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copies IAM users, groups, and policies from one AWS account to another

Last synced: 3 months ago
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copies IAM users, groups, and policies from one AWS account to another

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iamsync is a utility to copy IAM users, groups, and policies from one AWS
account to another. This is particularly useful if you have separate
AWS accounts for dev, qa, production and want to mirror the IAM setup.


You need 2 AWS accounts (obviously)
You need to create a IAM user on each of these accounts that has enough
privledges to list users on the source, and list/create users, groups, and
policies on the destination.
You need to create a configuration file that specifies the credentials
for both accounts (see config).

Usage: -h
usage: [-h] [-c my_config_file]
[-g office_drones [office_drones ...]] [--group-policies]
[-r] [-s foo bar bibam bop [foo bar bibam bop ...]]
[-u jdoe [jdoe ...]] [--user-policies]

Syncs IAM resources from one account to another.

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c my_config_file, --config-file my_config_file
config file containing source and destination access
-g office_drones [office_drones ...], --groups office_drones [office_drones ...]
space separated list of groups
--group-policies copy policies with group
-r, --recursive recursively copy users with group
-s foo bar bibam bop [foo bar bibam bop ...], --substitute foo bar bibam bop [foo bar bibam bop ...]
simple find and replace for arns injson policy in case
you want to change a s3 target when copying policy
-u jdoe [jdoe ...], --users jdoe [jdoe ...]
space separated list of users
--user-policies copy policies with user

Example usage:

Let's say you wanted to copy a group called "build_fetchers", the policies associated with that group,
the users associated with that group, and the user policies associated with those users: -r -g build_fetchers --group-policies --user-policies

Let's say you want to do all the same things as above and:

Additionally, let's say you have a bucket name "" (your source account) and you have a policy
that addresses it by name. In your prod account you have a bucket called "".
In your dev account the bucket "" is referred to by name in the ARN for the policy associated
with group build_fetchers and you want to switch it to "" to match the account you are
copying it to. -r -g build_fetchers --group-policies --user-policies --substitute \


Come up with better synching algorithm.

This probably won't work well if you have tons of accounts -- There needs to be some work done in handling
pagination with huge result sets.

Generate CloudFormation template based on IAM resources