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Simple, Modern MacVim Configuration

Last synced: about 2 months ago
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Simple, Modern MacVim Configuration

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# 📢 Announcement: 📢

**I have been working on a new version of vimbox that uses Atom/VSCode style json configuration and allows you to just drag a `` into your applications directory. Some good features:**
- Self contained `.app` (but still requires that you have MacVim installed).
- `.json` based configuration.
- When loading the app, it automatically pulls everything down from this repo.
- It creates an isolated Vim environment that doesn't disturb your current `~/.vim`/`~/.vimrc`. It is a different approach - better in my opinion. It really is "vim in a box" - a sandbox.
- Also will work on terminal / Linux / Windows. Share your config across platforms. Json configuration can be platform specific `settings.json` vs. `settings.linux.json`, and `settings.osx.gui.json` etc. (no one click `.app` for linux/windows though, you need to create your own launcher).

**[Here is the branch]( that it lives at. Follow the instructions there to try it out.**

Thank you for your patience while I have not been super responsive to issues on `#master` branch - it is because I have been working on the new `#json` branch linked above which should take the place of `#master`. Feedback appreciated.


Modern MacVim Configuration

  • Mac Keyboard mappings

  • Familiar autocomplete behavior

  • JavaScript indentation and lint support

  • Snippets (with JavaScript examples)

  • Spacegray theme with matching app icon.

> VimBox with Atom inspired one-dark theme.

> VimBox's matching application icon

> Quickly try VimBox in place of your existing setup. Back up your existing vim files, and move them out of the way as instructed:

1. If you already have a vim setup, move it safely out of the way or back it up.

mv ~/.vim ~/.vim_backup #No trailing slashes to preserve symlinks!
mv ~/.vimrc ~/.vimrc_backup
mv ~/.gvimrc ~/.gvimrc_backup

2. You *Must* Install a [Recent Version of MacVim]( (with python support)

# Alternatively, if you'd rather install via `brew`
brew install macvim --with-cscope --python --HEAD
brew linkapps # Put the app in your /Applications directory

3. Clone `VimBox` wherever you like to keep your github clones

# cd ~/github/ # Or wherever you like to keep github clones
git clone
ln -s `pwd`/VimBox/dotVim ~/.vim # Link to the cloned vim config
ln -s `pwd`/VimBox/dotVimRc ~/.vimrc
ln -s `pwd`/VimBox/dotGVimRc ~/.gvimrc

4. Start `MacVim` that you just installed. It will prompt you to download the
plugins in the background. If you opt to do so, it may take a while to
startup but be patient.

5. `[Recommended]` Install the included vim-airline font so `VimBox` looks like
the screenshot with the `vim-airline` bar. From the command line:

open ./VimBox/dotVim/Fonts/InconsolataDz/Inconsolata-dz\ for\ Powerline.otf # Then click "Install Font"

6. Install up-to-date node.js if you want JS linting (

7. Make your MacVim use the VimBox icon (optional):

open /Applications/
# Find the MacVim app icon and press `⌘+i` to open the information window
open ./dotVim/images
# drag the ApplicationIcon.icns onto the little icon in the information window
# and restart MacVim.


#### Familiar Mac Key Commands

| Key | Action |
| ------------------------- |----------------------------------------------------------|
| `⌘+p` | Open Anything (`ctrl-p`) |
| `⌘+n` | New Tab |
| `⌘+shift+n` | New Window |
| `⌘+shift+t` | Reopen Last Closed Tab |
| `⌘+w` | Close tab/split: Opens to the left (like Sublime) not right (like vim) |
| `⌘+s` | Save file |
| `⌘+z` | Undo |
| `⌘+shift+z` | Redo |
| `⌘+enter` | Special Distraction-Free FullScreen Mode |
| `⌘+\` | Toggle File Explorer (Docked `NERDTree`) |
| `⌘+shift+\` | Find current file in file explorer |
| `^+\` | Toggle focus between file explorer |
| `⌘+shift+[` / `⌘+shift+]` | Go to previous/next tab |
| `^+tab` / `^+shift+tab` | Go to previous/next tab (in normal Vim mode) |
| `⌘+1 ` | Go to tab `1` |
| `F5` | Sort lines (like Textmate) |
| `⌘+/` | Toggle comments - selected range - or line |
| `⌘+shift+c` | format/indent entire file then restore cursor |
| `⌘+d` | Toggle Diagnostics (errors in location list) |
| `⌘+D` | Toggle QuickFix list |
| `⌘+r` | "Run" - invokes pwd/ |

The file browser shortcuts are carefully setup so that when you use the
shortcuts for opening/closing/toggling-focus, the window positions will not be
resized. Make sure to use `^+\` if you want to jump back and forth between the
file tree and your editor - it will remember the editor you were last in, and
not disturb window positions (just like Atom or other modern editors).

