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Linux dotfiles for anyone that wants to clone or do their own thing.

bash bashrc dotfiles ubuntu vimrc virtualenvwrapper

Last synced: about 1 month ago
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Linux dotfiles for anyone that wants to clone or do their own thing.

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# DotFiles



## Crontab

I should use `inotifywait`, but this is a lazy way to make backups of my cheatsheets
0 * * * * [ -d ~/.config/cheat/cheatsheets/personal ] && cp -R ~/.config/cheat/cheatsheets/personal ~/dotfiles/config/cheat/cheatsheets

## Main Dotfiles

| File | Purpose |
| ---------------------- | ---------------------------------------- |
| `.bash_profile` | First Load (Startup) | Use .profile for non-bash shells. Primarily for Ubuntu 18 LTS |
| `.bashrc` | Main script to run `. ~/.bashrc` on, reloads all sub-scripts below |
| `.bash_vendors` | Any third-party add-ons such as `pyenv`, `nvm`, etc. |
| `.bash_vars` | Exported variables to re-use in bash |
| `.bash_aliases` | All shortcuts to make things easier! |
| `.dockerrc` | Provides many commands for Docker, easy loading several docker containers |
| `.exports` | Basic export options, perhaps colors and re-usable variables. |
| `.exports_private` | (Optional) Private export file to ignore with git & other when public |
| `.gitconfig` | Run your commands to customize (Below) |
| `.gitconfig_private` | (Optional) Include any tokens here, it should be gitignored, loaded from `~/.gitconfig` |

> **How To Update**: All files are loaded from `.bashrc`, so if you change and sub-file simply reload it with `source ~/.bashrc` or `. ~/.bashrc`.

## Git Quick Customize

Run these commands to add your info:

git config --global "Yourname"
git config --global "[email protected]"

# If your main SSH key is id_rsa set it like below, otherwise replace the name.
git config --global user.IdentityFile "~/.ssh/id_rsa"

A Few shortcuts (See `~/.gitconfig`) for more:

| Command | Purpose |
| ------- | ------- |
| `gl:me/repo` | GitLab SSH |
| `bb:me/repo` | BitBucket SSH |
| `gh:me/repo` | GitHub SSH |
| `git cl gh:me/repo` | Clone from GitHub: `git clone [email protected]:me/repo.git` |
| `git cm "msg"` | `git commit -m "message"` |
| `git r` | `git reset` |
| `git br` | `git branch` |
| `git ra` | `git remote add origin` |
| `git ups` | `git --set-upstream origin` |
| `git co` | `git checkout` |
| `git st` | `git status` |

> Note: This adds the shortcut in your `./git/config` file project as the short
version so be aware of that when creating a new project.

## Virtualhost Folder

This is a nice CLI utility a fellow made (See his README) which is very easy to
use to instantly create/delete an Nginx or Apache2 VHost on the fly; This includes
a record in `/etc/hosts`. I simply run:

chmod +x virtualhost/*.sh && mkdir ~/apps && cp -r virtualhost ~/apps
sudo ln -s $HOME/virtualhost/ /usr/local/bin/virtualhost

# Important:
# - One line is modified in the file, I place my projects in ~/projects, change this if you need.
# Usage:
# - is for Apache2
# - is for Nginx
# - $ virtualhost create myproject.local subdir/public
# - $ virtualhost delete myproject.local
# (You can use any name you like)
# (The path at the end is optional, otherwise it will go to the root folder in the script)

## Aliases List

This is found in the `.bash_aliases` file.

- **Bash PS1 Display**
- `username@host[~/path]:~$`
- `username@host[~/path (master)]:~$` _(Git Branches)_

### Navigation Shortcuts

| Alias | Actual Command | Description |
| ------ | --------------------- | ---------------------------------------- |
| `..` | `cd ..` | Move up one directory |
| `...` | `cd ../..` | Move up two directories |
| `....` | `cd ../../..` | Move up three directories |
| `l` | `ls -l --color=auto` | Long Listing with Color |
| `la` | `ls -la --color=auto` | Long Listing with Hidden Files and Color |
| `ls` | `ls --color=auto` | List with Color |
| `p` | `cd ~/projects` | Go to specific Folder |
| `www` | `cd /var/www` | Go to specific Folder |

