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A Custom Element that auto-generates forms, declaratively. Works with Lit, Solid, Vue, Svelte, React, Astro, vanilla…

form form-builder form-generator form-validator json-schema lit material react reactjs shoelace solid sveltejs vue web-component

Last synced: 2 days ago
JSON representation

A Custom Element that auto-generates forms, declaratively. Works with Lit, Solid, Vue, Svelte, React, Astro, vanilla…

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# 📝  JSON Schema Form Element

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[![ISC License](](./LICENSE)
[![PRs Welcome](](

Effortless forms, with standards.


- Instant **form generation** based on your JSON schemas.
- Integrates within your **OpenAPI** / **JSON schema** / MongoDB (BSON) stack.
- Comes with **sensible defaults**, while aiming for **extensibility** (themes, widgets…).
- ⚡️ Fast, and light 🪶.

**Use cases**:

- Quick CRUDs for you backends (JS, Python, PHP, Ruby…).
- Lightly interactive websites contact forms.
- Building block for custom CMSes.
- Building block for Markdown YAML frontmatter editors.
- Form builders… builder (🪆)
- _You name it_…

Due to their **declarative** and **serializable** nature, JSON schemas are highly **interoperable** and **portable**.
Moreover, **UI schemas** can be declared alongside to customize the view layer.
You can also **override totally** one ore more widgets, or just **sprinkle some styles** on top of the included ones.


While there is a handful of project for major frontend frameworks, there wasn't any **Web Component** packing all the features above.
Also if your are evaluating **Web Component design systems** or if you are building your own, this library is providing you a handy testbed.

See also the [inspirations](#acknowledgements) for this project.

> Not for production.
> Expect the doc. to be not in sync. with the actual released code.


🕹️ Open the playground (


[![Open in StackBlitz](](


Jump to **implementations**:
— [Pure HTML (CDN)](#pure-html-with-cdn)
— [TypeScript only (DOM)](#typescript-no-framework)
— [Astro (SSR)](#astro-ssr) —
— [Lit](#lit)
— [Solid](#solid)
— [Vue](#vue)
— [Svelte](#svelte)
— [(P)React](#react)


Jump to [**UI libraries**](#component-libraries):
— [Shoelace](#ui-libraries)
— [Material](#ui-libraries)
— [Carbon](#ui-libraries)
— [Wired](#ui-libraries)
— [System](#ui-libraries)


🗂️ Table of Contents

- [Field types](#field-types)
- [Primitives](#primitives)
- [String](#string)
- [Number](#number)
- [Boolean](#boolean)
- [Enumeration](#enumeration)
- [Date](#date)
- [Object](#object)
- [Additional properties](#additional-properties)
- [Arrays](#arrays)
- [Basic](#basic)
- [Fixed](#fixed)
- [Nested](#nested)
- [Multiple choices (enums.)](#multiple-choices-enums)
- [Additional items](#additional-items)
- [Subschemas](#subschemas)
- [allOf](#allof)
- [oneOf](#oneof)
- [anyOf](#anyof)
- [Conditionals](#conditionals)
- [Dependencies](#dependencies)
- [If, then, else](#if-then-else)
- [Miscellaneous](#miscellaneous)
- [References](#references)
- [Recursivity](#recursivity)
- [Nullable values](#nullable-values)
- [User Interface](#user-interface)
- [Schema](#schema)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [UI Libraries](#ui-libraries)
- [Implementations](#implementations)
- [All examples](#all-examples)
- [Pure HTML with CDN](#pure-html-with-cdn)
- [TypeScript (no framework)](#typescript-no-framework)
- [Astro (SSR)](#astro-ssr)
- [Lit](#lit)
- [Solid](#solid)
- [Vue](#vue)
- [Svelte](#svelte)
- [React](#react)
- [CSS](#css)
- [TypeScript](#typescript)
- [Support for each implementation](#support-for-each-implementation)
- [Component libraries](#component-libraries)
- [Shoelace](#shoelace)
- [Custom widgets](#custom-widgets)
- [Design choices](#design-choices)
- [Validation](#validation)
- [Schema massaging](#schema-massaging)
- [Custom Elements Manifests](#custom-elements-manifests)
- [Packages informations](#packages-informations)
- [_Next_ versions](#next-versions)
- [Experimental features](#experimental-features)
- [Improvements](#improvements)
- [Acknowledgements](#acknowledgements)