#### Mega Escape
> - `VimBox` has mapped `^+l` to exit out of any modal window/prompt/mode/command to bring you back to normal Vim navigation mode.
> - It's like the home button on the iPhone.
> - Unlike regular ``, mega-escape doesn't move your cursor when escaping.
> - Remap CapsLock to control and never reach for `Escape` again. Hit the `CapsLock` key and `l` right on the home row.

| Key | Action |
| ------------ |-------------|
| `^+l` | Mega Escape |

#### Airline/Spacegray

`VimBox` includes `vim-airline` and `Spacegray` color scheme.

#### Braces and Pairs

- Inserting `{`, `[`, `'`, or `"` automatically inserts the closing character.
- When hitting enter with the cursor between two braces `{|}` the newline is formatted with an extra indentation.
- The behavior is identical to Sublime/Textmate.

#### AutoComplete/Snippets

- Completions pop up automatically.
- Like Sublime, `VimBox` accepts highlighted entries via `tab` or `enter`.
- `tab` also triggers a snippet when applicable, and `tab` will allow "tabbing" through the snippet placeholders.
- Place custom snippets in `~/.vim/myUltiSnippets/`
- If the completion window is open and you want to insert a newline instead of inserting the completion, press `shift+enter` or `control+enter`.

#### Distraction Free UI Tabs

- When not in full screen mode, Mac style metalic tabs are used.
- When in full-screen mode, those tabs become flat and blend into the background so you can focus on the code.

#### One File, One Location

Included plugins are configured so that opening a file will always focus the window/tab/split where that file is already open. This is how most modern editors work.

#### Many Plugins, One Interaction Language

Multiple plugins (`ctrl-p` and `NERDTree`) have been configured so that they have consistent keyboard mappings. For example, `s` represents the notion of a "vertical split", and `h` represents horizontal in both plugins (though one plugin might require a `ctrl` modifier in some cases.)

#### Command-P Search Window

The `ctrl-p` plugin has been configured to "do the right thing", which means searching for some combination of recently used files and/or the contents under the current working directory. It caches the results, but if you open it from your home directory, it could take a while to scan your entire directory.

| Key | Action |
| ------------ |-------------|
| `⌘+p` | Open Anything and begin searching for file|
| `enter` | While searching, opens the top hit in new tab or jump to existing window if already open |
| `c-s` | While searching, opens the top hit in a vertical split or jump to existing window if already open |
| `c-h` | While searching, opens the top hit in horizontal split or jump to existing window if already open |
| `⌘+shift+c` | While searching, refreshes the search results if files have changed on disk|
| `ctrl+c` | Kills a slow search |

#### NERDTree

`NERDTree` is included and is configured to act as a left-nav bar (toggle it via `⌘+e`). Its keymappings have been configured to be consistent with the `ctrl-p` plugin.

| Key | Action |
| ------------ |-------------|
| `⌘+e` | Toggle side bar file explorer |
| `⌘+E` | Reveal current file in side bar file explorer |
| `j`/`k` | While explorer focused, move up and down |
| `enter` | While explorer focused, opens a file in new tab or jump to existing window if already open |
| `s` | While explorer focused, opens a file in a vertical split or jump to existing window if already open |
| `h` | While explorer focused, opens a file in horizontal split or jump to existing window if already open |
| `u` | While explorer focused, Move up a directory |
| `o` | While explorer focused, Expand a subdirectory |
| `CD` | While explorer focused, Make the file explorer's directory equal to Vim's `cwd` |
| `cd` | While explorer focused, make Vim's `cwd` equal to the directory under the cursor |
| `m` | While explorer focused, show complete menu of possible commands to execute |

#### Tabs And Splits Navigation
> Jump around quickly to the next tab or split with a single key press. Go back the other direction by pressing shift.

| Key | Action |
| ------------ |-------------|
| `⌘+shift+h`, `⌘+shift+l` | While in Vim's normal mode - focus split to the left or right |
| `⌘+shift+j`, `⌘+shift+k` | While in Vim's normal mode - focus split to the top or bottom (not in diff mode) |
| `⌘+shift+j`, `⌘+shift+k` | While in Vim's normal mode - *and* diff mode, go to next / previous changes |
| `⌘+shift+p` | While in Vim's normal mode - focus *previously* focused tab |
| `Space`/`shift+Space` | While in Vim's normal mode - go to next/preious tab |
| `tab`/`shift+tab` | While in Vim's normal mode - go to next/previous split |

####JavaScript Development

#### JavaScript Linting
- Excellent JavaScript indenting and inline linting with support for `JSX`.
- Syntax error highlighting via Syntastic.
- Type error highlighting via `flow`. Just have `flow` installed on your path, and type/syntax errors will be underlined in red. As always, hit `⌘+l` to toggle the summary of the file's errors.