### APT Shortcuts

| Alias | Actual Command | Description |
| ------------ | ---------------------------------------- | ------------------------ |
| `apt` | `sudo apt-get` | Prefix `sudo` |
| `update` | `sudo apt-get update` | Quick Update |
| `updatey` | `sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y` | Quick Upgrade w/Auto Yes |
| `upgrade` | `sudo apt-get upgrade` | Upgrade |
| `autoremove` | `sudo apt autoremove` | Quick Auto Remove |
| `autoclean` | `sudo apt autoclean` | Quick Auto Clean |
| `ppa` | `sudo apt-add-repository` | Quickly add PPA |

### Sudo Shortcuts

| Alias | Actual Command | Description |
| ------- | ----------------------- | ---------------------------- |
| `root` | `sudo -i` | Get to root easier |
| `su` | `sudo -i` | Get to root easier |
| `sudo` | `sudo` | Allows aliases to use `sudo` |
| `chgrp` | `chgrp --preserve-root` | Protect root folder(s) |
| `chmod` | `chmod --preserve-root` | Protect root folder(s) |
| `chown` | `chown --preserve-root` | Protect root folder(s) |

### Service Shortcuts

| Alias | Actual Command | Description |
| ------------ | ---------------------------------------- | --------------------------------- |
| `service` | `sudo service` | Shorthand service |
| **Apache2** | | |
| `a2ctl` | `sudo apachectl` | Apache Control Utility |
| `a2graceful` | `sudo /usr/sbin/apachectl -k graceful` | Graceful Restart |
| `a2modules` | `sudo apachectl -t -D DUMP_MODULES` | List Active Modules |
| `a2test` | `sudo apachectl -t` | Config Test |
| `a2start` | | Start Apache |
| `a2stop` | | Stop Apache |
| `a2graceful` | `sidp /usr/sbin/apachectl -k graceful` | Restart Gracefully |
| `a2restart` | | Restart Apache |
| `a2reload` | | Reload Apache |
| `a2version` | `sudo apachectl -v` | Get Version |
| `a2vhosts` | `sudo apachectl -t -D DUMP_VHOSTS` | List Active VHosts |
| `a2path` | | Go to Apache Config Path |
| `a2enconf` | `sudo a2enconf` | Enable Configuration |
| `a2disconf` | `sudo a2disconf` | Disable Configuration |
| `a2ensite` | `sudo a2ensite` | Enable VHost |
| `a2dissite` | `sudo a2dissite` | Disable Vhost |
| `a2log` | `tail -n 50 /var/log/apache2/error.log` | See Recent Error Log |
| `a2access` | `tail -n 50 /var/log/apache2/access.log` | See Recent Access Log |
| **Nginx** | | |
| `ngmake` | | Create file in sites-available |
| `ngensite` | | Create symlink to sites-enabled |
| `ngdissite` | | Remove symlink from sites-enabled |
| `ngstart` | | Start Nginx |
| `ngstop` | | Stop Nginx |
| `ngreload` | | Reload Nginx |
| `ngrestart` | | Restart Nginx |
| `ngtest` | | Config Test |
| `ngpath` | | Go to Nginx Config Path |

### Utility Shortcuts
| Alias | Actual Command | Description |
| --------- | -------------- | --------------------------------- |
| `df` | | improvement (`apt insttall pydf`) |
| `du` | | improvement (`apt install ncdu`) |
| `gza` | | GZip an current folder |
| `extract` | | extract nearly any file extension |

### Search Shortcuts

| Alias | Actual Command | Description |
| ------- | -------------------- | ----------------- |
| `egrep` | `egrep --color=auto` | Color to egrep |
| `ffile` | `find . -name` | find file by name |
| `fgrep` | `fgrep --color=auto` | Color to fgrep |
| `grep` | `grep --color=auto` | Color to grep |

### Misc Shortcuts
| Alias | Actual Command | Description |
| ---------------- | ----------------- | ---------------------------------------- |
| `h` | `history` | View Bash History |
| `c` | `clear` | Clear Terminal |
| `gitall` | | Get all current repo branches |
| `gitallbranches` | | Fetches all git branches in a repository |
| `ip` | | get current ip |
| `j` | `jobs -l` | Show running jobs |
| `mkdir` | `mkdir -pv` | Make directories multi-levels deep |
| `now` | | Current Date Time |
| `os` | `lsb_release -a` | OS Info |
| `ports` | `netstat -tulanp` | Open Ports |
| `py` | `python` | Shorthand Python |
| `vi` | `vim` | Always use VIM |
| `wget` | `wget -c` | Continue if failed download |
| `xclip` | `xclip -sel clip` | Copy content |


