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Predicting Boston Housing Prices.

boston-housing-dataset jupyter-notebook matplotlib numpy pandas python3 scikit-learn

Last synced: 3 days ago
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Predicting Boston Housing Prices.

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## Project: Predicting Boston Housing Prices

### Install

This project requires **Python 2.7** and the following Python libraries installed:

- [NumPy](
- [Pandas](
- [matplotlib](
- [scikit-learn](
- [Jupyter Notebook](

### Run

In a terminal or command window, navigate to the top-level project directory, and run one of the following commands:

ipython notebook boston_housing.ipynb
jupyter notebook boston_housing.ipynb

### Data

The modified Boston housing dataset consists of 490 data points, with each datapoint having 3 features. This dataset is a modified version of the Boston Housing dataset found on the [UCI Machine Learning Repository](

1. `RM`: average number of rooms per dwelling
2. `LSTAT`: percentage of population considered lower status
3. `PTRATIO`: pupil-student ratio by town

**Target Variable**
4. `MEDV`: median value of owner-occupied homes