## Field types

### Primitives

#### String


title: String
- stringConstrained

title: Simple inline string
type: string
default: With default value from schema

title: String with constraints
type: string
pattern: '^[A-Z \d\W]+$'
minLength: 2
maxLength: 10
description: Only UPPERCASE with 2 to 10 characters is allowed.

title: Text area
description: Using UI schema options.
type: string

title: Color picker
type: string
default: '#4a90e2'

# UI schema
'ui:widget': textarea
'ui:placeholder': This is a placeholder
'ui:widget': color

#### Number


title: Number

title: Number (float)
type: number

default: 5
title: Number (integer)
type: integer

title: Number with constraints
description: min + max + multiple of
type: integer
minimum: 50
maximum: 100
multipleOf: 10

title: Range with default
default: 28
type: integer

title: Range with constraints
type: integer
minimum: -50
maximum: 50
multipleOf: 25

# UI schema
'ui:widget': range
'ui:widget': range

#### Boolean


title: Boolean

title: Checkbox (default)
type: boolean

title: 'Switch, enabled by default'
type: boolean
default: true

title: Radio
type: boolean

title: 'Radio, with default'
type: boolean
default: false

title: Button group
type: boolean

# UI schema
'ui:widget': switch
'ui:widget': radio
'ui:widget': radio
'ui:widget': button-group

#### Enumeration


title: Enumeration

title: Select menu (default)
title: String
type: string
enum: [Ola, Hello, Bonjour, Buongiorno, Guten Tag]
title: Number
type: number
enum: [10, 100, 1000, 10000]
description: With default value set
default: 1000

title: Radio group
title: String
type: string
enum: [Ola, Hello, Bonjour, Buongiorno, Guten Tag]
title: Number
type: number
enum: [10, 100, 1000, 10000]
description: With default value set
default: 1000

title: Button group
title: String
type: string
enum: [Ola, Hello, Bonjour, Buongiorno, Guten Tag]
default: Ola
description: With default value set
title: Number
type: number
enum: [10, 100, 1000, 10000]

# UI schema
'ui:widget': radio
'ui:widget': radio

'ui:widget': button-group
'ui:widget': button-group

#### Date


title: Date and time

title: Date and time
description: Hurry up!
type: string
format: date-time

title: Date
type: string
format: date

title: Time
type: string
format: time

### Object


title: Object type
description: Nests each property to a field in a fieldset.
- textBar

title: Some text input
type: string
description: The help text is from "description".

title: Some other -required- text input
type: string

#### Additional properties


### Arrays

#### Basic


title: Basic array
type: array

title: Some field A
type: string
title: Some field B
type: string

#### Fixed


title: Fixed array
type: array

- title: A number
type: number
default: 42
- title: A boolean
type: boolean
default: false
- title: An object
title: A date
type: string
format: date

#### Nested


title: Prepopulated and nested arrays
type: array

title: Group
type: array

title: Some sub-field
type: string

# Data
- - Hello
- Ola

#### Multiple choices (enums.)


title: A multiple choices list with checkboxes
description: Please choose yum yum.
type: array
uniqueItems: true

type: string
- Apple
- Banana
- Mango
- Tomato
- Baguette
- Beaufort
- Comté
- Avocado

#### Additional items


## Subschemas

### allOf


### oneOf


### anyOf


## Conditionals

### Dependencies


### If, then, else


## Miscellaneous

### References


### Recursivity


### Nullable values


## User Interface

### Schema


## Usage

### Installation

**This is for the bare package**. You'll have to bring all the widgets yourself.

npm i @jsfe/form
# or
pnpm i @jsfe/form
# or
yarn add @jsfe/form

#### UI Libraries

See [examples/src/pages/flavored.astro](


npm install @jsfe/shoelace
npm install @jsfe/material
npm install @jsfe/carbon
npm install @jsfe/wired
npm install @jsfe/system



See also the [CSS section](#CSS).

