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Erlang, in-memory distributable cache

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Erlang, in-memory distributable cache

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## Erlang, Distributable, In-Memory Cache

### Featuring: Pub/Sub, JSON-query, and mechanisms to support consistency without transactoins.

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### Features
* Cache entries are Map, Key, Value, [TTL], [Sequence]
* Maps represent a name-space for Keys - similar to the notion
of 'bucket'
in other caching systems
* Maps, Keys and Values can be any Erlang term
* TTL is time-to-live in seconds
* Consistency assist
* Client-Side Sequence Number: An alternative API allows for a sequence-number
parameter on the put/x, evict/x, match/x and remove/x operations. Operations
whose sequence number is lower than the current, per-map max are disallowed
thereby ensuring, for example, that an old delete that shows up after a newer update
does not inappropriately evict the newer update.
* Node of Responsibility: A key-specific node can be identified for destructive
operations (put, evict, etc.) thereby preserving eventual consistency without transactions.
* jc_store:locus/2 takes a Key and a list of nodes and returns the node of
responsibility or the given key.
* jc_bridge accepts a message {From, {locus, Key}} and returns the node of
responsibility. Because jc\_bridge knows which nodes are available, the client
is relieved from keeping track of up-nodes, which is necessary to
caclulate the correct node of responsiblility. For example:

~~~~ Erlang
{jc_bridge, Any_Cache_Node} ! {self(), {locus, Key}},
NOR = receive
{error, _} -> error
Node -> Node
1000 -> error
{jc_bridge, NOR} ! {self, {put, benchtest, 10203, "{\"Key\":\"Value\"}
Because data is everywhere, a lookup will always find a key irrespective of
the node of responsibility. The way to best use this is to configure jc_sequence
to not be a singleton and then use the Node of Responsibility feature to chose
the node to do the inserts/deletes using the jc_s API.

* JSON query support
* Query by JSON: When Values are JSON, evict_match/2,
evict_all_match/1 and values_match/2 will search or evict
keys whose JSON value, at a location specificed by a java-style,
dot-path string, equals the given value. That is,
jc:values_match(bed, "id.type=3") would return all values, in the given
map (bed), where that value was a JSON object, id, with a "type":3
at its top-level.
* Ad-hoc, index support: In order to support faster
operations, (2-3 orders of magnitude), each map can have up to four,
dot-path, strings configured (or added at run-time) for which jc will
provide index support.
* Auto index recognition - Frequently used JSON querries will be
automatically detected and indexing initiated.
* User controlled eviction
* Map-level TTL: A job runs at configured intervals and removes
items whose create-date is older than a map-specific, configured
number of seconds.
* Item-level TTL: PUTS can include a TTL which defines when the
item should be evicted. Used for shorter TTLs, as an exception
to a Map-level TTL, or when more precision is required than that
offered by the Map-level TTL.
* Pub/Sub
* Clients can subscribe to Map events for a specific key or
for any key, and for write, delete or either operations
* Clients can create and subscribe to arbitrary 'topics' and
broadcast arbitrary messages under those topic names
* Clients can subscribe to node-up and node-down events
* Fine-grained logging via Lager

### Cache Functions (jc)
* Create
* put(Map, Key, Value, [TTLSecs]) -> {ok, Key} | {error, badarg}
* put_all(Map, [{K,V},{K,V},...], [TTLSecs]) -> {ok, CountOfSuccessfulPuts} |
{error, badarg}
* Delete
* evict(Map, Key) -> ok
* evict_all_match(Criteria = "Json.Path.Match=Value") -> ok
* evict_map_since(Map, Age_In_Secs) -> ok
* evict_match(Map, Criteria = "Json.Path.Match=Value") -> ok
* remove_items(Map, Keys) -> {ok, [{K, V}, ...]} for each {K, V} deleted.
* Retrieve
* get(Map, Key) -> {ok, Value} | miss
* get_all(Map, [K1, K2, ...]) -> {ok, {Found=[{K1,V1},...], Misses=[K2,...]}}
* key_set(Map) -> {ok, [K1, K2, ...]} for each Key in the Map
* values(Map) -> {ok, [V1, V2, ...]} for each Value in the Map
* values_match(Map, Criteria="JSon.Path.Match=Value") ->
{ok, [{K1,V1}, {K2,V2}, ...]}
* Flush
* clear(Map) -> ok
* flush() -> ok
* flush(silent) -> ok, Does not send alerts to subscribers

* Predicates
* contains_key(Map, Key) -> true | false.
* map_exists(Map) -> true | false.

* Meta
* cache_nodes() -> {{active, [Node1,... ]}, {configured, [Node1,... ]}}
* cache_size() -> {size, [{TableName, RecordCnt, Words}],...}
* map_size(Map) -> {records, Count}
* maps() -> {maps, [Map1, Map2,...]}
* up() -> {uptime, [{up_at, String},{now, String},
{up_time, {D, {H, M, S}}}]

### Consistency Support Functions (jc_s)
Identical to the Create and Evict family of functions of the jc module
(see above), except:

* An additional sequence parameter, which is expected to be a monotonically