##Handy Commands

### Loop Dir & Run Any Command

- **loopdircmd **
- **Description**: Run any command on every directory one level up.
- **Example**:
- `loopdircmd git checkout development`
- `loopdircmd git add . && git commit -m "Update" && git push`

### Find Text in File Easily

- **findinfile **
- **Description**: Find contents in a file recursively.
- **Example**:
- `findinfile helloworld `
- `findinfile help|assist ~/projects/game/*.txt`


## Important: Update Git Settings

You should update the git config with:

git config --global "Your Name"
git config --global "[email protected]"

If you are using another default identity key other than `id_rsa/` make sure to update it:

git config --global user.IdentityFile "~/.ssh/your_private_key"

## Vim Plugins

To install vim plugins the following will suffice to clone Vundle:

git clone ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim

Once cloned to your user folder, install the plugins all at once:

vim +PluginInstall +qall

You will see an error with the color scheme, but when you reload VIM it will fix itself.

# (Depricated) Dev Environment Setup

**No longer using `direnv`, Mainly NVM**

I have used the following:
- Node: `8.1.0`
- NPM: `5.0.3`
- OS:
- `Windows 10 x64`,
- `Ubuntu 16.04 x64`,
- `Ubuntu 16.10 x64`,
- *Sorry I don't use Apple*

I like to use use NVM, it's up to you.

### Linux: Install Environment Essentials

DirEnv uses `.envrc` files
sudo apt install direnv

Add DirEnv to detect `.envrc` in `.bashrc`:
# This should be near the end, or the end of your .bashrc file
if type direnv 2>/dev/null; then
eval "$(direnv hook bash)"
echo "[!] You need 'direnv', apt install direnv"

## Get Node/NVM/Update NPM

Download NVM
curl -o- | bash

### Install Node and Update NPM
nvm install 8.1.0
nvm use 8.1.0
npm install -g npm

If you need to force a version, make an `.nvmrc` alongside an `.envrc` below with:

### Force Enviroment Versions
The `.envrc` contains:
if [ -e $nvmrc ]; then
source $nvmrc
nvm use

# Path to node modules
PATH_add node_modules/.bin

## Ubuntu XML Linter
For XML Linting, add the following:

sudo apt install libxml2-utils

## PHP
composer global require friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer \
squizlabs/php_codesniffer \
phpmd/phpmd behat/behat \

Always make sure composer path is included, preferably in `.profile` or `.bashrc`:

export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.composer/vendor/bin"

> Global Windows NPM Location: `C:\Users\inno\AppData\Roaming\npm`

> Global Windows Composer Location: `C:\Users\inno\AppData\Roaming\Composer\vendor`

## Python Linters

pip install pep8 pylint flake8 pydocstyle prospector pylint_django ansible-lint

If you have Py3.X installed also add:
pip3 install mypy-lang

## Node JS Linters & Tools

**Important** When using NVM, you may have different
packages installed globally, so run: `npm list` to see.

### Dependencies First
Add many items to be the most compatible, you can also use `yarn` if you have it installed.

**This is only tested on Node 6+**

npm install -g --save \
cross-env \
babel-cli \
babel-core \
babel-eslint \
babel-helpers \
babel-messages \
babel-preset-es2015 \
babel-preset-es2016 \
babel-preset-stage-1 \
babel-preset-stage-2 \
babel-preset-stage-3 \
babel-plugin-transform-es2015-modules-commonjs \
babel-polyfill \
babel-register \
babel-types \
babel-template \
csslint \
eslint \
eslint-config-eslint \
eslint-plugin-flowtype \
htmlhint \
htmllint-cli \
less \
jscs \
jshint \
jsxhint \
phplint \
sass-lint \
sass-lint \
tslint \

### Setup Eslint Config

Create `.eslintrc`, place it someplace common to share, the easiest place is your home folder to keep all projects consistent.