#### JavaScript Snippets
- JavaScript snippets are include, but you can add your own for any language you like

| Key | Action |
| ------------ |-------------|
| `for` `tab` | `for` loop |
| `if` | `if` statement|
| `forin` `tab`| `for`-`in` loop |
| `fun` `tab`| `function` definition |
| `lam` `tab`| Lambda function |
| `try` `tab`| `try`/`catch` |
| `log` `tab`| `console.log` |
| `logo` `tab`| Log stringified object to console |
| `tag` `tab`| `JSX` tag ``|
| `logo` `tab`| Many more including ReactJS helpers |

#### JavaScript DocBlock Generator

The following key mapping generates docblock comments. `` will select the parameters in the generated docblock so you can edit the descriptions/types. Works with `ES6` functions.

| Key | Action |
| ------------ |-------------|
| `⌘+shift+i` | Generate JS Docblock - when cursor is above a function|

Git Integration:

#### Setup DiffTool:

Any result of a `git diff` command can be viewed in a side-by-side diff view inside of `MacVim`. All of your familiar `vim` key commands work while browsing your diff. Place this in your `~/.gitconfig`:

tool = default-difftool
[difftool "default-difftool"]
cmd = "~/.vim/ " $LOCAL $REMOTE

Now you can use the `git difftool` command exactly like you use `git diff`, but a MacVim window will appear:

#### Setup MergeTool:

Resolving merge conflicts is simple with `MacVim`. Just put this in your `~/.gitconfig`.

prompt = false
# See bashrc for exporting the editor across all apps, not just git.
[mergetool "mvimdiff"]
cmd="/Applications/ -g -f '+windo set diff scrollbind scrollopt+=hor nowrap' -c 'Gdiff' $MERGED -c 'au VimLeave * !open -a iTerm'"
# cmd="mvim -c 'Gdiff' $MERGED" # use fugitive.vim for 3-way merge

tool = mvimdiff

Now, `git mergetool` will resolve rebase and merge conflicts directly inside of `MacVim`.

#### Setup Commit Message Editor:

Make sure to tell your shell that `MacVim` is the way that you'd like to edit commit messages. This special command will ensure that when you close your `MacVim` window, you will return back to the command line `iTerm`. Replace with your shell rc file and terminal app name.

echo export EDITOR='mvim -f --nomru -c "au VimLeave * !open -a iTerm"' >> ~/.bashrc
echo export GIT_EDITOR='mvim -f --nomru -c "au VimLeave * !open -a iTerm"' >> ~/.bashrc

Plugin System:

`VimBox` achieves its features through configuration of several plugins, but
those should be considered implementation details of the `VimBox` distribution.
`VimBox` uses modern editors as a "spec" for features and will configure
several plugins in order to conform to that spec.

- You can add any plugin you like using the `Plug` command.
- Add custom plugins using the `Plug` command inside
- Customize `~/.vim/vimrc.custom.before` to configure Vim before any of the
bundles are loaded, and customize `~/.vim/vimrc.custom.after` to configure
Vim after plugins are loaded.

In `~/.vim/vimrc.custom.before`/`~/.vim/vimrc.custom.after` you may set any options you like. (See "Plugin System" section above).

`VimBox` will look to see if you have defined the following variables defined in your `~/.vim/vimrc.custom.before`:

| Key | Behavior |
| ------------------------ |-------------------------|
| `let g:textColumns = 82` | Set text wrapping width |
| `let g:tabSize = 2` | Set tab width |

Using VimBox's configuration from NeoVim

mkdir ~/.config
ln -s ~/.vim ~/.config/nvim
ln -s ~/.vimrc ~/.config/nvim/init.vim


See the license file included. Any dependencies that are included in `VimBox`
may have their own license. In the event any dependency is include in `VimBox`,
an attempt has been made to also include its corresponding license in the
directory containing that licensed work.

See [./](