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Lightweight Resource-Based Presence Solution with CableReady

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Lightweight Resource-Based Presence Solution with CableReady

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# Cubism

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Lightweight Resource-Based Presence Solution with CableReady.

`Cubism` provides real-time updates of who is viewing or interacting with whatever resources you need. Whether you want Slack's "X is typing..." indicator or an e-commerce "5 other customers are viewing this item" notice, `Cubism` gives you everything you need "under the hood" so that you can focus on what really matters—end-user functionality.

## Table of Contents

- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [API](#api)
- [Limitations](#limitations)
- [Gotchas](#gotchas)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
- [License](#license)
- [Contributors](#contributors)

## Usage

### Prepare your User Model
In your app's `User` model, include `Cubism::User`:

class User < ApplicationRecord
include Cubism::User

# ...

### Track Present Users in your Models
In the models you'd like to track presence for, include the `Cubism::Presence` concern:

class Project < ApplicationRecord
include Cubism::Presence

# ...

### Set Up the Cubicle Template

Using the `cubicle_for` helper, you can set up a presence indicator. It will

1. subscribe to the respective resource, and
2. render a block which is passed the list of present `users`:

<%= cubicle_for @project, current_user do |users| %>
<%=", ")
<% end %>

**Important!** due to technical limitations the cubism block does _not_ act as a closure, i.e. it has _only_ access to the `users` variable passed to it - think of it more as a self-contained component.

## Installation
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'cubism'

And then execute:
$ bundle

There are a few ways to install the Cubism JavaScript client, depending on your application setup.

#### ESBuild / Webpacker

yarn add @minthesize/cubism

#### Import maps:

# config/importmap.rb
# ...
pin '@minthesize/cubism', to: 'cubism.min.js', preload: true

#### Rails Asset pipeline (Sprockets):


<%= javascript_include_tag "cubism.umd.min.js", "data-turbo-track": "reload" %>

### Kredis

This gem uses [kredis]( under the hood, so be sure to follow their [installation instructions]( In other words, provide a Redis instance and configure it in `config/redis/shared.yml`.

### Javascript

In your app's Javascript entrypoint (e.g. `app/javascript/packs/application.js`) import and initialize `CableReady` (cubism will make use of the injected ActionCable consumer):

import CableReady from "cable_ready";
import "@minthesize/cubism";

CableReady.initialize({ consumer });

## API

The `cubicle_for` helper accepts the following options as keyword arguments:

- `scope`: declare a scope in which presence indicators should appear. For example, if you want to divide between index and show views, do `scope: :index` and `scope: :show` respectively (default: `""`).
- `exclude_current_user (true|false)`: Whether or not to exclude the current user from the list of present users broadcasted to the view. Useful e.g. for "typing..." indicators (default: `true`).
- `appear_trigger`: JavaScript event names (e.g. `["focus", "debounced:input]`) to use. (Can also be a singular string, which will be converted to an array). The default is `:connect`, i.e. register a user as "appeared"/"present" when the element connects to the DOM. Another special value is `:intersect`, which fires when the `trigger_root` comes into the viewport.
- `disappear_trigger`: a JavaScript event name (e.g. `:blur`) to use. (Can also be a singular string, which will be converted to an array). The default is `:disconnect`, i.e. remove a user form the present users list when the element disconnects from the DOM. Analoguous to above, `:intersect` means that `disappear` will fire when the `trigger_root` is scrolled out of the viewport.
- `trigger_root`: a CSS selector to attach the appear/disappear events to. Defaults to the `cubicle-element` itself.
- `html_options` are passed to the TagBuilder.

## Limitations

### Supported Template Handlers

## Testing
In Rails system tests there is a chance that tests will hang in some cases. To overcome this, add the flag

Cubism.skip_in_test = true

to an initializer, for example `config/initializers/cubism.rb`.

## Gotchas

### Usage with ViewComponent

Currently there's a bug in VC resulting in the `capture` helper not working correctly ( The current workaround is to assign a slot in your component and render the presence list from outside:

class MyComponent < ViewComponent::Base
renders_one :presence_list

# ...

<%= render do |c| %>
<% c.presence_list do %>
<%= cubicle_for @project, current_user do |users| %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>

## Contributing

### Get local environment setup

Below are a set of instructions that may help you get a local development environment working

# Get the gem/npm package source locally
git clone
yarn install # install all of the npm package's dependencies
yarn link # set the local machine's cubism npm package's lookup to this local path

# Setup a sample project and edit Gemfile to point to local gem
# (e.g. `gem "cubism", path: "../cubism"`)
# yarn link @minthesize/cubism

# Do your work, Submit PR, Profit!

# To stop using your local version of cubism
# change your Gemfile back to the published (e.g. `gem "cubism"`)
cd path/to/cubism/javascript
# Stop using the local npm package
yarn unlink

# Instruct your project to reinstall the published version of the npm package
cd path/to/project
yarn install --force

### 📦 Releasing

1. Make sure that you run `yarn` and `bundle` to pick up the latest.
2. Bump version number at `lib/cubism/version.rb`. Pre-release versions use `.preN`
3. Run `rake build` and `yarn build`
4. Commit and push changes to github `git commit -m "Bump version to x.x.x"`
5. Run `rake release`
6. Run `yarn publish --no-git-tag-version`
7. Yarn will prompt you for the new version. Pre-release versions use `-preN`
8. Commit and push changes to GitHub
9. Create a new release on GitHub ([here]( and generate the changelog for the stable release for it
## License
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](

## Contributors

Julian Rubisch