### Implementations

> This project is new, API is subject to changes

#### All examples

You can try the [multi-frameworks examples]( like this:

npx degit jsfe-examples

cd jsfe-examples

npm i
npm run dev



Working sources

Code sandbox

#### Pure HTML with CDN

[🗂️ examples/src/pages/pure-html.html](

[Open in ****](


[![Open in StackBlitz](](

#### TypeScript (no framework)

[🗂️ examples/src/components/TypeScriptOnly.ts](

[![Open in StackBlitz](](

#### Astro (SSR)

[🗂️ examples/src/components/AstroJs.astro](

[![Open in StackBlitz](](

#### Lit

[🗂️ examples/src/components/LitJs.ts](

[![Open in StackBlitz](](

#### Solid

[🗂️ examples/src/components/SolidJs.solid.tsx](

[![Open in StackBlitz](](

#### Vue

[🗂️ examples/src/components/VueJs.vue](

[![Open in StackBlitz](](

#### Svelte

[🗂️ examples/src/components/VueJs.vue](

[![Open in StackBlitz](](

#### React

[🗂️ examples/src/components/ReactJs18.react.tsx](

[![Open in StackBlitz](](

### CSS

Nowadays, there are many different strategies for CSS loading / bundling.
_JSFE_ is embedding its own style in its shadow, but for components libraries (here Shoelace) you should act depending on your current workflow.



Shoelace is embedding styles chunks accross components, however CSS custom properties
are injected globally.

### TypeScript

#### Support for each implementation

| API | No framework | Astro (SSR) | Lit | Solid | Vue | React / Preact | Svelte |
| ------------------------- | ----------------- | ----------------- | ----------------- | -------------- | ------------ | -------------- | ----------------- |
| Declarative control | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ via `prop:` | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ (4) |
| Declarative inference | ❌ (1) | ❌ (2) | ❌ (3) | ✅ via `prop:` | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ |
| Declarative type-checking | ❌ (1) | ❌ (2) | ✅ | ✅ via `prop:` | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ |
| Imperative control | ✅ via DOM | - | ✅ via `ref` | ✅ via `ref` | ✅ via `ref` | ✅ via `ref` | ✅ via `use:` |
| Imperative inference | ✅ via DOM | - | ✅ via `ref` | ✅ via `ref` | ✅ via `ref` | ✅ via `ref` | ✅ via `use:` |
| Imperative type-checking | ✅ via DOM | - | ✅ via `ref` | ✅ via `ref` | ✅ via `ref` | ✅ via `ref` | ✅ via `use:` |


1. HTML language servers can't support TypeScript obviously. But IDE can leverage Custom Element metadata.
2. Astro JSX namespace / LSP are not handling `HTMLElementTagNameMap` or Custom Element metadata, yet.
3. Template literals are preventing automatic properties inference, but at least, you can't assign wrong argument types without knowing it.
4. Svelte heuristics are not clear regarding _attributes_ versus _properties_ handling. Better be safe than sorry. Also the `use:` directive is neat.


There might be changes regarding support for Web Components accross various the various UI frameworks above.
Please file an issue if an info is wrong or missing.

Each implementation examples are trying to show off the most type-safe way to use JSFE, with the least trade-offs.

Using it more **declaratively** or **imperatively** is up to you, your framework ability and you coding style.
Both usages are valid and can be mixed. Typically when you want to use the schema elsewhere in your app., or
when your callbacks are getting too beefy, you'll better extract them from templates.

Generally, imperative usage get perfect TypeScript support (you just handle the class), whereas declaratively, you'll have
to deal with various template languages limitations (this is an universal problem).