incresing integer (with respect to a given Map), used to disalow
"out of sequence" operations
* Functions return {error, out_of_seq} if out of sequence operation is attempted
* evict(Map, Key, Seq)
* evict_all_match(Criteria = "Json.Path.Match=Value", Seq)
* evict_match(Map, Criteria = "Json.Path.Match=Value", Seq)
* put(Map, Key, Value, [TTLSecs], Seq)
* put_all(Map, [{K,V},{K,V},...], [TTLSecs], Seq)
* remove_items(Map, Keys, Seq)
* Meta functions
* sequence() -> [{Map, HighestNnumber},... ]
* sequence(Map) -> HightestNumber

### Eviction Manager Functions (jc_eviction_manager)
* set_max_ttl(Map, Secs) -> ok | {error, badarg}
* get_max_ttls() -> [{Map, Secs}, ...]

### Pub/Sub Functions (jc_psub)
* map_subscribe(Pid, Map, Key|any, write|delete|any) -> ok | {error, badarg}
* map_unsubscribe(Pid, Map, Key|any, write|delete|any) -> ok | {error, badarg}
* client receives

`{map_event, {Map, Key, delete}}`
`{map_event, {Map, key, write, Value}`
* topic_subscribe(Pid, Topic, Value) -> ok | {error, badarg}
* topic_unsubscribe(Pid, Topic, Value) -> ok | {error, badarg}
* client receives: {topic_event, {Topic, Value}}
* topic_event(Topic, Value) -> ok
* Broadcasts Value to all
subscribers of Topic
* topic_subscribe(Pid, jc_node_events, any) -> ok
* subscribes the user to node up and node down events:

`{jc_node_events, {nodedown, DownedNode, [ActiveNodes],[ConfiguredNodes]}}`

`{jc_node_events, {nodeup, UppedNode, [ActiveNodes],[ConfiguredNodes]}}`

### Indexing Functions (jc_store)
* start_indexing(Map, Path={bed,""}) -> ok |
{error, no_indexes_available} |
{error, Term}
* stop_indexing(Map, Path={bed,""}) -> ok
* indexes(Map) -> {indexes, [{{Map, Path}, Position},...]} for all indexes
of given Map
* indexes() -> {indexes, [{{Map, Path}, Position},...]} for all indexes

### Interoperability: Bridge (jc_bridge)
* All functions from the jc, jc_s, jc_eviction_manager, jc_psub
and jc_store are supported and are of the form:

`{From, {Fn, P1, P2,...}}`

for each paramater, as in

`jc_bridge ! {Pid, {put, Map, Key, Value}}`

* Additionally,
`{From, locus, Key}} -> node()` Calls jc_store:locus/2 with the list of active
cache nodes and returns the node of record.

{From, {node_topic_sub}} -> ok | {error, badarg},
client will recieve:

`{jc_node_events, {nodedown, DownedNode, [ActiveNodes],[ConfiguredNodes]}}`


`{jc_node_events, {nodeup, UppedNode, [ActiveNodes],[ConfiguredNodes]}}`

`{From, {node_topic_unsub}} -> ok`.

### Configuration
* Application configuration is in sys.config which is heavily
* Cookie, node-name and auto-restart of VM controlled by vm.args

### Application Modules
* jc_cluster
* Simple, mnesia-based, cluster creation and management
* jc, jc_s, jc_store, jc_eviction_manager
* Caching operations, Key-specific and Map-level TTLs
* jc_sequence
* [optionally] Singleton service enforcing strictly monotonic sequence
numbers on jc_s operations
* jc_analyzer
* Analysis and indexing inititation of JSON query strings
* jc_psub:
* Pub / Sub of cache write and delete events
* On-demand, ad-hoc topic events
* Predefined, *jc_node_events* topic provides subscribers
node-up and node-down notifications
* jc_bridge
* Server that acts as a proxy between an external process and
jc functionality
* jc_netsplit
* Looks for evidence of node dis/apperation and implements a recovery

### Net Split/Join Strategy
Mnesia does not merge on its own when a node joins (returns) to a mesh of nodes.
There are two situations where this is relevant:

* j_cache nodes start in a disconnected state so more than one initiates a new
cluster and then, subsequently, those nodes join into one cluster;
* A node drops out of the cluster due to some network glitch and then rejoins.

To handle these situations, whenever a cluster is created by a Node ([email protected],
for example), it creates a ClusterId - its Node name ([email protected]), for that cluster.

Given this ClusterId, we have the following strategy:

1. _Cluster Creation_: creates an initial ClusterId;
2. _Nodedown_: If the Node that created the cluster dissapears, a surviving Node changes the
ClusterId such that ClusterId is now this new Node's name. In the case of a
disconnected newtwork, one of the islands will have the original ClusterId Node
dissapear, and it will create a new one as described.
3. _Nodeup_ Whenever a Node appears, an arbitary Node ensures that any Nodes that report
a different ClusterId (different than the arbitrary Node's ClusterId) are killed to be
restarted by the hearbeat application. If any Nodes required restarting, the entire
cache is flushed or not per policy in config.sys.

### Build Instructions
* Ensure that Erlang 17 or higher is installed
* Get the Source Code from Stash

`[root@db01] git clone`

* Edit the sys.config and vm.args files in ./config
* vm.args: Indicate the correct node names and cookie
* sys.config: Adjust prarameters as neccesary.

`[root@db01] ./rebar3 release`


`[root@db01] ./rebar3 as prod release`

### Documentation

`[root@dbo1] ./rebar3 edoc`

## Component and Sequence Diagrams

### Components




### Sequence Diagrams