// ~/home/user/.eslintrc
// Many items are optional, please see eslint config
"parserOptions": {
"ecmaVersion": 6,
"sourceType": "module",
"ecmaFeatures": {
"jsx": true
"env": {
"browser": true,
"jquery": true,
"node": true,
"phantomjs": true
"extends": "eslint"


## Ruby

For `rainbow, nokogiri, sass` you may have to use Ruby `2.1.X` since there is a bug at the moment for `2.4`.

The item `mdl` is Markdown Lint, `compass` is no longer supported.

sudo gem install markdown mdl bundler rake rainbow nokogiri

# Configure PHP Settings for IDE

> Path to phpcs for editors: `/home/jesse/.composer/vendor/bin/phpcs`
> Path to phpmd (mess detector): `/home/jesse/.composer/vendor/bin/phpmd`

This is optional, but set PHP version may help:

php -a
php> echo PHP_VERSION_ID;

- **For example, I receive:**
- Ubuntu: `70018`
- Windows Laragon: `70105`

We would then run the following for any platform:

phpcs --config-set php_version

# Example:
phpcs --config-set php_version 70018

Other cross platform PHPCS commands to set are:

phpcs --config-set default_standard Squiz
phpcs --config-set report_format summary
phpcs --config-set colors 1
phpcs --config-set report_width 120
phpcs --config-set encoding utf-8
phpcs --config-set tab_width 4

## Linter Settings: Ubuntu

You can Copy/Paste all this into your terminal.

phpcs --config-set php_path /usr/bin/php

## Set a reusable var, save time
phpcs --config-set csslint_path $BASE_PATH/csslint/dist/csslint.js # CSS Lint
phpcs --config-set jslint_path $BASE_PATH/jslint/lib/jslint.js # JS LINT [Letter L]

phpcs --config-set jshint_path $BASE_PATH/jshint/dist/jshint.js # JS Hint [Letter H]
phpcs --config-set rhino_path $BASE_PATH/jshint/dist/jshint.js # JS Hint [Letter H]
phpcs --config-set rhino_path $BASE_PATH/jshint/dist/jshint-rhino.js # JS Hint [Letter H]

## Linter Settings: Windows

First set your **PHP CS** SETTINGS, on windows we have to know where PHP is installed.

Find your PHP path, assuming it's set in Windows Environment Variables.

which php

Using MingGW64 (Git Bash from GitSCM) I get:

**So, My setting is:**

phpcs --config-set php_path /c/laragon/bin/php/php-7.1.5-Win32-VC14-x64/php

### All Linter Settings

You can Copy/Paste all this into your terminal. *Reminder: I am using MinGW on Windows here.*

BASE_PATH=/c/Users/$(whoamai)/AppData/Roaming/npm/node_modules/ # Usually the default -g/--global install path in Windows
phpcs --config-set csslint_path $BASE_PATH/csslint/dist/csslint.js # CSS Lint
phpcs --config-set jslint_path $BASE_PATH/jslint/lib/jslint.js # JS LINT [Letter L]

phpcs --config-set jshint_path $BASE_PATH/jshint/dist/jshint.js # JS Hint [Letter H]
phpcs --config-set rhino_path $BASE_PATH/jshint/dist/jshint.js # JS Hint [Letter H]
phpcs --config-set rhino_path $BASE_PATH/jshint/dist/jshint-rhino.js # JS Hint [Letter H]

## Jetbrains and Laravel

composer require --dev barryvdh/laravel-ide-helper

Then go to `app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php`:

# In the register() method add:
public function register()
if ($this->app->environment() !== 'production') {
// ...

Generate Docs:
php artisan ide-helper:generate
php artisan ide-helper:meta

## Sublime Outline Scope (Disregard)

I like this feature to outline a scope, it requires `BracketHighlighter`.

Go to `Preferences` > `Browse Packages` and head into the `User` folder.

Now edit your currently active theme, it ends with `.tmTheme`. Add the following around line `64-ish` after you see:




... Here ...


You will add this, and you can adjust the `#525252` to any color you want, don't
worry about the `foreground` word:




Next go to `Preferences` > `Package Settings` > `Bracket Highlighter`, and we
will add the following:

I dont know its hard to get right, pain in the butt... gotta add xml
to the CURRENT theme

The above creates a file in `Users/bh_core.sublime-settings`.


Disclaimer: Not all Features are flawless, many things are experimental and change often.

License: Open Source MIT

(C) 2017 Jesse Boyer <[JREAM LLC](>