## Component libraries

> Before you dive in, here is some context about Web Components libraries support with JSFE.

Whereas you are starting from scratch or you want to integrate declarative forms in
an existing project, you'll want to **choose** an UI library or **build** your own from scratch (or a mix of both).
In either case, JSFE got you covered up, as an agnostic platform for consuming
standardized form inputs widgets (see [types](./packages/types/src/widgets.ts)).
Web Components technologies has a lot of traction in 2022-23, with big names
launching their own collections. As any flourishing eco-system, there are _opinions_.
Fortunately, _most_ divergences happens on the _CSS side_. Specifically on styles consuming mechanisms.

As the initial maintainer, I decided to focus on _Shoelace_, while experimenting with other **great** options out there.
Why so?

- Keep an eye on converging practices across vendors.
- Ensure that _JSFE_ remains not to tied with _Shoelace_ way of things (which is already quite thin, relatively).
- Be able to swap out built-ins for custom widgets on a pinch, when needed.
- Borrow valuable ideas from others libraries and re-implement them with Shoelace bits when lacking.

> I will not maintain the **full spectrum** of _JSFE_ widgets, accross all libraries!

But I will do my best to provide all the hooks you need, thanks to an _agnostic_ and _type-safe_ API,
smoothening some peculiarities.

Also, expect varying support for CSS implementations as for now, in 2023, it's just a bit too wild to keep up.

Non-exhaustive notes about what you might deal with WC components libraries' CSS:

- Carbon use pure SCSS import, with mixins. Only root element seems to be allowed for CSS vars injection (no `:host` or ``…).
- Material UI uses a JS color utility to inject CSS vars on `style` attributes, with a sophisticated color generator.
- Shoelace is straightforward by giving us regular CSS files with vars I can apply on a boring class. But that also means you have to build your own color palette if you want to match your brand (it's easy).
- Spectrum use licensed fonts it seems?
- Spectrum has a tricky dependencies injection system, it took me the longest to achieve, and it's not perfect yet.

I'll not expand up furthermore on that, but if you're curious, it's you're lucky day. You can [see and compare all styles implementations across UI libs in examples](
Also, I recommend that you take a peek at the [playground source-code]( for themes wizardry.

I find little gems in all of these frameworks, for example:

- Carbon has neat rocker switchs for numbers
- Adobe kills it with colours
- Wired is fun
- Material has an innovative color themes generator
- …you'll find some others too!

I'm not an expert on each of this libs., and please note many of them are quite new / rapidly evolving.
That's why it's interesting to keep a bird-eye view from time to time.

Overall, Shoelace seems to be the most equilibrated in my eyes.
If you require top-notch support for you favourite UI lib. which is not Shoelace,
I encourage you to contribute,
like people did for the [React JSON Schema Form]( project.
Core maintainers are working on the reference implementation, and community can add things of their interest.

If you want to enhance the lib. by bringing support for more fields, it's quite easy!
Just take a peek on the [Shoelace package](./packages/shoelace),
which is the canonical implementation (meaning it's the most complete, API-wise).
Then, you are welcome to make a pull request with new features, or bug fixes.

### Shoelace

[Shoelace]( is the UI component library of choice for rendering fields, and as a
general design system backbone for _JSFE_.
It's beautiful, aims for simplicity, is not too opinionated, while still having character.
That's why it's the very first library implemented in _JSFE_.

### Custom widgets

#### Design choices

You might have noticed that _JSFE_ is not using Custom Elements as a medium for injecting widgets.
First prototypes were using them, but I've had troubles regarding the parent form element awareness about its children.
E.g. with Shoelace, inputs weren't responding well with form validation, the ENTER key for submit, etc.
I'm sure there are ways to circumvent those hassles (forwarding events…). I tried, but for now it's not a priority, as that might affect various UI libs in different ways.

Moreover, Web Components users are eager to see [Custom Registries]( becoming maintream.
That will make the process of overriding widgets much more flexible.

