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Functions to procedurally generate synthetic data in R for testing and collaboration.

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Functions to procedurally generate synthetic data in R for testing and collaboration.

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Functions to procedurally generate synthetic data in R for testing and collaboration.

`datasynthR` allows the user to generate data of known distributional properties with
known correlation structures. This is useful for testing statistical model data, building functions to operate on very large datasets, or training others in using R!

`datasynthR` is built around a simple architecture of correlated samplers, dataset generators, and missingness functions. This work was inspired by a
[list-serv]( post by Joris Dewolf detailing how to generate random correlated
variables from a normal distribution.

- *correlated samplers* take a vector V of length n and generate another vector of length n correlated with V at a user specified level of *rho* following the
distributional form specified in the sampler
- *generators* combine *correlated samplers* together to generate datasets of
known structure, with variables of known distributions, with known correlations
among them
- *missingness functions* apply specifc types of missingness to datasets in order
to simulate real world data

## Correlated samplers

These are the workhorse functions of `datasynthR`. These functions allow for the
construction of bivariate correlated relationships. Creating correlated vectors
is as simple as calling the function on the vector you wish to correlate the
data with and specifying the desired correlation:

a <- rnorm(100)
b <- rnormcorV(a, rho=0.2)

cor(a, b)

[1] 0.19146809

The following distributions are impelmented in `datasynthR`:

- normal (`rnormcorV`)
- chi-squared (`rchisqcor`)
- Poisson (`rpoiscor`)
- Gamma (`rgammacor`)
- uniform (`runifcor`)
- Weibull (`rweibullcor`)
- Negative Binomial (`rnegbinomcor`)
- Binomial (`rbinomcor`)

These functions are able to provide close approximations of `rho` specified when
the intial vector fed to them is approximately normal and of sufficient length.
Currently mileage may vary when coming from other distributions. Additionally, the
distributional properties of these distributions is currently not allowed to
be manipulated by the user. This may result in non-canonical shapes of these
distributions currently.

The following distributions will be added in the future:

- t
- beta
- geometric

## Generators

Generators build on the correlated samplers by allowing the user to describe
a data frame structure as a named list and then generate data that meets that
structure. Currently the two main generators are to generate numeric (`genNumeric`)
or factor (`genFactor`) data. These generators are designed to take a variety
of high level descriptions of the data structure from the user and generate
a data frame that approximates that data.

# Generate 1000 cases 3 variables with 0.3 bivariate correlations
dat1 <- genNumeric(1000, 3, rho=0.3)

# Note that var1 and var 3 are not correlated at 0.3

# Generate 1000 cases with user specified correlations

struc <- list(dist=c("norm", "pois", "gamma"), rho=c(0.2, -.5, .5),
names=c("super", "cool", "data"))

dat2 <- genNumeric(1000, pattern=struc)

cor(dat2[, 1], dat2[, 2])
cor(dat2[, 2], dat2[, 3])
cor(dat2[, 3], dat2[, 4])

# Note correlations are not perfect, but the general structure is preserved

# A bit more complicated case passing different seeds

struc3 <- list(dist = c("norm", "chisq", "pois", "norm",
"weibull", "gamma"),
rho = c(-.05, -.4, 0.3, 0.9, .03, -.6),
names = c("score", "accept", "score2", "days", "days2", "luck"),
seed = c(runif(100), rpois(100, 7), rpois(100, 3),
rgamma(100, shape=2), runif(100)))

covmat3 <- genNumeric(100, pattern = struc3)


Notice that we can also pass names of variables to `genNumeric`. Our next
step is to generate correlated factors. For now this function is restricted to
constructing **unordered** factors that have randomly generated level names made
up of sampling from combinations of the R `letters` and `LETTERS` vectors.

N <- 1000
K <- 4
LEVS <- 5
RHO1 <- -0.2

S1 <- sample(letters[1:5], N, replace=TRUE)
S2 <- rnorm(N)

test <- genFactor(N, K, nlevel=LEVS, rho=0.3)
test2 <- genFactor(N, K, nlevel=LEVS, rho=RHO1, seed=S1)
test3 <- genFactor(N, K, nlevel=LEVS, rho=RHO1, seed=S2)


Assessing `rho` for correlations among unordered factors can be difficult.
`datasynthR` includes a function for estimating the Goodman and Kruskal gamma statistic adapted from [Simon Jackman]( Using the `gammaGK` function we can calculate whether or not
our factors are related to one another in the desired ways:


gammaGK(test[,1], test[,2])
gammaGK(test2[,1], test2[,4])
gammaGK(test3[,1], test3[,5])


There is currently no way to assign an ordered structure to these factors. Also the
level of precision we are able to achieve with our `rho` depends on the number
of observations, the number of levels in the factor, and underlying distribution
of the seed variable.

## Missingness

Often we want to test our method, procedure, or analysis for robustness against
missing data. `datasynthR` provides a number of convenient methods to simulate
missingness in data -- whether it was generated in `datasynthR` or not.

Missing data can come in three forms:

1. Missing completely at random (MCAR)
2. Missing at random (MAR)
3. Missing not at random (MNAR)

Currently MCAR is well implemented in `datasynthR` and MAR is experimentally
implemented though not robust to most underlying data yet.


covmatMISSING <- MCAR.df(covmat, 0.1)
MCARtest <- MCARcheck.df(covmatMISSING)


This allows us to ensure that missingness was generated completely at random. These cehcks forces each pair of columns into factors with levels for missing and
non-missing elements and then performs a Goodman and Kruskal gamma test on those
factors to determine if they are correlated, to what degree, and if this is
statistically significant.