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A version of the default Fabulous app template running on Linux and macOS

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A version of the default Fabulous app template running on Linux and macOS

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# Squeaky app for Linux

This is a version of a Fabulous app created from the [Fabulous template]( The difference here is this runs on Linux using GTK#.

## How to recreate this

If you want to create this yourself, follow these steps.

### Create the solution

Install the template, and create a new project using:

dotnet new -i Fabulous.Templates
dotnet new fabulous-app -lang F# -n SqueakyApp

Launch the solution file using [MonoDevelop]( - I used the [nightly builds]( as these have better support for the underlying technology used by Fabulous. Then delete the `Android` and `iOS` apps.

### Creating the Linux app

* Right-click on the solution and select _Add -> Add New Project..._. Choose _Other -> .NET -> Gtk# 2.0 project_. Select __F#__ from the drop down, then click __Next__. Give your project a name, such as `SqueakyApp.Gtk`, then click __Create__.

* Add the __Xamarin.Forms__ and __Xamarin.Forms.Platform.GTK__ NuGet packages to this project, and update the Xamarin.Forms package used by the _SqueakyApp_ .NET Standard project to the same version as you have just installed.

* Add a reference to the _SqueakyApp_ .NET Standard project to your new GTK project.

* Open up `Main.fs`, and change the code to match the following:

namespace SqueakyApp.Gtk
module Main =

open System
open Xamarin.Forms
open Xamarin.Forms.Platform.GTK

let Main(args) =

let app = new SqueakyApp.App()
let window = new FormsWindow()
window.SetApplicationTitle("Hello Fabulous Linux")


This code will initialize GTK, initialize Xamarin.Forms, then launch the Forms app inside a GTK window.

* Run your app!

![The app running onLinux](./Images/RunningOnLinux.png)

You can read more on adding Xamarin.Forms GTK support for Linux on [](

### Creating the macOS (Cocoa) app

* Right-click on the solution and select _Add -> Add New Project..._. Choose _Mac -> App -> Cocoa App_. Select __F#__ from the drop down, then click __Next__. Give your project a name, such as `SqueakyApp.Mac`, then click __Create__.

* Add the __Xamarin.Forms__, __Fabulous.Core__, __Fabulous.LiveUpdate__ and __Newtonsoft.Json__ NuGet packages to this project, and update the Xamarin.Forms package used by the _SqueakyApp_ .NET Standard project to the same version as you have just installed.

* Add a reference to the _SqueakyApp_ .NET Standard project to your new GTK project.

* Open up `Main.fs`, and change the code to match the following:

namespace SqueakyApp.Gtk
open System
open AppKit

module main =
let main args =
NSApplication.Init ()
NSApplication.SharedApplication.Delegate <- new AppDelegate();
NSApplication.Main (args)

This code will initialize app delegate that will run the macOS app. Here is app delegate code.

open System
open Foundation
open AppKit
open Xamarin.Forms
open Xamarin.Forms.Platform.MacOS

type AppDelegate () =
inherit FormsApplicationDelegate ()

let mutable _window : NSWindow = null
let style = NSWindowStyle.Closable ||| NSWindowStyle.Resizable ||| NSWindowStyle.Titled
let rect = CoreGraphics.CGRect(200., 1000., 1024., 768.)
_window <- new NSWindow(rect, style, NSBackingStore.Buffered, false)
_window.Title <- "Hello Fabulous Mac!"
_window.TitleVisibility <- NSWindowTitleVisibility.Hidden

override this.MainWindow =

override this.DidFinishLaunching(notification) =
this.LoadApplication(new SqueakyApp.App())

This code will initialize cocoa app, initialize Xamarin.Forms, then launch the Forms app inside a cocoa app window.

* Run your app!

![The app running on macOS](./Images/RunningOnMac.png)

You can read more on adding Xamarin.Forms Cocoa support for macOS on [](