravelRoles\App\Http\Controllers\LaravelRolesController@update | web,auth,role:admin |
| | GET|HEAD | roles/{role} | | jeremykenedy\LaravelRoles\App\Http\Controllers\LaravelRolesController@show | web,auth,role:admin |
| | GET|HEAD | roles/{role}/edit | laravelroles::roles.edit | jeremykenedy\LaravelRoles\App\Http\Controllers\LaravelRolesController@edit | web,auth,role:admin |


## Screen Shots
![Laravel Roles GUI Dashboard](
![Laravel Roles GUI Create New Role](
![Laravel Roles GUI Edit Role](
![Laravel Roles GUI Show Role](
![Laravel Roles GUI Delete Role](
![Laravel Roles GUI Success Deleted](
![Laravel Roles GUI Deleted Role Show](
![Laravel Roles GUI Restore Role](
![Laravel Roles GUI Delete Permission](
![Laravel Roles GUI Show Permission](
![Laravel Roles GUI Permissions Dashboard](
![Laravel Roles GUI Create New Permission](
![Laravel Roles GUI Roles Soft Deletes Dashboard](
![Laravel Roles GUI Permissions Soft Deletes Dashboard](
![Laravel Roles GUI Success Restore](

## File Tree
├── .env.example
├── .env.travis
├── .gitignore
├── .travis.yml
├── composer.json
├── phpunit.xml
└── src
├── App
│   ├── Exceptions
│   │   ├── AccessDeniedException.php
│   │   ├── LevelDeniedException.php
│   │   ├── PermissionDeniedException.php
│   │   └── RoleDeniedException.php
│   ├── Http
│   │   ├── Controllers
│   │   │   ├── Api
│   │   │   │   └── LaravelRolesApiController.php
│   │   │   ├── LaravelPermissionsController.php
│   │   │   ├── LaravelRolesController.php
│   │   │   ├── LaravelRolesDeletedController.php
│   │   │   └── LaravelpermissionsDeletedController.php
│   │   ├── Middleware
│   │   │   ├── VerifyLevel.php
│   │   │   ├── VerifyPermission.php
│   │   │   └── VerifyRole.php
│   │   └── Requests
│   │   ├── StorePermissionRequest.php
│   │   ├── StoreRoleRequest.php
│   │   ├── UpdatePermissionRequest.php
│   │   └── UpdateRoleRequest.php
│   └── Services
│   ├── PermissionFormFields.php
│   └── RoleFormFields.php
├── Contracts
│   ├── HasRoleAndPermission.php
│   ├── PermissionHasRelations.php
│   └── RoleHasRelations.php
├── Models
│   ├── Permission.php
│   └── Role.php
├── RolesFacade.php
├── RolesServiceProvider.php
├── Traits
│   ├── DatabaseTraits.php
│   ├── HasRoleAndPermission.php
│   ├── PermissionHasRelations.php
│   ├── RoleHasRelations.php
│   ├── RolesAndPermissionsHelpersTrait.php
│   ├── RolesUsageAuthTrait.php
│   └── Slugable.php
├── config
│   └── roles.php
├── database
│   ├── Migrations
│   │   ├── 2016_01_15_105324_create_roles_table.php
│   │   ├── 2016_01_15_114412_create_role_user_table.php
│   │   ├── 2016_01_26_115212_create_permissions_table.php
│   │   ├── 2016_01_26_115523_create_permission_role_table.php
│   │   └── 2016_02_09_132439_create_permission_user_table.php
│   └── Seeds
│   ├── DefaultConnectRelationshipsSeeder.php
│   ├── DefaultPermissionsTableSeeder.php
│   ├── DefaultRolesTableSeeder.php
│   ├── DefaultUsersTableSeeder.php
│   └── publish
│   ├── ConnectRelationshipsSeeder.php
│   ├── PermissionsTableSeeder.php
│   ├── RolesTableSeeder.php
│   └── UsersTableSeeder.php
├── resources
│   ├── lang
│   │   └── en
│   │   └── laravelroles.php
│   └── views
│   └── laravelroles
│   ├── cards
│   │   ├── permissions-card.blade.php
│   │   └── roles-card.blade.php
│   ├── crud
│   │   ├── dashboard.blade.php
│   │   ├── permissions
│   │   │   ├── create.blade.php
│   │   │   ├── deleted
│   │   │   │   └── index.blade.php
│   │   │   ├── edit.blade.php
│   │   │   └── show.blade.php
│   │   └── roles
│   │   ├── create.blade.php
│   │   ├── deleted
│   │   │   └── index.blade.php
│   │   ├── edit.blade.php
│   │   └── show.blade.php
│   ├── forms
│   │   ├── create-permission-form.blade.php
│   │   ├── create-role-form.blade.php
│   │   ├── delete-sm.blade.php
│   │   ├── destroy-all-permissions.blade.php
│   │   ├── destroy-all-roles.blade.php
│   │   ├── destroy-sm.blade.php
│   │   ├── edit-permission-form.blade.php
│   │   ├── edit-role-form.blade.php
│   │   ├── partials
│   │   │   ├── permission-desc-input.blade.php
│   │   │   ├── permission-name-input.blade.php
│   │   │   ├── permission-slug-input.blade.php
│   │   │   ├── permissions-model-select.blade.php
│   │   │   ├── role-desc-input.blade.php
│   │   │   ├── role-level-input.blade.php
│   │   │   ├── role-name-input.blade.php
│   │   │   ├── role-permissions-select.blade.php
│   │   │   └── role-slug-input.blade.php
│   │   ├── permission-form.blade.php
│   │   ├── restore-all-permissions.blade.php
│   │   ├── restore-all-roles.blade.php
│   │   ├── restore-item.blade.php
│   │   └── role-form.blade.php
│   ├── modals
│   │   └── confirm-modal.blade.php
│   ├── partials
│   │   ├── bs-visibility-css.blade.php
│   │   ├── flash-messages.blade.php
│   │   ├── form-status.blade.php
│   │   └── styles.blade.php
│   ├── scripts
│   │   ├── confirm-modal.blade.php
│   │   ├── datatables.blade.php
│   │   ├── form-inputs-helpers.blade.php
│   │   ├── selectize.blade.php
│   │   ├── selectizePermission.blade.php
│   │   └── tooltips.blade.php
│   └── tables
│   ├── permission-items-table.blade.php
│   ├── permissions-table.blade.php
│   ├── role-items-table.blade.php
│   └── roles-table.blade.php
└── routes
├── api.php
└── web.php

* Tree command can be installed using brew: `brew install tree`
* File tree generated using command `tree -a -I '.git|node_modules|vendor|storage|tests'`

## Opening an Issue
Before opening an issue there are a couple of considerations:
* You are all awesome!
* **Read the instructions** and make sure all steps were *followed correctly*.
* **Check** that the issue is not *specific to your development environment* setup.
* **Provide** *duplication steps*.
* **Attempt to look into the issue**, and if you *have a solution, make a pull request*.
* **Show that you have made an attempt** to *look into the issue*.
* **Check** to see if the issue you are *reporting is a duplicate* of a previous reported issue.
* **Following these instructions show me that you have tried.**
* If you have a questions send me an email to [email protected]
* Need some help, I can do my best on Slack:
* Please be considerate that this is an open source project that I provide to the community for FREE when opening an issue.

## Credit Note:
The [HasRoleAndPermission Trait And Contract](#hasroleandpermission-trait-and-contract) is and an adaptation of [romanbican/roles]( I liked the method he made so I used them.

## License
This package is free software distributed under the terms of the [MIT license]( Enjoy!