For now, using Lit's `TemplateResult` (from a function returning a `html` literal) is straight-forward, however there are some trade-offs; it's a state-less function, no CSS scoping, lit-tied, etc.

Ultimately, goal is to make JSFE fully modular and agnostic, by using well-defined Custom Elements, for each individual form control.


## Validation

You're responsible to hook-up additional / more advanced validation with, e.g, AJV.
HTML native validation is already quite powerful, but you might want to do
your own wizardry.
Note that client-validation is more for user experience,
while server validation is here to ensure data integrity, provide context aware round-trips…
JSON schemas are easing up the constraints enforcement for moving data around, but you'll still have to manage traditional chores.
Good news is that they give you more time to take care of business related operations, UX…

## Schema massaging

Same as advanced validation handling above,
JSFE doesn't bundle, dereference, nor it is fetching remote
Doing so would add a huge payload to the library, and you might certainly have already those tools at hand somewhere in your stack.
Only thing it does is resolving [JSON references](, pointing to **local definitions** only.
This is because implementation is relatively trivial, without much code, and that's a much needed feature for DRY-ness, recursivity…
Hopefully it's easy to bring in an full-featured parser / resolver along, like the [`json-schema-ref-parser`](

## Custom Elements Manifests

See [./custom-elements.json](./custom-elements.json) & [./](./

## Packages informations

With internal dependencies included, minus peer dependencies (UI libs.):

| Package | Size | Version |
| -------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| @jsfe/form | ![form bundle size]([*]) | [![NPM](]( |
| @jsfe/shoelace | ![shoelace bundle size]([*]) | [![NPM](]( |
| @jsfe/material | ![material bundle size]([*]) | [![NPM](]( |
| @jsfe/carbon | ![carbon bundle size]([*]) | [![NPM](]( |
| @jsfe/wired | ![wired bundle size]([*]) | [![NPM](]( |
| @jsfe/system | ![system bundle size]([*]) | [![NPM](]( |
| @jsfe/types | | [![NPM](]( |

`@jsfe/form` contains the base class from which all other packages extends themselves from.
**You don't need to install it**, unless you want to provide widgets and styles from scratch.
If you just want to override _some_ of the flavored components, `@jsfe/` packages are handy starters.

`@jsfe/types` contains everything for assisting your own widgets authoring.
It's re-exported from every package so you don't need to install it on your own.

### _Next_ versions

> [!TIP]
> You can try the upcoming release from the [`next` branch]( like this:
> `npm i @jsfe/@next`.

## Experimental features

To activate experimental features preview flags, just pass the `experimental` property.

E.g. with Lit:

html`': true,
// ...

Actual **features flags** list:

- None

## Improvements

- BYOC (bring your own components).
- Extensive and modern JSON Schema support (identify Draft 4 / 7 / 2020 subtleties).
- Nice file uploaders for the `data-url` format.
- Layout customizations
- Tests, browser based (due to the WC nature).
- Tests, tests, even more tests in the field to reveal shortcomings.
- Drag and drop: improve the initial implementation (E.g. cross-nested arrays).
- Autofocuses (for added array item, etc.)
- …
- Have an idea? [Discussions are open](!

## Acknowledgements

The Web Component and [JSON Schema]( communities, the [Lit]( team, the [Shoelace]( maintainers,…

As a workhorse for many projects of mine for a long time, I'm grateful for all
the ideas RSJF creators brought.

**Similar projects**:

- [react-jsonschema-form](
- [vuetify-jsonschema-form](
- [jsonforms](
- [remoteoss/json-schema-form](

**See also**:

- [remark-lint-frontmatter-schema]( Validate your Markdown **frontmatter** data against a **JSON schema**.
- [retext-case-police]( Check popular names casing. Example: ⚠️ `github` → ✅ `GitHub`.
- [astro-openapi]( An Astro toolset for building full-stack operations easily, with type-safety and documentation as first-class citizens.